Worksheet on Word Problems on Fractions
In worksheet on word problems on fractions we will solve different types of word problems on multiplication of fractions, word problems on division of fractions etc...
1. How many one-fifths are there in 200?
2. The product of 97 and a number is 63. Find the number.
3. Six-sevenths of a number is 36. Find the number.
4. 35 of a class of 45 are boys. Find the number of girls in the class.
5. Ronald drank orange juice from a 500 ml bottle. He found that 25 was remaining. How much did he drink?
6. Ron and two of his friends ate one-fourth each of an eight slice pizza. Find the remaining slice of the pizza.
7. Out of a class of 150, one-third opted for German, two-fifth for Italian and rest for French. Find how many opted for French?
8. Fifty divided by half minus forty. What is the answer?
9. Ninety five divided by one-fifth plus thirty five. What is the answer?
10. Rachel spends 14 of her pocket money on chocolates, 18 on pizza. At the end she had $40 left. How much did she have at the beginning?
11. James covered 23 of her journey by flight, 15 by car, and 215 on bus. Find by which means he covered the major part of her journey.
12. A farmer grows wheat in 23 of the field and rice in 14 of the field. What part of the field in all is used for growing wheat and rice?
13. Out of 1318 metres of cloth given to a tailor, 14 metres were used. Find the length of cloth unused.
14. A vessel had 414 litres of petrol. Out of it, 38 litres is used. How much petrol was left in the vessel?
15. Russell takes 215 minutes to walk across the school ground. Matthew takes 74 minutes to do the same. Who takes less time and by what fraction?
16. Ona a particular day, Anthony walked 412 km, Ronald walked 513 km and Raymond walked 316 km. Find the total distance walked by them.
17. Elizbeth Smith bought 37 kg of pea and 45 kg of wheat. How much total cereals did she buy?
18. A man had 1 chocolate. He gave 18 of it to a friend and 16 of it to another friend. What fraction of the chocolate was left with them?
1. 40
2. 81
3. 42
4. 30
5. 300 ml
6. 2
7. 60
8. 60
9. 510
10. $64
11. major journey by flight
12. 1112
13. 1736 metres
14. 378 litres of petrol.
15. Matthew takes 920 mins less than Russell
16. 13 km
17. 1835 kg
18. 1724
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