We will learn addition of three 3-digit numbers.
Addition of Three 3-Digit Numbers Without Regrouping:
Adding three 3-digit numbers is same as adding two 3-digit numbers.
For examples:
1. Add 423112 and 260.
Step 1: Arrange the numbers vertically. Step 2: First add the ones. 3 + 2 + 0 = 5 Step 3: Now, add the tens. 2 + 1 + 6 = 9 Step 4: Lastly, add the hundreds. 4 + 1 + 2 = 7 |
Thus, 423 + 112 + 260 = 795 |
Addition of Three 3-Digit Numbers With Regrouping:
1. Add 497, 125 and 124. Solution: Step I: Arrange the numbers vertically. Step II: Add the ones column. 7 + 5 + 4 = 16 ones = 1 ten and 6 ones. Write 6 in the ones column and carry over 1 to the tens column. Step III: Add the tens column. 9 + 2 + 2 + 1 (carry over) = 14 tens = 1 hundred and 4 tens. Write 4 in the tens column and carry over 1 to the hundreds column. Step IV: Add the hundreds column. 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 (carry over) = 7 hundreds. |
Thus, 497 + 125 + 124 = 746 |
2. Let us add 123, 571 and 238.
Write the numbers one below the other.
Step I: Add the ones.
3 ones + 1 one + 8 ones = 12 ones
Regroup: 12 ones = 1 ten and 2 ones
Write 2 in the ones place.
Carry over 1 ten and write it under "T'.
Step II: Add the tens.
1 ten (carried over) + 2 tens +7 tens + 3 tens = 13 tens
Regroup: 13 tens = 1 hundred and 3 tens
Write 3 in the tens place.
Carry over 1 hundred and write it under 'H'.
Step III: Add the hundreds.
1 hundred (carried over) + 1 hundred + 5 hundreds + 2 hundreds = 9 hundreds
Write 9 in the hundreds place.
The sum is 932.
Worksheet on Addition of Three 3-Digit Numbers:
1. Add the following Three 3-Digit Numbers Without Regrouping:
(i) 132 + 125 + 432
(ii) 320 + 220 + 459
(iii) 133 + 206 + 630
(iv) 351 + 133 + 400
(v) 233 + 654 + 111
(vi) 561 + 125 + 112
(vii) 615 + 131 + 202
(viii) 810 + 125 + 53
(ix) 520 + 164 + 204
(x) 230 + 321 + 248
1. (i) 689
(ii) 999
(iii) 969
(iv) 884
(v) 998
(vi) 798
(vii) 948
(viii) 988
(ix) 888
(x) 799
2. Add the following Three 3-Digit Numbers With Regrouping:
(i) 281 + 435 + 209
(ii) 355 + 321 + 189
(iii) 240 + 107 + 573
(iv) 286 + 233 + 249
(v) 222 + 437 + 150
(vi) 109 + 420 + 371
(vii) 175 + 215 + 301
(viii) 482 + 239 + 101
2. (i) 925
(ii) 865
(iii) 920
(iv) 768
(v) 809
(vi) 900
(vii) 691
(viii) 822
3. Arrange in columns and add:
(i) 321, 436 and 169
(ii) 430, 295 and 199
(iii) 315, 340 and 400
(iv) 136, 680 and 198
3. (i) 926
(ii) 924
(iii) 1055
(iv) 1014
4. Add the following 3 three-digit numbers as shown.
(i) |
H T O 1 1 2 1 4 4 6 2 + 1 2 8 8 0 4 _____________ |
(ii) |
H T O 1 3 2 2 4 3 + 4 6 7 ____________ |
(iii) |
H T O 3 1 9 1 1 4 + 2 6 1 ____________ |
(iv) |
H T O 5 2 9 1 6 2 + 1 7 5 ____________ |
(v) |
H T O 4 0 1 1 4 4 + 2 5 3 ____________ |
(vi) |
H T O 3 0 2 2 7 7 + 1 4 8 ____________ |
4. (ii) 842
(iii) 694
(iv) 866
(v) 798
(vi) 727
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