Expanded Form and Short Form of a Number

When we write a number as a sum of place value of its digits, the number is said to be in expended form and when we write a number using digits, the number is said to be in short form.

Expanded Form of a Number:

When we write 3476, the number really means 3000 + 400 + 70 + 6. This means we have expanded the number to show the value of each of its digit.

The expanded form of a number is the method of expressing the number as the sum of the place value of all its digits.

For example,

Consider the number 2815

2815 = 2000 + 800 + 10 + 5

There are 3 ways to write the expanded form for a given number.

Examples on Expanded Form of a Number:

1. Write the expanded form for 43,257.


1st way: 4 ten thousands + 3 thousands + 2 hundreds + 5 tens + 7 ones

2nd way: 4 × 10000 + 3 × 1000 + 2 × 100 + 5 × 10 + 7 × 1

3rd way: 40000 + 3000 + 200 + 50 + 7

2. Write the expanded form for 14,080.


14,080 = 1 ten thousand + 4 thousands + 8 tens   [Note: We do not write the place value for hundreds and ones as these places are filled with zero.]

or, 1 × 10000 + 4 × 1000 + 8 × 10

or, 10000 + 4000 + 80

3. Write the expanded form of 6875.


Expanded Form of a 4-Digit Number

Expanded Form = 6 thousands + 8 hundreds + 7 tens + 5 ones

                       = 6000 + 800 + 70 + 5

Standard Form of a Number / Short Form of a Number:

The standard form of a number is a way of expressing the expanded form in figures.

For example, the standard form of 7000 + 400 + 10 + 1 = 7411

Examples on Expanded Form and Short Form of a Number:

3. Write the short form for the given expanded forms.

(i) 8 ten thousands + 6 hundreds + 6 tens + 3 ones

(ii) 9  × 10000 + 7 × 1000 + 4 × 10 + 2

(iii) 40000 + 3000 + 900 + 70 + 8


                 Expanded Form

(i) 8 ten thousands + 6 hundreds + 6 tens + 3 ones

(ii) 9 × 10000 + 7 × 1000 + 4 × 10 + 2

(iii) 40000 + 3000 + 900 + 70 + 8

Short Form




Questions and Answers on Expanded Form and Standard Form of a Number:

I. Write in the expanded form:

(i) 5896

(ii) 3817

(iii) 6399

(iv) 1357

(v) 3434

(vi) 5690


I. (i) 5000 + 800 + 90 + 6

(ii) 3000 + 800 + 10 + 7

(iii) 6000 + 300 + 90 + 9

(iv) 1000 + 300 + 50 + 7

(v) 3000 + 400 + 30 + 4

(vi) 5000 + 600 + 90 + 0

II. Write the expanded form:

(i) 4718 = ____ + ___ + __ + _

(ii) 7098 = ____ + ___ + __ + _

(iii) 5002 =  ____ + ___ + __ + _

(iv) 6500 = ____ + ___ + __ + _

(v) 3456 =  ____ + ___ + __ + _


II. (i) 4718 = 4000 + 700 + 10 + 8

(ii) 7098 = 7000 + 000 + 90 + 8

(iii) 5002 =  5000 + 000 + 00 + 2

(iv) 6500 = 6000 + 500 + 00 + 0

(v) 3456 =  3000 + 400 + 50 + 6

III. Write in the standard form:

(i) 2000 + 900 + 90 + 9

(ii) 8000 + 200 + 50 + 3

(iii) 1000 + 400 + 50 + 2

(iv) 4000 + 300 + 9

(v) 6000 + 900 + 80 + 4


III. (i) 2999

(ii) 8253

(iii) 1452

(iv) 4309

(v) 6984

IV. Write in the short form:

(i) 3000 + 60

(ii) 7000 + 70 + 8

(iii) 8000 + 80 + 9

(iv) 4000 + 500 + 10 + 3

(v) 6000 + 900 + 70


IV. Write in the short form:

(i) 3060 

(ii) 7078

(iii) 8089

(iv) 4513

(v) 6970

V. Complete the puzzle with answers in short form. Clues have been given below.

    Down ()

1. 9001 + 599 + 19 + 1

2. 3000 + 800 + 40 + 7

3. 5000 + 500 + 50

4. 9 th + 9 h + 9 tens

5. 8 h + 5 tens

6. 8 th+ 9 h +9 tens + 1 ones

    Across ()

1. 9 th + 9 h + 3 tens

3. 500 + 9

5. 8000 + 500 + 80 + 9

7. 5000 + 90 + 0

8. 600 + 60 + 6

9. (3023 + 977) + 180

Expanded Form and Short Form of a Number Puzzle



Expanded Form and Short Form of a Number Puzzle Answer

Short form of International Number System

VI. Express in short form.

(i) 10,000,000,000 + 2,000,000,000 + 50,000,000 + 5,000,000 +  5,000 + 200 + 40 + 5

(ii) 50,00,00,000 + 3,00,00,000 + 40,00,000 + 5,00,000 + 30,000 + 5,000 + 800 + 50 + 8

(iii) 6,00,00,000 + 20,00,000 + 5,00,000 + 20,,000 + 2000 + 400 + 10 + 2

(iv) 100,000,000,000 + 10,000,000,000 + 2,000,000,000 + 400,000,000,000 + 20,000,000 + 5,000,000 + 100,000 + 20,000 + 4,000 + 300 + 40 + 6


VI. (i) 12,555,005,245

(ii) 53,45,35,858

(iii) 6,25,22,412

(iv) 112,425,124,346

1. What Is Expanded Form in Math?


When we write a number as the sum of the place value of its digits, the number is said to be in its expanded form.

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