Practice the questions given in the worksheet on subtraction of money by using without conversion and by conversion method (without regrouping and with regrouping).
Note: Arrange the amount of rupees and paise in columns and then subtract the amounts to find the difference between the two given amounts.
1. Convert into paise and subtract without regrouping:
(i) Rs 38.72 - Rs 16.32
(ii) Rs 36.17 - Rs 24.15
(iii) Rs 68.93 - Rs 16.32
(iv) Rs 60.29 - Rs 20.25
(v) Rs 95.56 - Rs 32.41
(vi) Rs 75.35 - Rs 75.23
2. Convert into paise and subtract by regrouping:
(i) Rs 85.82 - Rs 67.93
(ii) Rs 67.31 - Rs 38.29
(iii) Rs 75.34 - Rs 36.26
(iv) Rs 92.64 - Rs 80.05
(v) Rs 36.13 - Rs 10.23
(vi) Rs 59.05 - Rs 49.10
3. Find the difference without conversion and without regrouping:
(i) Rs 40.41 from Rs 65.52
(ii) Rs 12.20 from Rs 23.94
(iii) Rs 28.05 from Rs 89.95
(iv) Rs 53.90 from Rs 94.90
(v) Rs 79.05 from Rs 99.95
(vi) Rs 53.65 from Rs 67.85
4. Regroup and subtract.
(i) Rupees forty-seven and thirty paise from rupees seventy-eight and twenty-five paise.
(ii) Rupees sixty-two and eighty-five paise from rupees ninety-seven and fifty-two paise.
(iii) Rupees sixty-nine and eighty-six paise from rupees ninety-eight and sixty-five paise.
(iv) Rupees twenty and fifty paise from rupees forty-seven and forty-five paise.
(v) Rupees thirty-five and eighty-nine paise from rupees forty-three and fifty-seven paise.
5. Subtract the following:
(i) Rs. 27.85 from Rs. 95.37
(ii) Rs. 0.57 from Rs. 1.00
(iii) Rs. 23.72 from Rs. 133.54
(iv) Rs. 69.05 from Rs. 100.75
(v) Rs. 100.01 from Rs. 200.92
(vi) Rs. 0.85 from Rs. 1.05
(vii) Rs. 0.95 from Rs. 5.00
6. Subtract the following arranging in columns of rupees and paise:
(i) Rs. 0.05 from Rs. 15.00
(ii) Rs. 0.75 from Rs. 5.00
(iii) Rs. 1.36 from Rs. 5.00
(iv) Rs. 85.62 from Rs. 110.75
(v) Rs. 58.38 from Rs. 100.00
(vi) Rs. 11.05 from Rs. 70.00
(vii) Rs. 122.49 from Rs. 215.18
(viii) Rs. 139.84 from Rs. 532.54
7. Subtract and write as shown:
(i) |
₹ P 5 . 6 5 - 2 . 5 0 3 . 1 5 |
(ii) |
₹ P 9 . 3 0 - 4 . 1 5
(iii) |
₹ P 8 . 9 0 - 6 . 2 5
(iv) |
₹ P 3 5 . 6 0 - 2 1 . 4 0
(v) |
₹ P 8 8 . 2 5 - 1 6 . 1 0
(vi) |
₹ P 2 3 . 1 5 - 1 2 . 0 0
(vii) |
₹ P 1 8 . 7 5 - 1 3 . 3 0
(viii) |
₹ P 5 4 . 5 0 - 2 2 . 5 0
(ix) |
₹ P 7 2 . 2 5 - 5 1 . 0 0
(x) |
₹ P 9 3 . 6 5 - 4 2 . 5 5
(xi) |
₹ P 4 7 . 5 0 - 2 7 . 0 0
(xii) |
₹ P 3 6 . 8 0 - 2 6 . 4 0
(xiii) |
₹ P 7 5 . 9 0 - 3 4 . 8 0
(xiv) |
₹ P 6 9 . 9 5 - 4 2 . 7 5
(xv) |
₹ P 8 6 . 9 0 - 7 4 . 4 0
(xvi) |
₹ P 5 5 . 5 0 - 2 4 . 4 0
(xvii) |
₹ P 6 7 . 2 5 - 4 5 . 1 5
(xviii) |
₹ P 8 8 . 7 5 - 4 4 . 2 0
(xix) |
₹ P 3 1 4 . 7 5 - 1 0 3 . 2 5
(xx) |
₹ P 2 3 4 . 8 0 - 1 2 6 . 1 5
Word Problems on Subtraction of Money:
8. Shelly buys one purse for her mom’s birthday. If she pays $500 to the shopkeeper how much money will she get back?
Answers for the worksheet on subtraction of money are given below to check the exact answers of the above questions on finding the differences of the amounts.
1. (i) 2240 p
(ii) 1202 p
(iii) 5391 p
(iv) 4004 p
(v) 6315 p
(vi) 12 p
2. (i) 1789 p
(ii) 2902 p
(iii) 3908 p
(iv) 1259 p
(v) 2590 p
(vi) 995 p
3. (i) Rs 25.11
(ii) Rs 12.11.74
(iii) Rs 61.90
(iv) Rs 41.00
(v) Rs 20.90
(vi) Rs 14.20
4. (i) Rs 30.95
(ii) Rs 34.67
(iii) Rs 28.79
(iv) Rs 26.95
(v) Rs 7.68
5. (i) Rs. 67.52
(ii) Re. 0.43
(iii) Rs.109.82
(iv) Rs. 31.70
(v) Rs. 100.91
(vi) Re. 0.20
(vii) Rs. 4.05
6. (i) Rs. 14.95
(ii) Rs. 4.25
(iii) Rs. 3.64
(iv) Rs. 25.13
(v) Rs. 41.62
(vi) Rs. 58.95
(vii) Rs. 92.69
(viii) Rs. 392.70
8. Rs. 117.40
Related Concepts
● Worksheet on Addition of Money
● Worksheet on Multiplication of Money
● Worksheet on Division of Money
● Worksheet on Third Grade Money
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