Subtraction of Fractions having the Same Denominator

In subtraction of fractions having the same denominator, we just need to subtract the numerators of the fractions.

To find the difference between like fractions we subtract the smaller numerator from the greater numerator. The denominator of the required fraction is the common denominator of the given fractions.

Difference of two fractions with like denominators = Difference of NumeratorsCommon Denominator


For example:


Follow the steps of subtraction of like fractions:

We can subtract in a similar way. 7/8 of the class are boys.

3/8 of the class are girls. By how much fraction are the boys more?

Subtraction of Fractions

Boys 7/8

Subtraction of Like Fraction

Girls 3/8

7/8 - 3/8 

= (7 - 3)/8 

= 4/8

The difference is 4/8 or 1/2

We can also reduce the fraction to the lowest term. 

4/8 ÷ 4/4 

= 1/2

Examples of subtracting fractions with the same denominator:

1. Subtract 3/8 from 7/8


7/8 – 3/8

= (7 - 3)/8

subtracting fractions with the same denominator

= 1/2

2. Subtract 5/6 from 11/6


11/6 – 5/6

= (11 - 5)/6

= 6/6

= 1/1

= 1

3. Subtract 7/9 from 11/9


11/9 – 7/9

= (11 - 7)/9

= 4/9

4. Subtract 4/6 from 16/6


16/6 – 4/6

= (16 - 4)/6

Subtraction of Fractions

= 2/1

= 2

5. Subtract 2/4 from 17/4


17/4 – 2/4

= (17 - 2)/4

= 15/4

Subtraction of Fractions having the Same Denominator

Subtraction of Like Fractions:

6. Subtract 717 - 517    

717 - 517 = 7517

            = 217  

7. Subtract 1323 - 923   

1323 - 923 = 13923

            = 423  

Subtraction of Fractions with the Same (Like) Denominator
To subtract fractions with like denominator, we subtract the smaller numerator from the greater to obtain the numerator of the required fraction.

8. Subtract 38 from 98


   98 + 38

= 938

= 68

9. Subtract 514 from 914


    914 - 514

= 9514

= 414

Worksheet on Like Fraction:

1. Subtract the following Like Fractions:

(i) 1217 - 517

(ii) 1723 - 423

(iii) 913 - 313

(iv) 311 - 211

(v) 517 - 217

(vi) 1116 - 716

(vii) 924 - 524

(viii) 1524 - 1424

(ix) 712 - 412

(x) 816 - 516

(xi) 914 - 514

(xii)818 - 518


1. (i) 717

(ii) 1323

(iii) 613

(iv) 111

(v) 317

(vi) 416

(vii) 424

(viii) 124

(ix) 312

(x) 316

(xi) 414


2. Fill in the blanks:

(i) 821 - 3 = 521

(ii) 577 = 17

(iii) 519 - 319 = 2

(iv) 916 - 7 = 216


2. (i) 21

(ii) 4

(iii) 19

(iv) 16

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