Worksheet on Multiplication of Money
Practice the
questions given in the worksheet on multiplication of money.
This sheet provides different types of questions on multiplying the amount of
money by a number; arrange in columns the amount of rupees and paisa and then
multiply the amount by a number to find the product and word problems on multiplication of money.
1. Multiply the following:
(i) Rs. 14 × 5
(ii) 8 paisa × 9
(iii) 35 paisa × 6
(iv) Rs. 52 × 10
(v) Rs. 25 × 7
(vi) Rs. 5.20 × 5
2. Multiply the following:
(i) Rs. 30.00 × 3
(ii) Rs. 7.50 × 7
(iii) Rs. 19.50 × 6
(iv) Rs. 8.05 × 9
(v) Rs. 27.30 × 4
(vi) Rs. 79.45 × 3
(vii) Rs. 49.75 × 10
(viii) Rs. 57.25 × 9
3. Find the product the following money:
₹ p 2 6 1 5 × 6 __________
₹ ______
₹ p 9 2 4 × 7 __________
₹ ______
₹ p 1 2 3 0 × 9 __________
₹ ______
₹ p 3 1 1 0 × 8 __________
₹ ______
4. Multiply the following money:
(i) 26 p by 2
(ii) 35 p by 6
(iii) 123 p by 5
(iv) 42 p by 8
(v) 207 p by 9
(vi) 325 p by 4
5. Multiply and express the answer in rupees:
(i) 32 p by 3
(ii) ₹ 4.12 by 5
(iii) ₹ 12.05 by 8
(iv) 107 p by 6
(v) ₹ 0.85 by 2
(vi) 49.50 by 9
6. One packet of chocolate cost
Rs. 21.35. What is the cost of 8 packets of chocolates?
7. If a pencil cost 50 paisa,
what will be the cost of 8 such pencils?
8. An i-pod cost Rs. 1635.70. How
much will be paid for buying 2 i-pods?
9. One litre of milk cost Rs.
16.50. What will be the cost of 8 litres of milk?
10. Harry gets Rs. 10.50 as pocket
money daily. How much will he get in 9 days?
11. A glass tumbler cost Rs.
29.35. What will be the cost of 9 such tumblers?
12. A pack of cheese cost Rs. 75.00. What is the cost of 5 such packets?
13. Shelly bought 8 packets of coconut cookies and Jack bought 8
packets of chocolate cookies. They decided to share the amount equally. How
much does each one pay?
Answers for the worksheet on multiplication of money are given below to check the exact answers of the above questions on finding the products of the amount by a number.
1. (i) Rs. 70
(ii) 72 Paisa
(iii) Rs. 2.10 or 210 Paisa
(iv) Rs. 520
(v) Rs. 175
(vi) Rs. 26
2. (i) Rs. 90
(ii) Rs. 52.50
(iii) Rs. 117
(iv) Rs. 72.45
(v) Rs. 109.20
(vi) Rs. 238.35
(vii) Rs. 497.50
(viii) Rs. 515.25
3. (i) 156 90; ₹ 156.90
(ii) 64 68; ₹ 64.68
(iii) 110 70; ₹ 110.70
(iv) 248 80; ₹ 248.80
4. (i) 52 p
(ii) 210 p
(iii) 615 p
(iv) 336 p
(v) 1863 p
(vi) 1300 p
5. (i) ₹ 0.96
(ii) ₹ 20.60
(iii) ₹ 96.40
(iv) ₹ 6.42
(v) ₹ 1.70
(vi) ₹ 445.50
6. Rs. 170.80
7. Rs. 4.00
8. Rs. 3271.40
9. Rs. 132
10. Rs. 94.50
11. Rs. 264.15
12. Rs. 375
13. Rs. 1237.20
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