In multiplication of money we will learn how to multiply the amounts of money involving rupees and paisa. We carryout multiplication with money the same way as in decimal numbers. We put decimal point after two places from the right in the product.
Worked-out Examples on Multiplication of Money:
1. Multiply Rs. 9.25 by 4
(i) Amounts to be multiplied by a number
(ii) The decimal point is placed after two digits from the right in the product since we see in the multiplicand the decimal point is placed after two digits from the right.
Rs. 9.25
× 4
Rs. 37.00
2. Multiply Rs. 25.60 by 7
(i) Amounts to be multiplied by a number
(ii) The decimal point is placed after two digits from the right in the product since we see in the multiplicand the decimal point is placed after two digits from the right.
Rs. 25.60
× 7
Rs. 179.20
3. Multiply Rs. 101.07 by 5
(i) Amounts to be multiplied by a number
(ii) The decimal point is placed after two digits from the right in the product since we see in the multiplicand the decimal point is placed after two digits from the right.
Rs. 101.07
× 5
Rs. 505.35
You can do multiplication of money in the same way that you multiply ordinary numbers. Write the rupees and paise in separate columns or a dot (.) between them.
4. Multiply 25p × 5p.
1 2
2 5
× 5
1 2 5 p
= Rs. 1.25
5. Multiply Rs. 126 × Rs. 6.
1 3
1 2 6
× 6
7 5 6
= Rs. 756
6. Multiply Rs. 14.20 × Rs. 4
1 1
1 4 . 2 0
× 4
5 6 . 8 0
= Rs. 56.80
7. Multiply ₹ 7.52 × 5.
Step I: Multiply 7.52 by 5 as you normally do.
Step II: Write ₹
Step III: Put the dot before the second digit from the right.
₹ 7 . 5 2
x 5
₹ 3 7 . 6 0
Answer: ₹ 7.52 × 5 = ₹ 37.60
Word problems on Multiplication of Money:
1. One bottle of jam cost Rs. 180.25. Find the cost of 7 such bottles.
Cost of 1 bottle = Rs.180.25
Cost of 7 bottle = Rs.180.25 × 7
Rs. 180.25
× 7
Rs. 1261.75
Therefore, cost of 7 bottle = Rs. 1261.75
2. Robert bought 8 notebooks each costing Rs. 49.50.How much money did he pay?
Cost of 1 note book = Rs. 49.50
Cost of 8 note book = Rs. 49.50 × 8
Rs. 49.50
× 8
Rs. 396.00
Therefore, cost of 8 note book = Rs. 396.00
3. The price of a pen is ₹ 5.50. What will be the cost of 5 such pens?
Solution: Price of 1 pen = ₹ 5.50 Cost of 5 pens = ₹ 5.50 × 5 = ₹ 27.50 Hence, the cost of 5 pens is ₹ 27.50. |
₹ p 5 . 5 0 × 5 2 7 . 5 0 |
The above examples on multiplication of money will help the students to practice the worksheet on multiplying the amounts of money by a number.
Questions and Answers on Multiplication of Money:
1. Multiply the following:
(i) $104.60 × 5
(ii) $210.20 × 8
(iii) $83 × 7
(iv) $1060.25 × 12
(v) $1407.15 × 15
(vi) $108 × 25
(i) $523
(ii) $1681.60
(iii) $581
(iv) $12723
(v) $21107.25
(vi) $2700
2. Find the product:
(i) $310.10 × 6
(ii) $62.10 × 3
(iii) $129.90 × 8
(iv) $46.30 × 4
(v) $167.85 × 9
(vi) $180.25 × 16
(i) $1860.60
(ii) $186.30
(iii) $1039.20
(iv) $185.20
(v) $1510.65
(vi) $2884
3. Multiply the following:
(i) |
Rs. P 1 6 . 0 0 × 3 ________ |
(ii) |
Rs. P 7 2 . 0 0 × 2 ________ |
(iii) |
Rs. P 3 5 . 2 1 × 3 ________ |
(iv) |
Rs. P 1 1 . 4 0 × 4 ________ |
(v) |
Rs. P 1 3 . 2 0 × 6 ________ |
(vi) |
Rs. P 6 . 0 5 × 2 ________ |
(vii) |
Rs. P 3 . 6 5 × 3 ________ |
(viii) |
Rs. P 8 . 1 0 × 6 ________ |
(ix) |
Rs. P 2 0 . 2 5 × 7 ________ |
(x) |
Rs. P 2 5 . 5 0 × 4 ________ |
(xi) |
Rs. P 5 . 5 0 × 3 ________ |
(xii) |
Rs. P 2 5 . 2 5 × 4 ________ |
(xiii) |
Rs. P 8 . 6 0 × 8 ________ |
(xiv) |
Rs. P 7 0 . 3 0 × 2 ________ |
(xv) |
Rs. P 7 0 . 0 2 × 6 ________ |
(xvi) |
Rs. P 4 0 . 2 0 × 2 ________ |
(xvii) |
Rs. P 2 3 . 1 5 × 5 ________ |
(xviii) |
Rs. P 1 5 . 7 5 × 3 ________ |
(xix) |
Rs. P 1 7 . 5 0 × 7 ________ |
(xx) |
Rs. P 9 0 . 6 0 × 4 ________ |
(xxi) |
Rs. P 1 5 . 0 0 × 4 ________ |
(xxii) |
Rs. P 8 7 . 5 5 × 8 ________ |
(xxiii) |
Rs. P 9 5 . 8 5 × 2 ________ |
(xxiv) |
Rs. P 4 5 . 1 5 × 3 ________ |
3. (i) Rs. 48.00
(ii) Rs. 144.00
(iii) Rs. 105.63
(iv) Rs. 45.60
(v) Rs. 79.20
(vi) Rs. 12.10
(vii) Rs. 10.95
(viii) Rs. 48.60
(ix) Rs. 141.75
(x) Rs. 102.00
(xi) Rs. 16.50
(xii) Rs. 101.00
(xiii) Rs. 68.80
(xiv) Rs. 140.60
(xv) Rs. 420.12
(xvi) Rs. 80.40
(xvii) Rs. 115.75
(xviii) Rs. 47.25
(xix) Rs. 122.50
(xx) Rs. 362.40
(xxi) Rs. 60.00
(xxii) Rs. 700.40
(xxiii) Rs. 191.70
(xxiv) Rs. 135.45
Related Concept
● Money
● Writing Money in Words and Figure
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