2nd Grade Math Practice

In 2nd grade math practice you will get all types of examples on different topics along with the solutions. Second grade math games are arranged in such a way that students can learn math while playing.

Keeping in mind the mental level of child in 2nd grade, every efforts has been made to introduce new concepts in a simple language, so that the child understands them easily.

The difficulty level of the problems has been reduced and mathematical concepts have been explained in the simplest possible way. Each topic contains a large number of examples to understand the applications of concepts.

In second grade math we will mainly learn about Geometrical Shapes, Two Dimensional Shapes and Lines, Cardinal Numbers and Ordinal Numbers, Numbers up to One Thousand, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Measurement of Length, Measurement of Mass, Measurement of Capacity, Measurement of Time, Money, Data Patterns, etc…..

If student follow math-only-math they can improve their knowledge by practicing 2nd grade math worksheets which will help you to score in your exam.

Skip Counting

We know that in the skip counting, we count numbers by leaving a number in between.

Look at the following numbers series.

1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, ....

We can see that after 1 comes 3 (leaving 2), after 3 comes 5 (leaving 4), after 5 comes 7 (leaving 6), and so on. Now, see the following number series and understand the pattern.

(i) 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, ....

(ii) 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, ....

(iii) 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, ....

(iv) 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, ....

Skip Counting by 2's

Skip Counting by 3's

Skip Counting by 4's

Skip Counting by 5's

Skip Counting by 6's

Skip Counting by 7's

Skip Counting by 8's

Skip Counting by 9's

Skip Counting by 10's

Skip Counting by 11's

Skip Counting by 12's

Skip Counting by 13's

Skip Counting by 14's

Skip Counting by 15's

Numbers and Numeration

Cardinal Numbers and Ordinal Numbers:

2 Digit Numbers:

2-Digit Numbers on an Abacus

Three Digit Numbers:

3-digit Numbers on an Abacus

Three-digit Numbers in Numerals and Words: How to write 3-digit numbers in figures? How to write 3-digit numbers in words?

The Number 1000

Representation of Numbers on the Abacus

Place Values in Words and Numbers: How to write a numbers place value in words and in numerals?

Express a Number: Learn to express the place value of the digit of the number from extreme right to the left.

Greater than and Less than Symbols: Learn to identify the number using the symbol of greater than and less than.

Numbers from 100 to 199: Learn to count the numerals of the numbers from 100 to 199 in ascending order.

Numbers in Expanded Word Form: Learn to write the numerals in words and the expansion of the numbers from 100 to 199.

Numbers from 200 to 299:

Numbers Name and Expanded Form:

Numbers from 300 to 399:

Names of Three Digit Numbers:

Numbers Name and Expanded form - 300 to 399:

Numbers Name and Expanded form - 400 to 499:

Numbers Name and Expanded form - 500 to 599:

Numbers Name and Expanded form - 600 to 699:

Numbers Name and Expanded form - 700 to 799:

Numbers Name and Expanded form - 800 to 899:

Numbers Name and Expanded form - 900 to 999:

Number words 100 to 1000:

Odd and Even Numbers:

2nd Grade Place Value:

Place Value and Face Value:

Worksheet on Numeration:

Expanded Form of Numbers:

Comparing Numbers:

Comparison of 2-Digit Numbers Worksheet:

One-Digit Numbers and Two-Digit Numbers:

Forming 2-Digit Numbers:

Forming 3-Digit Numbers:

Forming Smallest and Greatest Number from the Given Digits:

2nd Grade Numbers Worksheet:

Grade 2 Numbers Worksheet:

Use a Number Line:


Adding 1-Digit Number:

Adding 2-Digit Numbers: Learn how to add two 2-digit numbers without carrying (follow the steps along with the pictures).

Language of Addition:

Addition Word Problems – 2-Digit Numbers:

Regrouping of Numbers

Adding 2-Digit Numbers with Regrouping:

Adding Numbers in Expanded Form:

Addition of 2-Digit Numbers using Expanded Form:

Addition of 2-Digit Numbers using Short Form:

2-Digit Addition with Carry Over:

Addition of Three 2-Digit Numbers:

Addition of 3-Digit Numbers Without Carrying:

Addition of 3-Digit Numbers using Expanded Form:

3-Digit Addition with Carry-over:

Add Three Numbers of 2-Digit with Carry Over:

Find the Sum using Addition Property:

Problem Solving on Addition

Word Problems on Addition Worksheet:

2nd Grade Addition Worksheet


Subtracting 2-Digit Numbers:

Subtraction without Decomposition (2-Digit Number from 2-Digit Number):

Subtraction with Decomposition 2-Digit Number from 2-Digit Number:

Subtraction Placing the Numbers:

2-Digit Numbers Subtraction using Expanded Form:

2-Digit Numbers Subtraction using Short Form:

Subtracting Numbers in Expanded Form:

Find the Difference using Subtraction Property:

3-Digit Subtraction without Regrouping:

Subtraction of 3-Digit Numbers using Expanded Form:

Subtracting 3-Digit Numbers:

Subtracting 2-digit Numbers with Borrowing:

Subtracting 3-Digit Numbers with Borrowing:

Checking Subtraction using Addition:

Worksheet on Checking Subtraction Using Addition:

Subtraction is Reverse of Addition:

Problem Solving on Subtraction

Subtraction Word Problems 2-Digit Numbers

2nd Grade Subtraction Worksheet

2nd Grade Addition and Subtraction Worksheet


Basic Multiplication Facts:

Concept of Multiplication

Multiplication using Number Lines

Multiplication by 1

Multiplication by 2

Multiplication by 3

Multiplication by 4

Multiplication by 5

Multiplication by 10

1 to 10 Times Table

Properties of Multiplication:

Division using Reverse Multiplication

Find the Product using Multiplication Property:

Multiplying 1-Digit Number:

Multiplying 2-Digit Number by 1-Digit Number:

Problem Solving on Multiplication:

2nd Grade Multiplication Worksheet:


Basic Division Facts:

Dividing 1-Digit Number:

Dividing 2-Digit Number by 1-Digit Number:

Divide on a Number Line:

Divide by Repeated Subtraction:

Problem Solving on Division:

Multiplication and Division are Related:

2nd Grade Division Word Problems:

Long Division:

Long Division Word Problems Worksheet:

2nd Grade Division Worksheet:


Concept of Pattern:

Numbers and Numeration - Worksheets

Worksheet on Addition (Carrying)

Worksheet on Counting by Tens

Worksheet on Order with Hundreds, Tens and Ones

Worksheet on Number in Expanded Form

Worksheet on Odd and Even Numbers

Worksheet on Place Value and Face Value

Worksheet on Ordinals

Worksheet on Cardinal Numbers and Ordinal Numbers

Worksheet on Two Digit Numbers

Worksheet on Numbers 1 to 100

2nd Grade Subtraction Worksheet

Worksheet on Multiplication and Division by 2

Worksheet on Multiplication and Division by 3

Worksheet on Multiplication and Division by 4

Worksheet on Multiplication and Division by 5

Worksheet on Multiplication and Division by 6

Worksheet on Multiplication and Division by 7

Worksheet on Multiplication and Division by 8

Worksheet on Multiplication and Division by 9

Worksheet on Multiplication and Division by 10

Worksheet on Parentheses

Number Puzzles

2nd Grade Practice Worksheet 1


David and Sharon went to the zoo with their parents. They were amazed to see so many different types of animals.


: I wonder how tall would a 

Length of a Giraffe



: How heavy would a

Weight of a Rhinoceros



: I think an



needs buckets of water to drink.

How much water will that be?


: I wish someone could tell me the length of a

Length of a Snake



: The feather of a


Feather Weight of a Peacock

is so light that air can move it.

How much would this feather weigh?

Also, you may sometimes come across terms such as 'how far' (is a place) "how heavy" (is a box) or 'how much' (water is left in the tank). The answer to all these lie in the measurement of length, mass and capacity.

Measuring Length:

Measurement of Length:

Standard Unit of Length:

Using a Scale:

Using a Ruler:

2nd Grade Measurement of Length Worksheet:

Measuring Mass:

Measuring Capacity:

Measuring Time:

Half Past an Hour:

Quarter Past an Hour:

Days of the Week:

Months of the Year:

Months and Days:

The Story about Seasons:

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow:

2nd Grade Time Worksheet:

Rupees and Paise:

Sum and Difference of Rupees and Paise:

Measurement Worksheets

2nd Grade Measurement Worksheets

Worksheet on Days of the Week:

Worksheet on Months and Days:

Fractional Numbers

Concept of Fractions:

Numerator and Denominator:

2nd Grade Fractions Worksheet:


Fundamental Concepts of Geometry

Points and Line Segment

Straight Lines

Geometrical Shapes

Plane Shapes

Corner and Sides of Planer Figures

Two Dimensional Shapes and Lines

Geometry Worksheet

Worksheet on Fundamental Concepts of Geometry

2nd Grade Geometry Worksheet

Data Handling

Data Handling

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