Worksheet on Money

Practice the questions given in the worksheet on money. This sheet provides different types of questions where students need to express the amount of money in short form and long form; writing the amounts of money in figures and words; writing the amounts of money using decimal points; conversion of money from rupees to paisa and from paisa to rupees.

Money is needed to buy things. In our country (India), money is counted in rupees and paise.

Symbol '₹' is used for rupees and the symbol 'p' is used for paise.

₹ 1 = 100 p

1. Express the following amount of money in short form:

(i) 35 rupees 25 paisa

(ii) 45 paisa

(iii) 75 paisa

(iv) 25 paisa

(v) 17 rupees 15 paisa

(vi) 25 rupees 5 paisa

(vii) 50 rupees 85 paisa

(viii) 107 rupees 7 paisa

2. Fill in the blanks:

(i) We use ……………………. digits to express cents.

(ii) To convert dollar into cents we multiply by …………………….

(iii) The dot which separates dollars from cents is called …………………….

(iv) 152 dollars 95 cents = …………………….

3. Express the following amount of money in long form (Rupees and paisa separately):

(i) Re. 1.00

(ii) Re. 0.37

(iii) Rs. 50.75

(iv) Rs. 15.00

(v) Rs. 11.80

(vi) Rs. 40.15

(vii) Rs. 101.00

(viii) Re. 0.5

4. Write the following amounts of money in figures:

(i) Ten rupees and thirty seven paisa

(ii) Twenty five rupees and four paisa

(iii) Eighty five paisa

(iv) Sixty seven rupees

(v) One rupee and seventy five paisa

5. Write the following amounts of money in words:

(i) Rs. 5.75

(ii) Re. 0.09

(iii) Re. 0.75

(iv) Re. 0.01

(v) Rs. 28.25

6. Write the following amounts of money using decimal points:

(i) 3 rupees 50 paisa

(ii) 50 rupees 4 paisa

(iii) 9 rupees 80 paisa

(iv) 81 paisa

(v) 1 rupee 5 paisa

(vi) 75 paisa

7. Convert the following amounts into paisa:

(i) Rs. 5.25

(ii) Rs. 5.09

(iii) Rs. 8.10

(iv) Rs. 9.85

(v) Re. 0.35

(vi) Re. 0.95

(vii) Rs. 12.24

(viii) Rs. 78.12

8. Convert the following amounts into rupees:

(i) 945 paisa

(ii) 870 paisa

(iii) 775 paisa

(iv) 705 paisa

(v) 8 paisa

(vi) 38 paisa

(vii) 150 paisa

(viii) 490 paisa

(ix) 78 paisa

(x) 400 paisa

(xi) 1075 paisa

(xii) 3099 paisa

Worksheet on Addition and Subtraction of Money:

9. Solve the following.

(i) Rs. 115.35 + Rs. 19.27

(ii) Rs. 172.12 + Rs. 4201.89

(iii) Rs. 96.45 + Rs. 128.31 + Rs. 104.72

(iv) Rs. 359.28 - 140.20

(v) Rs. 1406.70 - Rs. 208.10

(vi) Rs. 11315.55 - Rs. 9080.42

10. Solve the following.

(i) Rs. 46.15 + Rs. 143.26

(ii) Rs. 129.66 + Rs 66.60 + Rs. 110.20

(iii) Rs. 1402.18 - Rs. 201.15

(iv) Rs. 620.95 - Rs. 619.05

(v) Rs. 440.35 - Rs. 18.56 + Rs. 16.49

(vi) Rs. 310.65 - Rs. 15.05 - Rs. 91.55

11 Fill in the blanks:

(i) The sum of ₹ 14 + ₹ 32 + ₹ 51 = __________

(ii) The sum of ₹ 82 + ₹ 19 + ₹ 78 = __________

(iii) The difference between ₹ 39 - ₹ 25 = __________

(iv) The difference between ₹ 75 - ₹ 56 = __________

(v) Division of ₹ 68.82 by 2 is = __________

(vi) Multiplication of ₹ 23.42 by 2 is = __________

12. Tick () the correct options:

(i) The difference between ₹ 75 and ₹ 56 is-

(a) ₹ 20          (b) ₹ 19          (c) ₹ 33          (d) ₹ 56

(ii) The sum of ₹ 91 and ₹ 104 is -

(a) ₹ 600         (b) ₹ 310           (c) ₹ 195          (d) ₹ 90

(iii)  Division of ₹ 86 by 2 is -

(a) ₹ 10          (b) ₹ 59          (c) ₹ 68          (d) ₹ 43

(iv) Multiplication of ₹ 43.12 by 3 is -

(a) ₹129.36          (b) ₹ 243.20          (c) ₹ 104.21          (d) ₹ 300.21

13. State 'T' for True and 'F' for False:

(i) 1 rupee is equal to 200 paise.                                   

(ii) 1, 2 and 5 rupees are not available in notes.             

(iii) 100 rupees are also available in coins.                     

(iv) Rupees are denoted as ₹.                                       

14. Look at the following money exchange and fill in the blanks:


Money Exchange

     _____ 1-rupee coins make ₹ 5.


Money Exchange - Two 5-rupee Coin

     _____ 5-rupee coins make ₹ 10.


Money Exchange - 50, 20 and 10-Rupee Notes

     _____ 20-rupee notes and _____ 10-rupee note make ₹ 50.


Money Exchange - 100, 50, 20 and 10-Rupee Notes

     _____ 50-rupee note, _____ 20-rupee notes and _____ ten rupee note make ₹ 100.

15. Write the following amounts in figures:

Amounts in Figures

Worksheet on Word Problems on Money:

16. Choose the correct answer:

(i) A soap costs $80.50. How much will 4 soaps cost?

(a) $330.50

(b) 322

(c) 340

(ii) A toy costs $55. How much will go with 8 such toys cost?

(a) $440

(b) $400

(c) $540

(iii) If Shelly buys 2 video games at $150 each, how much money will she get back from $500?

(a) $100

(b) $250

(c) $200

(iv) When 264.60 is divided by 6 the quotient is

(a) $44.10

(b) $44.60

(c) $54.10

17. Solve the Word Problems on Addition and Subtraction of Money:

(i) The cost of a Scooby Doo comic is ₹ 135 and the cost of its animated CD is four times more. What is the cost of animated CD?

(ii) James purchased a notebook for ₹ 25.75 and a eraser for ₹ 7.50. How much money does he need to pay?

(iii) Mary bought an pencil case for ₹ 17 and a school bag for ₹ 73.30. How much money should she pay to the shopkeeper?

(iv) Patricia had ₹ 158.25 in her piggy bank. Her uncle gave her ₹ 78.75 more. How much money does she have now?

(v) Elizabeth bought a cake for ₹ 72. She gave the shopkeeper ₹ 75. How much money will she get back from the shopkeeper?

(vi) Jessica has ₹ 110 with her. She wants to buy a pack of multicolour gel pen for ₹ 75 and a note pad for ₹ 34. Does she have enough money to buy these things?

(vii) Richard had ₹ 99 with him. He spent ₹ 77 for repairing his bicycle. How much money is left with him now?

(viii) Joseph had ₹ 70. His mother gave him ₹ 40. How much money did he have in all?

(ix) Nancy bought a frock for ₹ 240.50 and a purse for ₹ 90. How much money did she spend?

(x) Ashley bought a bag for ₹ 192, a water bottle for ₹ 68 and un umbrella for ₹ 144. How much money did she spend in all?

(xi) Emily has ₹ 135. Her brother Anthony has ₹ 47 more than Sandhya. How much money does Anthony have?

(xii) George bought a water bottle for ₹ 37.25. He gave a fifty rupee note to the shopkeeper. How much money will he get back?

(xiii) Ryan's mother gave him ₹ 500 for the book fair. He spends ₹ 435. How much money will he return to his mother?

(xiv) Jonathan bought a kg of grapes for ₹ 37 and a kg of guava for ₹ 27. How much did he spend?

(xv) Alexander bought a pencil holder costing ₹ 64 and a sticky notes pad costing ₹ 23. How much did he spend in all?

(xvi) Jack gave Aaron ₹ 202 and Peter ₹ 347. How much did he give them in all?

(xvii) Teresa had ₹ 250 to buy a geometry box. The cost of geometry box is ₹ 195. How much is left with her?

(xviii) Nairitee bought a glue stick for ₹ 8.25 and some educational stickers for ₹ 25.95. How much money did she spend?

(xix) Richard bought a Spanish storybook for ₹ 67.75 and a French storybook for ₹ 43.25. What is the total amount he spent in buying the books?

18. Solve the Word Problems on Multiplication of Money:

(i) Anthony buys 2 sticky note books for ₹ 17.75 each. How much does she pay for them?

(ii) Ashley buys 4 small pizzas for ₹ 108.50 each. How much does she pay for them?

(iii) The cost of 1 orange biscuit packet is ₹ 12.90. Find the cost of such 6 biscuit packets.

19. Solve the Word Problems on Division of Money:

(i) 8 kg of pumpkin can be bought for ₹ 85.20. What is the cost of 1 kg of pumpkin?

Worksheet on Money

18. Mrs. Martha, Class Teacher of 2A, has asked the children to buy pencils and crayons for giving to children who cannot buy them.

The class collects 30 pencils. Each pencil costs ₹ 3.

(i) How much would 15 pencils cost?

(ii) How much would 30 pencils cost?

The class collects 20 crayons also.

(iii) They cost 100. Which would cost more-the crayons or the pencils?

19. Tick ( ✓ ) the correct statements. Correct the incorrect statements:

(i) Mohit has 3 coins of 50 p, so he has ₹ 150.     


(ii) I have ₹ 50. I buy a book for ₹ 27.

     I have ₹ 33 left over.     ⟏


(iii) I bought 2 kites. Each kite is for ₹ 5.50.

      I have to pay ₹ 11.00.     ⟏


(v) 5 boys won ₹ 100 as prize money in a competition.

     Each boy got ₹ 50.     ⟏


20. Match the piggy bank to the person to find:

Whose piggy bank is it?

Who is richest among all? ____________________

(i) Ryan has one 50 rupees note. Three 10 rupees notes, one 2 rupees coin and two 1 rupee coins.

Piggy Bank Money Problem

(ii) Sharon has two 100 rupees notes. Six 10 rupees notes, one 5 rupees note and one 2 rupees coin.

Piggy Bank Money Problem

(iii) Lisa has two 20 rupees notes, two 10 rupees notes and one 5 rupees note.

Piggy Bank Money Problem

(iv) Ruth has one 500 rupees note, one 20 rupees note, one 10 rupees note, two 5 rupees notes and one 2 rupees coin.

Piggy Bank Money Problem

(v) Ashley has one 50 rupees note and four 10 rupees notes.

Piggy Bank Money Problem

(vi) Nancy has one 100 rupees note, one 20 rupees note, one 10 rupees note and five 1 rupee coins.

Piggy Bank Money Problem

Answers for the worksheet on money are given below to check the exact answers of the above questions based on the basic fact on rupees and paisa.



1. (i) Rs. 35.25

(ii) Re. 0.45 

(iii) Re. 0.75

(iv) Re. 0.25

(v) Rs. 17.15

(vi) Rs. 25.05

(vii) Rs. 50.85

(viii) Rs. 107.07

2. (i) two

(ii) 100

(iii) decimal

(iv) 152.95

3. (i) 1 rupee

(ii) 37 paisa

(iii) 50 rupees 75 paisa

(iv) 15 rupees

(v) 11 rupees 80 paisa

(vi) 40 rupees 15 paisa

(vii) 101 rupees

(viii) 50 paisa

4. (i) Rs. 10.37

(ii) Rs. 25.04

(iii) Re. 085

(iv) Rs. 67

(v) Rs. 1.75

5. (i) Five rupees seventy five paisa

(ii) Nine paisa

(iii) Seventy five paisa

(iv) One paisa

(v) Twenty eight rupees twenty five paisa

6. (i) Rs. 3.50

(ii) Rs. 50.04

(iii) Rs. 9.80

(iv) Re. 0.81

(v) Rs. 1.05

(vi) Re. 0.75

7. (i) 525 paisa

(ii) 509 paisa

(iii) 810 paisa

(iv) 985 paisa

(v) 35 paisa

(vi) 95 paisa

(vii) 1224 paisa

(viii) 7812 paisa

8. (i) Rs. 9.45

(ii) Rs. 8.70

(iii) Rs. 7.75

(iv) Rs. 7.05

(v) Re. 0.08

(vi) Re. 0.38

(vii) Rs. 1.50

(viii) Rs. 4.90

(ix) Re. 0.78

(x) Rs. 4.00

(xi) Rs. 10.75

(xii) Rs. 30.99

9. (i) Rs. 134.62

(ii) Rs. 4374.01

(iii) Rs. 329.48

(iv) Rs. 219.08

(v) Rs. 1,198.60

(vi) Rs. 2,235.13

10. (i) Rs. 189.41

(ii) Rs. 306.46

(iii) Rs. 1201.03

(iv) Rs. 1.90

(v) Rs. 438.28

(vi) Rs. 204.05

11. (i) ₹ 97

(ii) ₹ 179

(iii) ₹ 14

(iv) ₹ 19

(v) ₹ 34.41

(vi) ₹ 46.84

12. (i) → (b) ₹ 19

(ii) → (c) ₹ 195

(iii) → (d) ₹ 43

(iv) → (a) ₹129.36

13. (i) 5 

(ii) 2

(iii) 2; 1

(iv) 1; 2; 1

14. (i) ₹ 65.25

(ii) ₹ 101.25

(iii) ₹ 30

15. (i) F

(ii) T

(iii) F

(iv) T

16. (i) (b) 322

(ii) (a) $440

(iii) (c) $200

(iv) (a) $44.10

17. (i) ₹ 540

(ii) ₹ 33.25

(iii) ₹ 90.30

(iv) ₹ 237

(v) ₹ 3

(vi) Yes

(vii) ₹ 22

(viii) ₹ 110

(ix) ₹ 330.50

(x) ₹ 404

(xi) ₹ 182

(xii) ₹ 12.75

(xiii) ₹ 65

(xiv) ₹ 64

(xv) ₹ 87

(xvi) ₹ 549

(xvii) ₹ 55

(xviii) ₹ 34.20 

(xix)  ₹ 111 

18. (i) ₹ 135.50

(ii) ₹ 434

(iii) ₹ 77.40

19. (i) ₹ 10.65

18. (i) ₹ 45

(ii) ₹ 90

(iii) Each crayons costa ₹ 5. Crayons cost more than pencil.

19. (i) .     He has ₹ 1.50

(ii) .    I will have ₹ 23 left over.

(iii)      I will have to pay ₹ 11.00.

(v) .     Each boy will get ₹ 20.

20. (i) (c)

(ii) (e)

(iii) (a)

(iv) (f)

(v)  (d)

(vi)  (b)

Ruth is richest among all.

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