In 5th Grade Fractions Worksheets we will solve how to compare two fractions, comparing mixed fractions, addition of like fractions, addition of unlike fractions, addition of mixed fractions, word problems on addition of fractions, subtraction of like fractions, subtraction of unlike fractions, word problems on subtraction of fractions, multiplications of fractions, word problems on multiplication of fractions, fraction of fraction, reciprocal of fractions, division of fractions, word problems on division of fractions.
1. A fraction can be represented by three ways:
(i) As a part of a whole
(ii) As a part of a collection
(iii) As division
2. A fraction having numerator 1 is called a unit fraction.
3. Fraction having same denominators are called like fractions.
4. Fraction having different denominators are called unlike fractions.
5. A fraction whose numerator is less than its denominator is called a proper fraction.
6. A fraction whose numerator is greater than its denominator is called an improper fraction.
7. Fractions having equal value are called equivalent fractions.
8. Fractions ab and cd are equivalent fractions when ad = bc.
9. A combination of a natural number and a proper fraction is called a mixed fraction (number).
10. A fraction is said to be a fraction in its lower terms, if the HCF of a and b is 1.
11. To reduce a given fraction to its simplest form, we divide both its numerator and denominator by their HCF.
12. Of the two given like fractions, the fraction with greater numerator is greater.
13. Of the two given fractions with same numerator, the fraction with greater denominator is smaller.
I. Answer the following:
(i) The reciprocal of 718 is ………….. .
(ii) 8 boys shared 25 of a cake equally. What fraction of the cake did each boy get?
(iii) Which is greater 517 or 317?
(iv) What is the half of 60?
(v) Find the difference between the sum and product of 214 and 145.
(vi) Which is greater 2325 or 1?
(vii) If 1719 of the cup is filled, then what fraction of the cup is empty?
(viii) A family eats 123 cakes in a meal. Will 3 cakes be enough for 2 meals?
Operations on Fractions
II. Solve the given:
(i) 710 + 310
(ii) 1425 - 925
(iii) 57 + 1328 + 34
(iv) 7 - 312
(v) 815 + 1930 - 45
(vi) 1644 ÷ 811
(vii) 631 × 6218
(viii) 2450 ÷ 825
(ix) 1318 ÷ 3936
Fraction of a Fraction
III. Find the given:
(i) 210 of 40 mangoes
(ii) 315 of $75
(iii) 34 of 20 cups
(iv) 37 of 1 week
IV. Compare the given fractions and put the right sign <, > or =.
(i) 34 ……… 56
(ii) 57 ……… 1521
(i) 1734 ……… 832
V. Convert the given fractions in lowest terms:
(i) 1560
(ii) 2277
(iii) 1854
(iv) 3660
(v) 2163
5th Grade Fractions Worksheets
VI. Multiple Choice Questions on (MCQ) Fractions:
Tick (✔) the correct option.
(i) A fraction whose denominator is greater than its numerator is called:
(a) an unit fraction
(b) a mixed fraction
(c) a proper fraction
(d) an improper fraction
(ii) A fraction with numerator 1 is called:
(a) unit fraction
(b) proper fraction
(c) like fraction
(d) mixed fraction
(iii) The fraction that represents 8 hours of a day is
(a) 812
(b) 1624
(c) 23
(d) 13
(iv) A fraction equivalent to 3220 is
(a) 85
(b) 23
(c) 89
(d) 86
(v) When we subtract 223 from 5, we get
(a) 313
(b) 213
(c) 148
(d) none of these
(vi) 425 when expressed as a mixed fraction is
(a) 542
(b) 825
(c) 2842
(d) none of these
(vii) The value of 38 + 28 is
(a) 58
(b) 38
(c) 48
(d) 23
(viii) The value of 223 + 214
(a) 345
(b) 3512
(c) 41112
(d) none of these
5th Grade Fractions Worksheets
VII. State True or False:
(i) A fraction whose numerator is 1, is called unit fraction.
(ii) 14, 12, 34, 78 are arranged in descending order.
(iii) Fractions with different denominators are called unlike fractions.
(iv) The fractions with the same denominators are called unlike fractions.
(v) When numerator of a fraction is greater than the denominator, then the fraction is said to be a proper fraction.
VIII. Fill in the blanks:
(i) 59 + 23 - 712 = _____
(ii) The fraction equivalent to 56 having numerator 20 is _____.
(iii) If 2540 equivalent to 5x, then x = _____.
(iv) The simplest form of 104 is _____.
(v) 23 is _____ than 32.
IX. Short and Long Answer Type Questions:
(i) Show 15 on a number line.
(ii) Convert 13, 14 and 15 into like fractions.
(iii) Richard spends 13 of his income and saves the rest. Joe saves 35 of his income and spends the rest. Who saves greater part of the income?
(iv) Find the sum: 35 + 67 + 14
(v) Simplify: 3 - 114 + 23
X. Word Problems on Fractions:
(i) The cost of comic is $5712 and that of color book is $2514. Which costs more and by how much?
(ii) Tom spent 35 of his money on bag and spent 27 of his money on stationary. What fraction of money is left with him?
(iii) Kate has $630. She wants to buy a bag that costs 59 of the amount she has. What should be the cost of the bag?
(iv) How many pieces of 234 m each can be cut from a string of 1612 m length?
Answers on 5th Grade Fractions Worksheets are given below to check the exact answers of the questions.
I. (i) 827
(ii) 120
(iii) 517
(iv) 30
(v) 0
(vi) 1
(vii) 219
(viii) No, 313 cakes required
II. (i) 1
(ii) 15
(iii) 11314
(iv) 8112
(v) 1130
(vi) 12
(vii) 23
(viii) 32
(ix) 23
III. (i) 8 mangoes
(ii) $65
(iii) 15 cups
(iv) 3 days
IV. (i) 34 < 56
(ii) 57 = 1521
(i) 1734 > 832
V. (i) 14
(ii) 27
(iii) 13
(iv) 35
(v) 13
VI. (i) (c) a proper fraction
(ii) (a) unit fraction
(iii) (d) 13
(iv) (a) 85
(v) (b) 213
(vi) (b) 825
(vii) (a) 58
(viii) (c) 41112
VII. (i) True
(ii) False
(iii) True
(iv) False
(v) False
VIII. (i) 2336
(ii) 2024
(iii) 8
(iv) 52
(v) less
IX. (i)
(ii) 20/60, 15/60, 12/60
(iii) Joe saves greater part of the income
(iv) 199140
(v) 2512
X. (i) Comic cost more, $3214
(ii) 435
(iii) $350
(iv) 6
5th Grade Fractions Worksheets
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