In 3rd Grade Multiplication Worksheet we will solve how to multiply 2-digit number by 1-digit number without regrouping, multiply 2-digit number by 1-digit number with regrouping, multiply 3-digit number by 1-digit number without regrouping, multiply 3-digit number by 1-digit number with regrouping, multiplication by 10, 20, 30, .....90, estimating the product, word problems on multiplication.
• If we multiply any number by zero, the answer is zero.
• If we multiply any number by 1, the answer is the number itself.
• To multiply a number by 10, put a zero to the right of the number.
• To multiply a number by 100, put two zeroes to the right of the number.
• The product of two numbers in any order will always be the same.
• The numbers which are multiplied together to give the product are called factors of the product.
1. Product of zero and the smallest four-digit number is …………….
2. 50 × 2 = ………..
3. 10 × 0 = ………..
4. 15 × ……….. = 150
5. 36 × ……….. = 36
6. 20 × 20 = ………..
7. 121 × ……….. = 121
8. 8 × 5 × 9 = 9 ×………..× ………..
9. How many hours are there in 20 days?
10. How many wheels are there in 10 cars?
11. There are 11 players in each cricket team. If 20 teams participated for the Cricket League, how many players were there in all? Mention the value you depict from this.
12. Mary has 20 flower pots. She planted 32 seeds in each pot. How many seeds did she sow? Mention the value you depict from this.
13. Multiply:
(i) 26 × 4 = _____
(ii) 29 × 3 = _____
(iii) 53 × 5 = _____
(iv) 146 × 6 = _____
(v) 34 × 8 = _____
(vi) 229 ×4 = _____
(vii) 405 × 2 = _____
(viii) 892 × 2 = _____
14. Write the product in the blanks:
(i) 398 × _____ = 398
(ii) 408 × _____ = 0
(iii) _____ × 1 = 176
(iv) 234 × 0 = _____
(v) _____ × 39 = 39
(vi) 666 × _____ = 666
(vii) 81 × _____ = 37 × 81
(viii) 53 × _____ = 18 × _____
(ix) _____ × 66 = _____ × 75
15. Basic multiplication facts fill in the blanks:
(i) 274 + 274 + 274 + 274 = 274 × _____ = _____
(ii) 989 × 1 = _____
(iii) 729 × 10 = _____
(iv) 4256 × 17 = _____ × 4256
(v) When a number is multiplied by 0, the product is always _____.
16. Multiply the following:
(i) H T O 1 3 × 5 __________ |
(ii) H T O 1 6 × 3 ___________ |
(iii) H T O 5 2 2 × 8 ___________ |
(iv) H T O 6 3 3 × 8 ___________ |
(v) H T O 1 1 1 × 9 ___________ |
(vi) H T O 1 1 2 × 2 0 ___________ |
(vii) H T O 2 3 1 × 4 ___________ |
(viii) H T O 5 1 2 × 1 1 ___________ |
(ix) H T O 1 5 × 3 0 ___________ |
(x) H T O 3 7 × 4 0 ___________ |
(xi) H T O 1 1 × 6 0 0 ___________ |
(xii) H T O 1 3 × 4 0 0 ___________ |
(xiii) H T O 3 3 × 2 0 0 ___________ |
(xiv) H T O 2 × 3 0 0 ___________ |
(xv) H T O 4 2 × 1 4 ___________ |
(xvi) H T O 1 2 2 × 1 3 ___________ |
(xvii) H T O 3 7 2 × 2 5 ___________ |
(xviii) H T O 2 8 2 × 2 9 ___________ |
(xix) H T O 5 2 5 × 1 4 ___________ |
(xx) H T O 2 6 0 × 3 2 ___________ |
17. Tick (√) the correct
(i) Product of 32 × 18 is -
(a) 435
(b) 576
(c) 252
(d) 646
(ii) Product of 65 × 11 is -
(a) 715
(b) 934
(c) 726
(d) 358
(iii) Product of 135 × 22 is -
(a) 2537
(b) 3847
(c) 2970
(d) 4632
(iv) Product of 22 × 4 is -
(a) 356
(b) 55
(c) 66
(d) 88
(v) The product of 25 and 9 is:
(a) 268
(b) 225
(c) 276
(d) none of these
(vi) 6 × 7 = 42, then 42 is called:
(a) multiplicand
(b) multiplier
(c) product
(d) difference
(vii) 37 × _____ = 7400:
(a) 20
(b) 100
(c) 200
(d) 50
(viii) 45 × 12 = ?
(a) 440
(b) 480
(c) 57
(d) 540
18. Circle those with the same value in each set:
(i) 50 × 60; 60 × 50; 660 × 5; 60 × 5; 6 × 500
(ii) 40 × 200; 800 × 2; 2000 × 4; 20 × 40; 8 × 1000
(iii) 300 × 25; 15 × 3000; 25 × 30; 3 × 2500; 30 × 250
(iv) 6000 × 1; 2 × 3000; 600 × 30; 20 × 300; 25 × 250
19. State 'T' for True and 'F' for False:
(i) Multiplying any number by 0 is always 0.
(ii) Multiplying 1 by any number is always that number.
(iii) Product of 77 x 2 is 144.
(iv) Product of 68 x 10 is 780.
(v) Product of 122 x 4 is 488.
(vi) Product of 235 x 12 is 2820.
20. Match the columns:
(a) 34 × 9 (b) 77 × 7 (c) 248 × 3 (d) 2 × 700 (e) 375 × 10 (f) 22 × 200 |
(i) 744 (ii) 1400 (iii) 4400 (iv) 3750 (v) 539 (vi) 306 |
21. Word Problems on 3rd Grade Multiplication Worksheet
(i) Nina has 3 bags of cookies. There are 48 cookies in each bag. How many cookies does she have in all?
(ii) There are 40 apple trees in a garden. If one tree has 9 apples. How many apples can be obtained from all the trees?
(iii) There are 30 days in a month. How many days are there in 5 months?
(iv) There are 10 songs recorded in one CD. How many songs can be recorded in 85 such CD’s?
(v) Sheelu can type 75 words in a minute. How many words will she type in 48 minutes?
(vi) A box contains 48 chalk sticks. How many chalk sticks are there in 73 such boxes?
(vii) In a cinema hall, there are 145 rows of chairs. In each row, there are 68 chairs. How many chairs are there in the cinema hall?
(viii) There are 23 coaches in a train. Each coach contains 125 seats. How many total seats are there in the train?
(ix) The average speed of an aeroplane is 625 km per hour. How much distance will it cover in 13 hours?
(x) A man earns 173 per day. How much will he earn in one month?
22. Use your answer to solve the riddle "What is the bigger problem related to environment?"
Answers for the 3rd grade multiplication worksheet are given below to check the exact answers of the above questions.
1. zero
2. 100
3. 0
4. 10
5. 1
6. 400
7. 1
8. 9 × 5 × 8
9. 480 hours
10. 40
11. 220
12. 640
13. (i) 104
(ii) 87
(iii) 265
(iv) 876
(v) 272
(vi) 916
(vii) 810
(viii) 1784
14. (i) 1
(ii) 0
(iii) 176
(iv) 0
(v) 1
(vi) 1
(vii) 37
(viii) 18; 53
(ix) 75; 66
15. (i) 4; 1096
(ii) 989
(iii) 7290
(iv) 17
(v) zero (0)
16. (i) 65
(ii) 48
(iii) 4176
(iv) 5064
(v) 999
(vi) 2240
(vii) 924
(viii) 5632
(ix) 450
(x) 1480
(xi) 6600
(xii) 5200
(xiii) 6600
(xiv) 600
(xv) 588
(xvi) 1586
(xvii) 9300
(xviii) 8178
(xix) 2100
(xx) 8320
17. (i) → (b) 576
(ii) → (a) 715
(iii) → (c) 2970
(iv) → (d) 88
(v) → (b) 225
(vi) → (c) product
(vii) → (c) 200
(viii) → (d) 540
18. (i) 50 × 60; 60 × 50; 6 × 500
(ii) 40 × 200; 2000 × 4; 8 × 1000
(iii) 300 × 25; 3 × 2500; 30 × 250
(iv) 6000 × 1; 2 × 3000; 20 × 300
19. (i) T
(ii) T
(iii) F
(iv) F
(v) T
(vi) T
20. (a) → (vi)
(b) → (v)
(c) → (i)
(d) → (ii)
(e) → (iv)
(f) → (iii)
21. (i) 144
(ii) 360
(iii) 150 days
(iv) 850
(v) 3600
(vi) 3504
(vii) 9860
(viii) 2875
(ix) 8125
(x) 5190
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