In 7th grade math problems you will get all types of examples on different topics along with the solutions.
Keeping in mind the mental level of child in Grade 7, every efforts has been made to introduce new concepts in a simple language, so that the child understands them easily.
The difficulty level of the problems has been reduced and mathematical concepts have been explained in the simplest possible way. Each topic contains a large number of examples to understand the applications of concepts.
If student follow math-only-math they can improve their knowledge by practicing the solutions step by step which will help you to score in your exam.
7th Grade Math Problems
● Set Theory
Sets: An introduction to sets, methods for defining sets, element of set and use of set notations.
Objects Form a Set: State, whether the following objects form a set or not by giving reasons.
Elements of a Set: Learn how to find the elements of a set with the help of various types of problems on the basic concepts of sets.
Properties of Sets: Using the basic properties to represent a set learn to solve various basic types of problems on sets.
Representation of a Set: Definition with examples of statement form, roster form or tabular form, set builder form cardinal number of a set and the standard sets of numbers.
Different Notations in Sets: Some of the familiar notations used in sets which are generally required to solve various types of problems on sets.
Standard Sets of Numbers: Learn to represent the standard sets of numbers using the three methods i.e. statement form, roster form and set builder form.
Types of Sets: Definition with examples of empty set or null set, singleton set, finite set, infinite set, cardinal number of a set, equivalent set and equal sets.
Pairs of Sets: Definition with examples of equal set, equivalent set, disjoint sets and overlapping set.
Subset: Definition with examples of subset and its types, super set, proper subset, power set and universal set.
Subsets of a Given Set: How to find the number of subsets of a given set and number of proper subsets of a given set.
Operations on Sets: Learn the meaning. What are the four basic operations on sets? How the operations are carried out in union of sets and intersection of sets?
Union of Sets: Definition of union of sets with examples. Learn how to find the union of two sets and worked-out examples.
Intersection of Sets: Definition of intersection of sets with examples. Learn how to find the intersection of two sets and worked-out examples.
Difference of two Sets: Learn how to find the difference between the two sets and worked-out examples.
Complement of a Set: Definition of complement of a set and their properties with some worked-out examples.
Cardinal number of a set: Definition of a cardinal number of a set, the symbol used for showing the cardinal number, worked-out examples.
Cardinal Properties of Sets: Learn how to solve the real-life word problems on set using the cardinal properties.
Venn Diagrams: Learn to represent the basic concepts of sets using Venn-diagram in different situations.
● Relations and Mapping
Domain and Range of a Relation
Domain Co-domain and Range of Function
● Relations and Mapping - Worksheets
Worksheet on Functions or Mapping
● Numbers - Integers
Properties of Multiplication of Integers
Examples on Multiplication of Integers
Properties of Division of Integers
Examples on Division of Integers
Examples on Fundamental Operations
● Numbers - Worksheets
Worksheet on Multiplication of Integers
Worksheet on Division of Integers
Worksheet on Fundamental Operation
● Fractions
Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
● Fractions - Worksheets
Worksheet on Multiplication of Fractions
Worksheet on Division of Fractions
● Story about the Decimal Number
Decimals: Concept for decimals in derails.
Decimal Numbers: Learn reading decimal numbers, writing decimal numbers etc,.
Decimal Fractions: Learn reading decimal fractions, writing decimal fractions.
Decimal Places: Learn reading and writing the place values of a decimal number in words.
Decimal and Fractional Expansion: Learn how to expand the decimal numbers and the decimal numbers in fractions
Like and Unlike Decimals: Learn to identify like decimals and unlike decimals.
Conversion of Unlike Decimals to Like Decimals: Learn to convert unlike decimals in like decimals
Comparing Decimals: Learn to order and compare decimal numbers, arranging decimals in ascending order and arranging decimals in descending order
Adding Decimals: Learn to add decimals in the correct order, word problems.
Subtracting Decimals: Learn to subtract decimals in the correct order, word problems
Simplify Decimals Involving Addition and Subtraction Decimals: Examples for simplifying decimals for adding and subtracting.
Multiplying Decimal by a Whole Number: Learn to multiply decimals by a whole number in the correct order, word problems
Multiplying Decimal by a Decimal Number: Learn to multiply decimals by a decimal number in the correct order, word problems
Dividing Decimal by a Whole Number: Learn to divide decimals by a whole number in the correct order, word problems
Dividing Decimal by a Decimal Number: Learn to divide decimals by a decimal number in the correct order, word problems
Simplification of Decimal: Examples for simplifying decimals, operation on decimals.
Converting Decimals to Fractions: Learn to express decimal number into fraction
Converting Fractions to Decimals: Learn to express fraction into decimal number
Rounding Decimals: Learn to round off decimals
Rounding Decimals to the Nearest Whole Number: Learn to round off decimals to the nearest whole number
Rounding Decimals to the Nearest Tenths: Learn to round off decimals to the nearest tenths
Rounding Decimals to the Nearest Hundredths: Learn to round off decimals to the nearest hundredths
Round a Decimal: Problems for rounding off decimals
H.C.F. and L.C.M. of Decimals: Learn to find the highest common factor, lowest common multiple of more than two decimal numbers
Terminating Decimal: Definition of terminating decimals, examples to identify terminating decimals
Non-Terminating Decimal: Definition of non-terminating decimal, examples to identify non-terminating decimals
Repeating or Recurring Decimal: Definition of recurring decimals, examples to identify recurring decimals
Pure Recurring Decimal: Definition of pure recurring decimal, examples to pure recurring decimal
Mixed Recurring Decimal: Definition of mixed recurring decimal, examples to identify mixed recurring decimal
Conversion of Pure Recurring Decimal into Vulgar Fraction: Learn to express pure recurring decimals to vulgar fractions with examples.
Conversion of Mixed Recurring Decimals into Vulgar Fractions: Learn to express mixed recurring decimals to vulgar fractions with examples.
BODMAS Rule: Learn how to follow the BODMAS rules to simply the order of operations.
BODMAS Rules - Involving Integers: Learn how to follow the BODMAS rules to simply the order of operations involving integers.
BODMAS/PEMDAS Rules - Involving Decimals: Learn how to follow the BODMAS rules to simply the order of operations involving decimals
PEMDAS Rule: Learn how to follow the PEMDAS rules to simply the order of operations.
PEMDAS Rules - Involving Integers: Learn how to follow the PEMDAS rules to simply the order of operations involving integers.
PEMDAS Rules - Involving Decimals: Learn how to follow the PEMDAS rules to simply the order of operations involving decimals.
● Profit, Loss and Discount
Calculate Profit and Profit Percent
Calculate Loss and Loss Percent
Calculate Cost Price using Sell Price and Loss Percent
Calculate Cost Price using Sell Price and Profit Percent
Calculate Selling Price using Cost and Loss Percent
Calculate Selling Price using Cost and Profit Percent
Calculating Profit Percent and Loss Percent
Word Problems on Profit and Loss
Examples on Calculating Profit or Loss
Practice Test on Profit and Loss
Practice Test on Profit Loss and Discount
● Profit, Loss and Discount - Worksheets
Worksheet to Find Profit and Loss
Worksheets on Profit and Loss Percentage
Worksheet on Gain and Loss Percentage
● Ratios and Proportions
● Ratios and Proportions - Worksheets
● Time and Work
Calculate Time to Complete a Work
Calculate Work Done in a Given Time
Problems on Time required to Complete a Piece a Work
Problems on Work Done in a Given Period of Time
Problems on Pipes and Water Tank
● Time and Work - Worksheets
Worksheet on Work Done in a Given Period of Time
Worksheet on Time Required to Complete a Piece of Work
Worksheet on Pipes and Water Tank
● Unitary Method
Situations of Direct Variation
Situations of Inverse Variation
Direct Variations Using Unitary Method
Direct Variations Using Method of Proportion
Inverse Variation Using Unitary Method
Inverse Variation Using Method of Proportion
Problems on Unitary Method using Direct Variation
Problems on Unitary Method Using Inverse Variation
Mixed Problems Using Unitary Method
● Unitary Method - Worksheets
Worksheet on Direct Variation using Unitary Method
Worksheet on Direct variation using Method of Proportion
Worksheet on Word Problems on Unitary Method
Worksheet on Inverse Variation Using Unitary Method
Worksheet on Inverse Variation Using Method of Proportion
● Simple Interest
Practice Test on Simple Interest
● Simple Interest - Worksheets
● Algebraic Expressions
Division of Polynomial by Monomial
● Algebraic Expressions - Worksheets
Worksheet on Dividing Polynomial by Monomial
● Formula
Formula and Framing the Formula
Change the Subject of a Formula
Changing the Subject in an Equation or Formula
Practice Test on Framing the Formula
● Formula - Worksheets
Worksheet on Framing the Formula
Worksheet on Changing the Subject of a Formula
Worksheet on Changing the Subject in an Equation or Formula
● Algebraic Identities
Square of The Sum of Two Binomials: Using the formula of (a + b)2 = a2 + b2 + 2ab, learn to evaluate the square of the sum of two terms.
Square of The Difference of Two Binomials: Using the formula of (a - b)2
= a2 + b2 - 2ab, learn to evaluate the square of the difference of two terms.
Product of Sum and Difference of Two Binomials: Using the formula of a2 - b2 = (a + b) (a - b), learn to evaluate the product of sum and difference of two terms.
Product of Two Binomials whose First Terms are Same and Second Terms are Different: Learn to use the given formulas to evaluate the product of the two terms whose 1st terms are same and 2nd terms are different.
• (x + a) (x + b) = x2 + x(a + b) + ab
• (x + a) (x - b) = x2 + x (a – b) – ab
• (x - a) (x - b) = x2 – x (a + b) + ab
• (x - a) (x + b) = x2 + x (b – a) – ab
Square of a Trinomial: Learn to use the formula for the expansion of the square of a trinomial.
• (a + b + c)2 = a2 + b2 + c2 + 2ab + 2bc + 2ca
• (a + b - c)2 = a2 + b2 + c2 + 2ab – 2bc - 2ca
• (a - b + c)2 = a2 + b2 + c2 – 2ab – 2bc + 2ca
• (a - b - c)2 = a2 + b2 + c2 – 2ab + 2bc – 2ca
Cube of The Sum of Two Binomials: Learn the formula to determine the cube of the sum of two terms.
(a + b)3 = a3 + 3a2b + 3ab2 + b3
= a3 + b3 + 3ab (a + b)
Cube of The Difference of Two Binomials: Learn the formula to determine the cube of the difference of two terms.
(a - b)3 = a3 – 3a2b + 3ab2 – b3
= a3 – b3 – 3ab (a - b)
● Equations
How to Solve Linear Equations?
Problems on Linear Equations in One Variable
Word Problems on Linear Equations in One Variable
Practice Test on Linear Equations
Practice Test on Word Problems on Linear Equations
● Equations - Worksheets
Worksheet on Word Problems on Linear Equation
● Inequations
Properties of Inequation or Inequalities
Representation of the Solution Set of an Inequation
Practice Test on Linear Inequation
● Inequations - Worksheets
Worksheet on Linear Inequations
7th Grade Math Problems
● Lines and Angles
Fundamental Geometrical Concepts
Some Geometric Terms and Results
Complementary and Supplementary Angles
Parallel and Transversal Lines
● Congruence
Conditions for the Congruence of Triangles:
Right Angle Hypotenuse Side congruence:
Converse of Pythagorean Theorem:
Word problems on Pythagorean Theorem:
● Polygons
Polygon and its Classification
Interior and Exterior of the Polygon
Number of Triangles Contained in a Polygon
Angle Sum Property of a Polygon
Problems on Angle Sum Property of a Polygon
Sum of the Interior Angles of a Polygon
Sum of the Exterior Angles of a Polygon
● Polygons - Worksheets
Worksheet on Polygon and its Classification
Worksheet on Interior Angles of a Polygon
Worksheet on Exterior Angles of a Polygon
● Quadrilateral
Perimeter of Quadrilateral:
Angle Sum Property of a Quadrilateral:
Missing angle of a Quadrilateral:
Angles of a Quadrilateral are in Ratio:
● Symmetrical Figure
Linear Symmetry: Identify symmetric and non-symmetric figures and also identify shapes having horizontal line of symmetry, vertical line of symmetry, both horizontal and vertical lines of symmetry, infinite lines of symmetry and no line of symmetry.
Lines of Symmetry: Identify the geometrical shapes having 1, 2, 3, 4, 0 and so on or infinite lines of symmetry.
Point Symmetry: How to find the point symmetry of letters of the English alphabet and the different geometrical figures. Learn the important points to find the conditions that satisfy centre of symmetry.
Rotational Symmetry: Learn what is rotational symmetry and types of rotation i.e. clockwise rotation and anticlockwise rotation.
Order of Rotational Symmetry: Learn the different orders of rotation of the shapes through 360° in clockwise direction and anticlockwise direction.
Types of Symmetry: Learn the various symmetries i.e. linear symmetry, point symmetry and rotational symmetry of the geometrical shapes.
Reflection: Learn how reflection is related to math, define reflection using an image and worked-out examples on math reflection.
Reflection of a Point in x-axis: Learn how to draw the image on the graph paper to find the reflection of a point in x-axis.
Reflection of a Point in y-axis: Learn how to draw the image on the graph paper to find the reflection of a point in y-axis.
Reflection of a point in origin: Learn how to draw the image on the graph paper to find the reflection of a point in origin.
Rotation: Explanation of rotation using an image.
90 Degree Clockwise Rotation: Learn with the help of solved examples to rotate a figure 90 degrees clockwise direction around the origin on a graph paper.
90 Degree Anticlockwise Rotation: Learn with the help of solved examples to rotate a figure 90 degrees anticlockwise direction around the origin on a graph paper.
180 Degree Rotation: Learn with the help of solved examples to rotate a figure 180 degrees clockwise direction and anticlockwise direction around the origin on a graph paper.
● Practical Geometry
● Coordinate System
● Mensuration
● Mensuration - Worksheets
● Volume and Surface Area of Solids
● Statistics
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