Division Sharing and Grouping

We will learn division sharing and grouping.

Share eight strawberries between four children.

Sharing and Grouping

Sharing and Grouping Division

Let us distribute strawberries equally to all the four children one by one.

Sharing and Grouping Math

After distributing equally among four children, four strawberries were left. They can be further distributed among four children.

Sharing and Grouping Division Math

Now, there are no more strawberries left in the box. Each child got 2 strawberries. So, division is an operation of repeated subtracted of the same number.

8 – 4 = 4

4 – 4 = 0

Here, we have subtracted 4 repeatedly 2 times until we reached 0.

Hence, 8 strawberries ÷ 4 children = 2 strawberries for each child.

We can also say that 8 strawberries have been divided into 4 equal groups of 2.

Sharing Division Fact

So, 8 ÷ 4 = 2. This is called a division fact.

Division means sharing equally or making equal groups.

Equal Grouping


1. Nitheeya has 27 flowers. She wants to make garlands of 9 flowers each. How many garlands can she make?


She first puts 9 flowers in 1 garland.

She makes another garland of 9 flowers.

She makes 1 more garland of 9 flowers.

Understanding Division - Equal Grouping






Total number of flowers

number of flowers in each garland

number of garlands

Thus, Ntheeya can make 3 garlands of 9 flowers each.

Questions and Answers on Division Sharing and Grouping:

I. Divide the following:

(i) Put flowers in vases equally and write the division sentence.

Division Sentence

(ii) Put fishes equally in the tanks and write the division sentence.

Division Sentence Math


I. (i) 4 ÷ 4 = 1

(ii) 9 ÷ 3 = 3

II. Make groups of 2 and complete the division fact.

Complete the Division Fact

………… bananas have been divided into ………… groups.

                             ………… ÷ ………… = …………

Complete the Division Fact Math

………… flowers have been divided into ………… groups.

                             ………… ÷ ………… = …………

Complete the Division Math Fact

………… balloons have been divided into ………… groups.

                             ………… ÷ ………… = …………


II. (i) 8 bananas have been divided into 2 groups.

                             8 ÷ 2 = 4

(ii) 12 flowers have been divided into 2 groups.

                             12 ÷ 2 = 6

(iii) 6 balloons have been divided into 2 groups.

                             6 ÷ 2 = 3

III. Divide and complete the division fact.

(i) Distribute 12 candies equally among 4 kids.

Distribute Equally

Each kid has ……….. candies.

So, 12 ÷ 4 = …………

(ii) Distribute 18 oranges equally among 3 boxes.

Distribute Oranges Equally

Each box has ……….. oranges.

So, 18÷3 = …………

(iii) Distribute 20 pencils in 4 pencil stands.

Distribute Pencils Equally

Each pencil stand has ……….. pencils.

So, 20÷ 4 = …………


III. (i) 3

(ii) 6

(iii) 5

IV. Divide by repeated subtraction:

(i) 40 ÷ 5

(ii) 64 ÷ 8

(iii) 42 ÷ 7

(iv) 54 ÷ 9


IV. (i) 8

(ii) 8

(iii) 6

(iv) 6

V. Look at the picture and fill in the blanks.

(i) 3 girls share 15 dolls equally.

Share 15 Dolls

We divide 15 dolls into 3 groups. How many dolls are in each group? _____

15 ÷ 3 = _____

(ii) 12 boys are put into 2 equal teams.

Divide 12 Boys into 2 Groups

We divide 12 boys into 2 groups. How many boys are in each group? _____

12 ÷ 2 = _____

(iii) 24 fishes are put equally into 3 fish tanks.

Divide 24 Fishes into 3 Groups

We divide 24 fishes into 3 groups. How many fishes are in each group? _____

24 ÷ 3 = _____

(iv) 12 flowers are put equally into 3 bases.

Divide 12 Flowers into 3 Groups

We divide 12 flowers into 3 groups. How many flowers are in each group? _____

12 ÷ 3 = _____


II. (i) 5, 15 ÷ 3 = 5

(ii) 6, 12 ÷ 2 = 6

(iii) 8, 24 ÷ 3 = 8

(iv) 4, 12 ÷ 3 = 4

III. Divide 12 bananas into 3 equal groups. Circle the groups.

Divide 12 Bananas into 3 Equal Groups

How many bananas are in each group? …………….

How many bananas left? …………….

How many groups are there? …………….


III. 4, 0, 3

IV. Divide 8 pineapples into 2 equal groups. Circle the groups.

Divide 8 Pineapples into 2 Equal Groups

How many pineapples are in each group? …………….

How many pineapples left? …………….

How many groups are there? …………….


IV. 4, 0, 2

V. Divide 9 pearls into 3 equal groups. Circle the groups.

Divide 9 Pearls into 3 Equal Groups

How many pearls are in each group? …………

How many pearls left? …………

How many groups are there? …………


V. 3, 0, 3

VI. Divide 16 apples into 4 equal groups. Circle the groups.

Divide 16 Apples into 4 Equal Groups

How many apples are in each group? …………

How many apples left? …………

How many groups are there? …………


VII. 4, 0, 4

VII. Compare the two groups in each set. Tick the equal groups and cross the ones that are not equal.


Compare the Two Groups


Compare Two Groups


Compare Two Groups - Division


(i) ✗, ✓

(ii) ✗, ✗

(iii) ✗, ✓

VIII. Make groups of 3 objects and complete the division sentence.


Groups of 3 Objects

_____ candies have been divided into _____ groups

                   _____ ÷ _____ = _____


Groups of 3 Objects Division

_____ crayons have been divided into _____ groups

                         _____ ÷ _____ = _____


Groups of Three Objects Division

_____ cupcakes have been divided into _____ groups

                         _____ ÷ _____ = _____



(i) 9 candies have been divided into 3 groups

                   9 ÷ 3 = 3

(ii) 12 crayons have been divided into 3 groups

                         12 ÷ 3 = 4

(iii) 6 cupcakes have been divided into 3 groups

                         6 ÷ 3 = 2

IX. Make groups of 4 objects and complete the division sentence.


Groups of 4 Objects

_____ flowers divided into _____ groups.


Groups of 4 Objects Division

_____ pencils divided into _____ groups.


Groups of Four Objects Division

_____ apples divided into _____ groups.


IX. (i) 12 flowers divided into 3 groups.

(ii) 20 pencils divided into 5 groups.

(iii) 16 apples divided into 4 groups.

X. Draw and divide 25 fishes in 5 fish tanks.

Divide 25 Fishes


X. 25 ÷ 5 = 5

XI. Draw and divide 15 pencils in 3 pencil holders.

Divide 15 Pencils


XI. 15 ÷ 3 = 5

XII. Draw and divide 12 apples in 4 plates.

Divide 12 Pencils


XII. 12 ÷ 4 = 3

XIII. Draw and divide 30 flowers in 5 flower pots.

Divide 30 Flowers


XIII. 30 ÷ 5 = 6

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