Preschool Math Activities

Preschool math activities are designed to help the preschoolers to recognize the numbers and the beginning of counting. We believe that young children learn through play and from engaging in age-appropriate preschool learning activities. Nothing can be more fun for the children than learning numbers through a story with fairies and elves as characters. It can be the most effective way to teach the tiny tots the 1, 2, 3... of Mathematics. So, it is our goal to offer preschool lesson plans to parents and teachers to develop their preschooler’s ability and skills through various fun learning activities, so that they can prepare their children future learning.

For kids of preschool age group, make teaching activity-oriented using games or objects. Preschool learning games help the preschoolers learn to recognize the colors and shapes and to concentrate on math colorful worksheets. Preschool activities for kids have been designed, keeping in mind about the preschoolers.

Preschool Math Activities

We need to cover the following areas in preschool to get adequate knowledge for the next level.

Pre-Primary Mathematical Concepts

Big and small are only relative sizes. A fairy may be small compared to the queen fairy, but it may be big compared to an elf.

Comparison of Big and Small

Big and bigger are used for comparison of two things of the same kind. Show actual objects from the surroundings to reinforce the concept. Kids may be asked to give more examples.

Tall and short are relative sizes. An elf may be tall or short when compared to another elf.

Comparison of Tall and Short Object of the same Kind

Tall and taller are used for relative comparison of two things. This comparison may be made between two kids, where one is taller than the other. Make the kids compare their heights with their friends to find out who is taller.

Long and short are used to compare the lengths of two things.

Comparison of Long and Short Object of the Same Kind

This short is different from the short which refers to height. Ask the kids to give examples using objects from their surroundings.

Numbers and Number Concepts

While teaching the kids how to count, it is very important to make them understand one to one relation. For this, make them count by touching the objects. Teach the kids how to form a relation between the numbers and the objects in their surroundings. For example, one sun, one moon, two eyes, two ears and so on.... Count clearly and loudly and ask the kids to count along with you.

Count the Objects

Show kids a collection of different objects. They should be able to count the number of objects in each collection. More drill on quantifying the number of objects is important.

The concept of zero is very abstract. Keep some objects at hand and remove them one by one to show that eventually nothing is left. Show several examples to reinforce this point.

Ordinal Numbers

Help the kids understand the difference between ordinal and counting numbers. Ordinal numbers are used to show the position or order of objects. kids should understand that position is relative and can always change. What was second at one point of time could become fifth by changing positions. Reinforce this point by making the kids stand in a line and exchange places.

Ordinal Numbers

The concept of just before and just after strengthens the idea of ordinal numbers. Kids should be told the difference between before and just before. Before is general but just before is immediately before. Similarly, after is general but just after is immediately after.

Days of the Week

Selecting the first day of the week is a matter of choice and tradition in different parts of the world. Some take Monday as the first day since Saturday and Sunday are taken as weekend. Considering this logic, we have also taken Monday as the first day of the week.

7 Days of the Week

Tell the kids that there are only seven days in a week and when one week is over, another week begins. Give enough oral practice before making the kids attempt the worksheets.

Addition and Subtraction

Before teaching addition, it is important to make the kids understand that any number plus one gives the next number. At this stage, kids should not be introduced to the symbols in Mathematics. Avoid teaching them addition as 2 + 2 = 4, instead say 2 and 2 more is 4. When the concept of more than becomes clear to them, the symbols can be used.

Count and Add and Write

Use fingers to introduce the concept of adding zero with no fingers open in one hand and the required number of fingers opened in the other.

In subtraction also, avoid using symbols. Instead use expressions like 2 taken away from 4 is 2. When the concept of take away becomes clear, the symbols can be used.

Count and Subtract and Write

Do not teach addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers at this level since the kids are not familiar with the concept of tens and ones.


Draw a circle on the board and say this is a circle, it is round. Ask the kids to look around and name circular objects in their surroundings. Let the kids name the food they eat that is circular in shape like chapatti, pizza, round slices of tomato, etc., Do the same activity with other shapes as well.


Make a big circle with your hands. Let the kids copy you and say big circle. Then make a small circle with your finger. Let the kids copy you again and say small circle. Do this activity with other shapes also to reinforce the concept of big and small.


Before teaching patterns to kids, do plenty of sorting and grouping activities.

Strengthen the ability to form patterns by recognizing and identifying colours, sizes and shapes. Any set of shapes, numbers, letters or objects that are repeated again and again help kids to learn about patterns.

Patterns Math

Encourage kids to create patterns by arranging coloured blocks, beads, crayons, etc., Make learning a stress-free experience for the little beginners who are just stepping up the ladder of life and create a learning environment!

Here is a collection of simple colorful preschool worksheets designed such as math coloring pages, rhymes for kids, puzzle for kids, etc., to help your child improve his/her learning skills and to make the basic strong. Coloring pages for kids is one of the most important creative and fun activities. Kids can have fun coloring these printable worksheets on coloring pages with crayons, water colors which can keep them occupied for hours and hours. Enjoy those activities with your child in a casual and no-pressure manner and you both will have fun.

Preschool Math Activities

Each preschool math activity provides numerous types of early childhood development which improves their learning experiences and will also help to prepare your child for future success.

Math Only Math is based on the premise that children do not make a distinction between play and work and learn best when learning becomes play and play becomes learning.

However, suggestions for further improvement, from all quarters would be greatly appreciated.

How to Teach a Child to Write?

Basic strokes are very important for the beginners. Some of the pre-writing stokes practice worksheets given here are: standing line, sleeping line, right slanting line, left slanting line, right open curve, left open curve, upward open curve and downward open curve.

Learn Number 1

Practice worksheet on "How to write number 1?"; "identify number 1 among the group of numbers" and "count number 1.

Learn Number 2

Practice worksheet on "How to write number 2?"; "identify number 2 among the group of numbers" and "count the objects and write number 2.

Learn Number 3

Practice worksheet on "How to write number 3?"; "identify number 3 among the group of numbers" and "count number 3.

Learn Number 4

Practice worksheet on "How to write number 4?"; "identify number 4 among the group of numbers" and "count the objects and write number 4.

Learn Number 5

Practice worksheet on "How to write number 5?"; "identify number 5 among the group of numbers" and "count number 5.

Numbers from 1 to 5

Practice worksheet on: "How to identify the numbers and write the numbers from 1 to 5? Count the objects and write the exact number.

Learn Number 6

Practice worksheet on "How to write number 6?"; "identify number 6 among the group of numbers" and "count the objects and write number 6.

Learn Number 7

Practice worksheet on "How to write number 7?"; "identify number 7 among the group of numbers" and "count number 7.

Learn Number 8

Practice worksheet on "How to write number 8?"; "identify number 8 among the group of numbers" and "count the objects and write number 8.

Learn Number 9

Practice worksheet on "How to write number 9?"; "identify number 9 among the group of numbers" and "count number 9.

Learn Number 10

Practice worksheet on "How to write number 10?"; "identify number 10 among the group of numbers" and "count the objects and write number 10.

Numbers from 6 to 10

Practice worksheet on: "How to identify the numbers and write the numbers from 6 to 10? Count the objects and write the exact number.

Practice Traceable Numbers Worksheets for Preschool Kids

Practice tracing the numbers from 1 to 5

Worksheet on Number 1: Trace and practice the worksheet on number 1

Worksheet on Number 2: Trace and practice the worksheet on number 2

Worksheet on Number 3Trace and practice the worksheet on number 3

Worksheet on Number 4Trace and practice the worksheet on number 4

Worksheet on Number 5Trace and practice the worksheet on number 5

Worksheets on Tracing Numbers from 1 to 5Practice the worksheet on trace and write the numbers from 1 to 5.

Practice tracing the numbers from 6 to 10

Worksheet on Number 6Trace and practice the worksheet on number 6

Worksheet on Number 7Trace and practice the worksheet on number 7

Worksheet on Number 8Trace and practice the worksheet on number 8

Worksheet on Number 9Trace and practice the worksheet on number 9

Worksheet on Number 10Trace and practice the worksheet on number 10

Worksheets on Tracing Numbers from 6 to 10 :Practice the worksheet on trace and write the numbers from 1 to 5.

Practice tracing the numbers from 11 to 15

Worksheet on Number 11: Learn to count number 11, trace number 11 and write number 11

Worksheet on Number 12: Learn to count number 12, trace number 12 and write number 12

Worksheet on Number 13: Learn to count number 13, trace number 13 and write number 13

Worksheet on Number 14: Learn to count number 14, trace number 14 and write number 14

Worksheet on Number 15: Learn to count number 15, trace number 15 and write number 15

Practice tracing the numbers from 16 to 20

Worksheet on Number 16 :Learn to count number 16, trace number 16 and write number 16

Worksheet on Number 17 :Learn to count number 17, trace number 17 and write number 17

Worksheet on Number 18 :Learn to count number 18, trace number 18 and write number 18

Worksheet on Number 19 :Learn to count number 19, trace number 19 and write number 19

Worksheet on Number 20 :Learn to count number 20, trace number 20 and write number 20

Traceable Math Worksheets on Number Names for Kids

Practice the following worksheets on tracing and writing the numbers from 1 to 10 in words. i.e., 1 as one, 2 as two, 3 as three, 4 as four, 5 as five, 6 as six, 7 as seven, 8 as eight, 9 as nine and 10 as ten.

Learn to Write Numbers

Practice the following worksheets on tracing and writing the numbers both in number and in words from 1 to 10. Colour the objects according to the numbers.


Identification of Numbers Worksheets

Practice the following worksheets on identify the number, count the number of objects and then colour the objects as per the numbers given.                                                                                                                                          .


Coloring Sheets

Recognize the colour and read the poem on colours.

Color by Number Worksheets

Recognize the number and follow the number code to colour the worksheet.

Counting Coloring Activity

Practice the worksheet on joining the numbers from 1 to 5 and then colour the picture.

Worksheets on Counting Numbers

Practice the worksheet on matching the following numbers with correct number of objects.

Color by Number

Practice the worksheet by following the number code to colour the ladybug. 

Worksheet on Counting Numbers

Practice the worksheet on recognize, identify and count the same sets of objects and write the number.

Worksheet on Numbers

Practice the counting and write the correct number of objects given in the picture.

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