In 3rd grade math lessons you will get all types of examples and practice problems on different topics along with the solutions.
Third grade math lessons are arranged in such a way that students can learn math while playing the third grade math games.
Keeping in mind the mental level of child in 3rd grade, every efforts has been made to introduce new concepts in a simple language, so that the child understands them easily.
The difficulty level of the problems has been reduced and mathematical concepts have been explained in the simplest possible way. Each topic contains a large number of examples to understand the applications of concepts.
In 3rd grade math we will mainly learn about Four-Digit Numbers, Comparison of Numbers, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Geometrical Shapes and Figures, Measurement of Length, Measurement of Mass, Measurement of Capacity, Measurement of Time, Money, Fractional Numbers, Pictographs, Mental Arithmetic, Patterns, etc…..
If student follow math-only-math they can improve their knowledge by practicing third grade math worksheets which will help you to score in 3rd grade math test.
Finding smallest and largest 4-digit numbers; showing 4-digit numbers on the abacus; place value of 4-digit numbers; writing 4-digit numbers in numerals, in words and in the expanded form.
Four Digit Numbers: Learn what are the numbers comes under 4-digit numbers; representing 4-digit numbers on the abacus.
Four-digit Numbers in Numerals and Words: Learn how to write the 4-digit numbers in numerals using commas; writing 4-digit numbers in words and expanded form of a 4-digit numbers.
Successor and Predecessor of 4-Digit Number:
Worksheet on Word Problems on 4-Digit Numbers:
We know how to write English or International numbers of one, two, three and four digits upto 9999. Under this section we cover expressing numbers in Roman and in English numerals.
Conversion of Numbers to Roman Numerals: Learn how to express numbers to Roman numerals.
Conversion of Roman Numerals to Numbers: Learn how to express Roman numerals to English numerals.
Compare one-digit numbers; arrange one-digit numbers; compare two-digit numbers; arrange two-digit numbers; compare three-digit numbers; arrange three-digit numbers; compare four-digit numbers; arrange four-digit numbers;
Comparison of One-digit Numbers: Learn how to compare (using symbols greater than: >, less than: <, equal to: =) and arrange 1-digit numbers.
Comparison of Two-digit Numbers: Learn how to compare (using signs greater than: >, less than: <, equal to: =) and arrange 2-digit numbers in ascending and descending order.
Comparison of Three-digit Numbers: Learn how to compare the numbers (using symbols or signs greater than: >, less than: <, equal to: =) and arrange 3-digit numbers in ascending and descending order.
Comparison of Four-digit Numbers: Learn how to compare any 4-digit numbers (using symbols
or signs greater than: >, less than: <, equal to: =) and arrange the 4-digit
numbers in ascending and descending order.
Compare Two Numbers: Learn how to compare the numbers using symbols to find the greater number and the smaller number.
Face value and place value: Learn how each digit in a number has a face value and a place value and their difference.
Place Value in 4-Digit Numbers:
Finding and Writing the Place Value: Learn the process to identify, find and write the place value of the digits in the number.
Making the Numbers From Given Digits
Numbers with Digits: Learn how to form the greatest number and the smallest number with the given digits.
Expanded Form and Short Form of a Number
Addition of 3-Digit Numbers without Regrouping
Addition of 3-Digit Numbers with Regrouping
Addition of Three 3-Digit Numbers
Worksheet on 3-Digit Addition Word Problems
Word Problems on Addition and Subtraction of 4-Digit Numbers
Subtraction of 3-Digit Numbers without Regrouping
Subtraction of 3-Digit Numbers with Regrouping
3rd Grade Subtraction Worksheet
Subtraction of 4-Digit Numbers
Combination of Addition and Subtraction
Word Problems on Addition and Subtraction
Expansion Method of Multiplication
Column Method of Multiplication
Multiplying 2-Digit Number by 1-Digit Number
Multiplying 2-Digit Numbers by 2-Digit Numbers
Multiplying 3-Digit Number by 1-Digit Number
4-Digits by 1-Digit Multiplication
Multiplying 3-Digit Numbers by 2-Digit Numbers
Word Problems on Multiplication by 1-Digit Number
Word Problems on Multiplication by 2-Digit Number
Word Problems on Multiplication
Multiplication by 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90
3rd Grade Multiplication Word Problems Worksheet
3rd Grade Multiplication Worksheets
Relationship between Multiplication and Division
Division using Multiplication Tables
Long Division Method without Regrouping and without Remainder
Long Division Method without Regrouping with Remainder
Long Division Method with Regrouping and without Remainder
Long Division Method with Regrouping and with Remainder
Word Problems on Division by 2-Digit Number
Circle the Smallest Number: Practice the worksheet in finding the smallest number in each question.
Circle the Greatest Number: Practice the worksheet in finding the largest number in each question.
Word Problems on Estimating the Sum
Basic Shapes: Learn the basic geometrical three dimensional (3-D) figures or shapes.
Surfaces of The Solids: Learn what are the two types of surfaces of the solids or 3-D figures.
Common Solid Figures: Learn about the geometric common 3-D shapes such as cube, cuboid, cylinder, cone and sphere. The explanation will help to identify each shapes, number of surfaces, number of plane surfaces, number of curved surfaces, number of edges and about their number of vertices.
Drawing Solids on a Flat Surface
Points, Lines and Shapes: Learn the definition of point & definition of lines.
Line-Segment, Ray and Line: Learn the distinction between the line-segment, ray and line along with the symbol.
Types of Lines: Learn the difference between the straight lines and curved lines.
Geometrical Design and Models: Learn how to do designs and models along with the basic geometrical shapes using square, rectangle, triangle and circle to follow the patterns.
Measuring Area in Square Units
3rd Grade Geometrical Shape Worksheet
Standard Unit of Length: Learn the three main standard units of length, i.e., kilometer (km), meter (m) and centimeter (cm).
Conversion of Standard Unit of Length: Learn how to convert the different units of length i.e. meter, centimeters, decimeters and kilometers.
Centimeters to Meters and Centimeters
Metres and Centimetres Conversion
Meters into Kilometers and Meters
Conversion of Measuring Length
Addition of Length: Learn to add the units of length with conversion and without conversion.
Subtraction of Length: Learn to subtract the units of length with conversion and without conversion.
Addition and Subtraction of Measuring Length
Word Problems on Addition and Subtraction of Length
Word Problems on Measuring Length
What is Mass?: Learn the standard units of mass, i.e., kilogram (kg) and gram (g).
Conversion of Standard Unit of Mass: Learn how to convert the different units of mass i.e. kilogram and gram.
Addition of Mass: Learn to add the units of mass with conversion and without conversion.
Subtraction of Mass: Learn to subtract the units of mass with conversion and without conversion.
Addition and Subtraction of Measuring Mass
Word Problems on Measuring Mass
Standard Unit of Capacity: Learn the standard units of capacity, i.e., liter (l) and milliliter (ml).
Conversion of Standard Unit of Capacity: Learn how to convert the different units of capacity i.e. liter and milliliter, the relationship between different capacities.
Conversion of Measuring Capacity
Addition of Capacity: Learn to add the units of capacity with conversion and without conversion, word problems.
Subtraction of Capacity: Learn to subtract the units of capacity with conversion and without conversion, word problems.
Addition and Subtraction of Measuring Capacity:
Different Ways of Reading Time: Learn the easiest way to tell time by observing the hour – hand and minute – hand.
Telling Time: Learn how to understand the position of hour – hand and minute – hand indicate to tell the time shown on the specific clock.
Money: Indian money available in two forms: coins and currency notes.
Writing Money in Words and Figure: Learn to write the amounts of money in words and write the amounts of money in figures.
Writing Money in Words and Figure Worksheet:
Use of Decimal to Represent Money:
Conversion of Money: Convert the amount of money from rupees to paisa and to convert the amount of money from paisa to rupees.
Conversion of Rupees and Paise
Addition of Money: Learn to add the amounts of money with conversion and add the amounts of money without conversion
Word Problems on Addition of Money
Subtraction of Money: Learn to subtract the amounts of money with conversion and subtract the amounts of money without conversion
Word Problems on Subtraction of Money
Addition and Subtraction of Money:
Multiplication of Money: Learn to multiply the amounts of money by a number.
Division of Money: Learn to divide the amounts of money by a number.
Learn the basic concept of fractional numbers step-by-step with help of different types of pictures.
Fraction as a Part of a Whole: Learn how the fraction represents an object as the part of a whole.
Fraction as a Part of Collection: Learn how the fraction is the part of a collection of objects.
Identification of the Parts of a Fraction
Greater or Smaller Fraction: Learn how to find a fraction is greater or smaller between the pairs of fractions and arranging the fractions in ascending order & descending order.
a Fraction to an Equivalent Fraction: Learn how to find the equivalent fractions of the given fraction.
Equivalent Fractions: Learn how to check the given pairs of fractions are equivalent.
Proper Fraction and Improper Fraction: Learn the difference and identify to separate the proper and improper fractions.
Learn some of the basic ideas how the pictures can be easily recognizable as representing the objects.
Pictorial Representation: Introduction of pictograph.
Examples of Pictographs: Some pictograph samples are shared to understand how the information presented through the pictures of different objects is used to answer the questions.
Problems on Pictographs: The solved problems will help us to understand how on the basis of the pictograph we can easily get more information by observing this picture-graph.
Learn some important tricks and skills which are used to solve mental arithmetic questions of addition and subtraction easily and conveniently.
Mental Math Addition: Learn to add numbers by using tricks and skills in an easy method.
Mental Math Subtraction: Learn to subtract numbers by using tricks and skills in an easy method.
Find The Rule of a Number Pattern
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3rd Grade Math Worksheets
Worksheet on knowing Three-digit Numbers
Worksheet on Ordering Three-digit Numbers
Worksheet on Counting Four Digit Numbers
Worksheet on Knowing Four Digit Numbers
Worksheet on knowing five Digit Numbers
Worksheet on Five Digit Numbers
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