Practice the questions given in the worksheet on third grade money. This worksheet provides basic math questions involving addition on money, subtraction of money, multiplication of money by a number, division of money by a number, converting money in rupees and paisa and mixed word problems on money.
🟢 The number to the left of the dot shows the rupees. The number to the right of the dot shows the paise
🟢 To convert rupees into parse, multiply the amount in rupees by 100.
🟢 Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of money can be done with the same way as it is done for ordinary numbers
1. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on Third Grade Money:
Tick (✔) the correct option.
(i) 16 rupees 5 paise is the same as:
(a) 0.165 p; (b) ₹ 16.50; (c) ₹16.05
(ii) 10 coins of 25 p make:
(a) ₹ 5; (b) ₹ 25; (c) ₹ 2.50
(iii) Cost of an eraser is ₹ 1.50. The cost of 4 erasers will be:
(a) ₹ 5.50; (b) ₹ 6.00; (c) ₹ 4.75
(iv) Kevin paid ₹ 120 for 4 movie tickets. The cost of each ticket is:
(a) ₹ 30; (b) ₹ 12; (c) ₹ 20
(v) Stephen buys a bag which costs three times a box costing ₹ 45. The cost of the bag is:
(a) ₹ 45; (b) ₹ 15; (c) ₹ 135
2. (i) Convert 6085 paisa into rupees and paisa.
(ii) Convert Rs. 57.50 into paisa.
3. (i) Add Rs. 12.65, Re. 0.95 and Rs. 136.65
(ii) Subtract Rs. 30.57 from Rs. 75.30.
(iii) Ram and Sam have Rs. 360.45 and Rs. 638.95 respectively. Luis has an amount equal to the sum of the amount of Ram and Sam. What is the amount Luis has?
4. Riana
bought the following things:
2 flower bouquets each for Rs. 11.25, a doll for Rs. 24.61, a book for Rs. 27.67 and a notebook for Rs. 16.10. Find her total expenditure. If she gave a Rs. 100 note to the shopkeeper, what amount was returned to her?
5. How many paisa are there in Rs. 7.00? How many 25-paisa coins make Rs. 7?
6. Three pairs of sleepers cost Rs. 366. What is the cost of one pair of sleepers?
7. A packet of biscuits cost Rs. 15.50. What is cost of 6 packets?
8. Which is less and by how much (Rs. 115.35 + Rs. 75.05) or (Rs. 415.35 - Rs. 102.00)?
Answers for the worksheet on money are given below to check the exact answers of above mixed problems on rupees and paisa.
1. (i) → (c) ₹16.05
(ii) → (c) ₹ 2.50
(iii) → (b) ₹ 6.00
(iv) → (a) ₹ 30
(v) → (c) ₹ 135
2. (i) Rs. 60.85
(ii) 5750 paisa
3. (i) Rs. 150.25
(ii) Rs. 44.73
(iii) Rs. 999.40
4. Rs. 90.88, Rs. 9.12
5. 700 paisa, 28 coins
6. Rs. 122
7. Rs. 93
8. Sum is less than difference by Rs. 122.95
Related Concepts
● Worksheet on Addition of Money
● Worksheet on Subtraction of Money
● Worksheet on Multiplication of Money
● Worksheet on Division of Money
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