In division of money we will learn how to divide the amounts of money by a number. We carryout division with money the same way as in decimal numbers. We put decimal point in the quotient after two places from the right.
The process of division of money is performed as the ordinary division of a number.
Worked-out examples on division of money by a number:
1. Divide 75 paisa by 5
Hence 75 paisa ÷ 5 = 15 paisa = Re. 0.15
2. Divide Rs. 92 by 4
Hence Rs. 92 ÷ 4 = Rs. 23 or Rs. 23.00
3. Divide Rs. 66.00 by 4
Hence Rs. 66 ÷ 4 = Rs. 16.50
4. Divide Rs. 38.58 by 6
Hence Rs. 38.58 ÷ 6 = Rs. 6.43
5. Divide Rs. 62 by 7
Hence, on dividing Rs. 62 by 7 we get the quotient is Rs. 8.85 and the remainder is Re. 0.05 or 5 paisa.
You can do division of money in the same way that you divide ordinary numbers.
6. Divide Rs. 35.45 by 5
Method I:
Q = Rs. 7 and 10 p = Rs. 7.10 |
You can write rupees and paisa in separate column and divide them separately. |
Method II:
Divide Rs. 35.45 by 5
Q = Rs. 7.10 |
Separate the rupees and paisa with a point. Divide the rupee first. Put a point after the quotient of this division. Now divide the paisa. |
7. Divide the money: Divide ₹ 48.80 by 4.
Answer: ₹ 48.80 ÷ 4 = ₹ 12.20
8. If Ron distribute Rs. 39.60 among 6 boys, how much will each boy get?
Hence, each boy will get Rs. 6.60
9. An amount of Rs. 760.80 is divided equally among 6 students. How much money did each student get?
The amount divided = Rs. 760.80
Each student will get = Rs 760.80 ÷ 6
Hence, Rs. 760.80 ÷ 6 = Rs. 126.80
Each student will receive Rs. 126.80
10. A pen cost Rs. 52. If Christopher has Rs. 500, how many pens he can buy and how much money will he get back?
Cost of one pen = Rs. 52
Maximum number of pens Christopher can buy = Rs. 500 ÷ 52.
Therefore, Christopher can buy 9 pens. He gets back Rs. 32.
The above examples on division of money will help the students to practice the worksheet on dividing the amounts of money by a number.
1. Divide the following:
(i) |
Rs. p ____________ 2 | 4 6 . 8 0 _____________ _________ _________ |
(ii) |
Rs. p ____________ 3 | 3 9 . 1 2 _____________ _________ _________ |
(iii) |
Rs. p ____________ 4 | 4 8 . 4 0 _____________ _________ _________ |
(iv) |
Rs. p ____________ 2 | 2 0 . 1 0 _____________ _________ _________ |
(v) |
Rs. p ____________ 3 | 9 6 . 0 0 _____________ _________ _________ |
(vi) |
Rs. p ____________ 2 | 2 4 . 6 0 _____________ _________ _________ |
(vii) |
Rs. p ____________ 4 | 8 0 . 8 0 _____________ _________ _________ |
(viii) |
Rs. p ____________ 3 | 3 6 . 9 0 _____________ _________ _________ |
1. (i) Rs. 23.40
(ii) Rs. 13.04
(iii) Rs. 12.10
(iv) Rs. 10.05
(v) Rs. 32.00
(vi) Rs. 12.30
(vii) Rs. 20.20
(viii) Rs. 12.30
2. Divide the following sums in your notebook:
(i) $250 ÷ 10
(ii) $162.50 ÷ 5
(iii) $560.20 ÷ 4
(iv) $11110 ÷ 22
(v) $1682.80 ÷ 14
(vi) $1974.4 ÷ 16
(vii) Rs. 26.50 ÷ 2
(viii) Rs. 60.90 ÷ 3
(ix) Rs. 84.80 ÷ 4
(x) Rs. 35.75 ÷ 5
(xi) Rs. 66.60 ÷ 2
(xii) Rs. 63.60 ÷ 3
(xiii) Rs. 48.40 ÷ 4
(xiv) Rs. 66.00 ÷ 6
2. (i) $25
(ii) $32.5
(iii) $140.05
(iv) $505
(v) $120.20
(vi) $123.40
(vii) Rs. 13.25
(viii) Rs. 20.30
(ix) Rs. 21.20
(x) Rs. 7.15
(xi) Rs. 33.30
(xii) Rs. 21.20
(xiii) Rs. 12.10
(xiv) Rs. 11.00
3. Find the quotient:
(i) $361.20 ÷ 8
(ii) $5266.10 ÷ 7
(iii) $825.30 ÷ 3
(iv) $1285.20 ÷ 9
(v) $488.72 ÷ 4
(vi) $7296 ÷ 16
3. (i) $45.15
(ii) $752.30
(iii) $275.10
(iv) $142.8
(v) $122.18
(vi) $456.00
Related Concept
● Money
● Writing Money in Words and Figure
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