Practice the questions given in the worksheet on subtraction of 4-digit numbers. Here we will subtract two 4-digit numbers (without borrowing and with borrowing) to find the difference between them. We know the process of subtraction remains the same as in case of 4-digit numbers from 5-digit numbers.
I. Subtract the following without borrowing:
(i) 5984 – 2431
(ii) 4078 – 1053
(iii) 7561 – 5210
(iv 6459 – 3437
(v) 8489 – 4185
(vi) 4630 – 4020
(vii) 9153 – 6111
(viii) 2769 – 1546
II. Subtract the following by borrowing:
(i) 8693 - 5897
(ii) 7007 – 4339
(iii) 9517 – 3838
(iv) 6000 – 2751
(v) 5006 – 1987
(vi) 6719 – 4846
(vii) 8512 6856
(viii) 5812 – 2909
(ix) 6375 – 5688
(x) 8102 – 4713
(xi) 6320 – 3757
(xii) 7108 – 2179
(xiii) 6351 – 4472
(xiv) 3716 – 1788
(xv) 5820 – 4945
III. Find the following:
(i) 3251 less than 15362
(ii) 7652 less than 19784
(iii) 5340 less than 26460
(iv) 4290 less than 34795
(v) 2753 less than 45868
(vi) 1705 less than 62807
(vii) 5264 less than 78269
(viii) 7015 less than 89136
(ix) 3270 less than 94380
(x) 4007 less than 44449
IV. Subtract the following:
(i) 4686 from 20375
(ii) 3478 from 31204
(iii) 5683 from 14670
(iv) 7052 from 32021
(v) 6269 from 72357
(vi) 3199 from 51003
(vii) 8671 from 40060
(viii) 5782 from 92300
V. Find the difference between:
(i) 24,842 and 64,922
(ii) 15,786 and 36,354
(iii) 80,000 and 39,470
(iv) 32,754 and 80,270
VI. Fill in the blanks:
(i) 6325 - 0 = ...............
(ii) ............... - 0 = 5172
(iii) 4105 - ............... = 4105
(iv) 1295 - 1295 = ...............
(v) 3872 - ............... = 0
(vi) ............... - 9415 = 0
VII. Answer the following questions:
(i) Find the difference between the largest 4-digit number and the smallest 4-digit number.
(ii) Subtract the difference of 2,492 and 3,495 from their sum.
(iii) What number should be added to 8,164 to get 9,846?
(iv) By how much is 7,948 greater than 3,465?
VIII. Find the difference:
IX. Use shortcut to subtract:
(i) 7263 - 4271 = __________
(ii) 8573 - 3466 = __________
(iii) 5415 - 2374 = __________
(iv) 4342 - 2343 = __________
(v) 6459 from 7000 = __________
(vi) 7864 from 9000 = __________
(vii) 6927 from 8000 = __________
(viii) 2125 from 4000 = __________
(ix) 1050 from 3000 = __________
(x) 2340 from 6000 = __________
Answers for the worksheet on subtraction of 4-digit numbers (without borrowing and with borrowing) are given below.
I. (i) 3559
(ii) 3025
(iii) 2351
(iv 3022
(v) 4304
(vi) 0610
(vii) 3042
(viii) 1223
II. (i) 2796
(ii) 2668
(iii) 5679
(iv) 3249
(v) 3019
(vi) 1873
(vii) 1656
(viii) 2903
(ix) 0687
(x) 3389
(xi) 2563
(xii) 4929
(xiii) 1879
(xiv) 1928
(xv) 0875
III. (i) 12111
(ii) 12132
(iii) 21120
(iv) 30505
(v) 43115
(vi) 61102
(vii) 73005
(viii) 82121
(ix) 91110
(x) 40442
IV. (i) 15689
(ii) 27726
(iii) 8987
(iv) 24969
(v) 66088
(vi) 47804
(vii) 31389
(viii) 86518
V. (i) 40,080
(ii) 20,568
(iii) 40,530
(iv) 47,516
VI. (i) 6325
(ii) 5172
(iii) 0
(iv) 0
(v) 3872
(vi) 9415
VII. (i) 8,999
(ii) 4,984
(iii) 1,682
(iv) 4,483
VIII. (i) 4403
(ii) 1251
(iii) 6035
(iv) 276
(v) 2130
(vi) 1113
(vii) 2861
(viii) 814
(ix) 1201
IX. (i) 2992
(ii) 5107
(iii) 3041
(iv) 1999
(v) 541
(vi) 1136
(vii) 1073
(viii) 1875
(ix) 1950
(x) 3660
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