Types of Fractions

The three types of fractions are :

Proper Fraction

Improper Fraction

Mixed Fraction

A fraction can be classified in three ways proper fraction, improper fraction and mixed fraction. 

Let us discuss the three types of fractions with the help of an example.

If Sufi has 3 cookies and she wants to give equal share to Rachel, what share both will get? We divide 3 by 2. It is written as fraction 32.


In the above example of sharing 3 cookies among Sufi and Rachel the fraction 32 has 3 as numerator and 2 as denominator. When the numerator is greater than the denominator, the fraction is called the improper fraction. Thus an improper fraction represents a quantity greater than one.

We can represent the share of cookies received by Sufi and Rachel in the following way.

Types of Fractions

We can write this as 1 12, which is a combination of a whole number and a fraction.

Divisor, Quotient and Remainder

This is called a mixed fraction. Thus, an improper fraction can be expressed as a mixed fraction, where quotient represents the whole number, remainder becomes the numerator and divisor is the denominator. A fraction, where the numerator is less than the denominator is called the proper fraction for example, 23, 57, 35 are proper fractions. A fraction with numerator 1 is called a unit fraction.

Proper Fractions:

Fractions whose numerators are less than the denominators are called proper fractions. (Numerator < denominator)

For examples:

23, 34, 45, 56, 67, 29 58, 25, etc are proper fractions.

Types of Fractions

Two parts are shaded in the above diagram. Total number of equal parts is 3. Therefore, the shaded part can be represented as 23 in fraction. The numerator (top number) is less compared to the denominator (bottom number). This type of fraction is called proper fraction.


Proper Fraction

Three parts are shaded in the above diagram. Total number of equal parts is 4. Therefore, the shaded part can be represented as 34 in fraction. The numerator (top number) is less compared to the denominator (bottom number). This type of fraction is called proper fraction.

Note: The value of a proper fraction is always less than 1.

Definition of Proper Fraction: A fraction whose numerator is less than the denominator is called proper fraction.

A proper fraction is always less than a whole.

For example, 38, 911, 1819, 3599 etc. are proper fractions.

Improper Fractions:

Fractions with the numerator either equal to or greater than the denominator are called improper fraction. (Numerator = denominator or, Numerator > denominator)

Fractions like 54, 175, 52 etc. are not proper fractions. These are improper fractions. The fraction 77 is an improper fraction.

The fractions 54, 32, 83, 65, 103, 1310, 154, 99, 2013, 1212, 1311, 1411, 1717 are the examples of improper fractions. The top number (numerator) is greater than the bottom number (denominator). Such type of fraction is called improper fraction.


(i) Every natural number can be written as a fraction in which 1 is it's denominator. For example, 2 = 21, 25 = 251, 53 = 531, etc. So every natural number is an improper fraction.

(ii) The value of an improper fraction is always equal to or greater than 1.

Definition of Improper Fraction: A fraction whose numerator is greater than the denominator is called an improper fraction.

An improper fraction is always greater than a whole.

For example, 43, 75, 199, 87 etc. are improper fractions.

Mixed Fractions:

A combination of a proper fraction and a whole number is called a mixed fraction.

113, 213, 325, 425, 11110, 91315 and 1235 are examples of mixed fraction.

Two 12, make a whole.

Mixed Numbers

                   12               12

 12 + 12 = 22 = 1

What will you get if you add one more 12 to a whole?

Mixed Fraction

 12 + 12 + 12

= 1 + 22

= 112

Now, you have three half or you can say that you have a whole and a half or 12.

Number such as 112 is a mixed number.

In other words:

A fraction which contains of two parts: (i) a natural number and (ii) a proper fraction, is called a mixed fraction, e.g., 325, 734, etc.

In 325, 3 is the natural number part and 25 is the proper fraction part.

In Fact, 325 means 3 + 25.

Mixed Number (or Mixed Fraction)

Here, a circle is divided into 4 equal parts. All the 4 parts are shaded.

Thus, the shaded part represents 44 or a whole or 1,

Mixed Fraction

What do we get if we add a quarter more to 44?

We get 44 + 14 = 4+14 = 54

We also have 1 + 14 = 54

We write, 1 + 14 as 114

Thus, 54 = 114 

When an improper fraction is written as a combination of a whole number and a proper fraction, it is called a mixed number or mixed fraction.

Thus 215, 617, 423, 215, 234, etc. are mixed numbers.

Definition of Mixed Fractions: A fraction that is a combination of a whole number and a proper fraction is called a mixed fraction.

All improper fractions can be written in the form of mixed fractions.

Example: 214 is a mixed fraction, since 2 is whole number and 14 is a proper fraction.

Note: A mixed number is formed with a whole number and a fraction.

Properties of Mixed Fractions:

Property 1:

A mixed fraction may always be converted into an improper fraction.

Multiply the natural number by the denominator and add to the numerator. This new numerator over the denominator is the required fraction.

312 = 3×2+12 = 6+12 = 72 .

To know more Click Here.

Property 2:

An important fraction can be always be converted into a mixed fraction.

Divide the numerator by the denominator to get the quotient and remainder. Then the quotient is the natural number part and the remainder over the denominator is the proper fraction part of the required mixed fraction.

Example: 436 can be converted into a mixed fraction as follows:

6 |43
  - 42

Dividing 43 by 6, we get quotient = 7 and remainder = 1.

Therefore, 436 = 7 16

To know more Click Here.

Note: Proper fraction is between 0 to 1. Improper fraction is 1 or greater than 1. Mixed fraction is grater than 1.

1. Write 374 as mixed fraction.


Divisor, Quotient & Remainder

So, Quotient = 9, Remainder = 1 and Divisor = 4

Mixed fraction = Quotient RemainderDivisor

So, 374 can be expressed as 914 where 9 is a whole number and 14 is a proper fraction.

2. Classify the following as proper fractions, improper fractions or unit fractions.

812, 1027, 1712, 25, 113, 512, 615, 132, 3112, 274

Proper Fraction

Classify Fractions

Improper Fraction

Classify Fractions

Unit Fraction

Classify Fractions


Proper Fraction

Proper Fractions

Improper Fraction

Improper Fractions

Unit Fraction

Unit Fractions

3. Observe the following sets of fractions:

511, 37, 19, 613, 1115    .... (A)          118, 75, 2311, 1513, 1914    .... (B)

In what respect, are the two sets different?

In the first set, the numerator of each fraction is less than the denominator.

We call such type of fractions as proper fractions.

In the second set, the numerator of each fraction is either greater than or equal to the denominator. We call such type of fractions as improper fractions.

Types of Fractions

Like Fractions:

Fractions with the same denominator are called like fractions.

For example: 19, 29, 39, 59 and 79 are like fractions.

Definition of Like Fractions: Fractions having the same denominators are called like fractions.

For example, 17, 37, 27, 67 are like fractions.

Unlike Fractions:

Fractions with the different denominators are called unlike fractions.

For example: 47, 29, 511, 25 and 34 are unlike fractions.

Definition of Unlike Fractions: Fractions having different denominators are called unlike fractions.

For example, 35, 47, 58, 49 etc. are unlike fractions.

Unit Fractions:

Fractions having 1 as numerator are called unit fractions.

For example, 16, 19, 112, 117 and 125 are unit fractions.

Definition of Unit Fractions:

A fraction having numerator 1 is called unit fraction.

For example, 12, 15, 118, 123, 1501100 etc. are unit fractions.

Equivalent Fractions:

Two or more fractions representing the same part (value) of the whole are called equivalent fractions.

Equivalent Fractions

In the given figure, 12, 24, 36 and 48 are equivalent fractions.

● We can obtain equivalent fraction of a given fraction by multiplying the numerator denominator by the same number (except zero).

For Example:

35 = 3×25×2 = 3×35×3 = 3×45×4 = 3×55×5

35 = 610 = 915 = 1220 = 1525

● We can obtain an equivalent fraction of a given fraction by dividing its numerator and denominator by their common factor (other than 1), if any.

For Example:

610 = 6÷210÷2 = 35

48 = 4÷48÷4 = 12

Hence, we can generate equivalent fractions of any given fraction by:

Multiplying its numerator and denominator by the same number (other than 0) or,

  Dividing its numerator and denominator by their common factor (other than 1), if any.

For Example:

1. Replace 🔲 by the correct numeral.

(i) 35 = 12🔲

(ii) 1218 = 🔲3


(i) We observe the numerators.

Since. 12 = 3 × 4, so we multiply both the numerator and the denominator 35 of by 4.

35 = 3×45×4 = 1220

Thus, replacing 🔲 by 20, we get 35 = 1220

(ii) We observe the denominators.

Since, 3 = 18 ÷ 6 so we divide both the numerator and the denominator of 1218 by 6.

1218 = 12÷618÷6 = 23

Hence, replacing 🔲 by 2, we get 1218 = 23

2. (i) Find an equivalent fraction of 511 whose numerator is 35.

(ii) Find an equivalent fraction of 59 whose denominator is 45.


(i) Since 35 = 5 × 7 , so we multiply both the numerator and the denominate 511 by 7.

Hence, 511 = 5×711×7 = 3577

3577 is the required fraction.

(ii) Since, 45 = 9 × 5 so we multiply both the numerator and the denominator of 59 by 5.

59 = 5×59×5 = 2545

Hence 2545 the required fraction.

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