Hundredths Place in Decimals
When we write a decimal number with two places, we are
representing the hundredths place.
When we divide a square into 100 equal parts, and shade one part out of it, then the shaded part represents one-hundredth of the whole square and is written as 1100. We also write 100 as .01 or 0.01 and read it as 'one hundredth' or 'point zero one' or 'decimal zero one' or 'zero point zero one'.
1. Let us take plane sheet which represents one whole. Now, we divide the sheet into 100 equal parts.
Each part represents one-hundredths of the whole. It is written as 1100. In the decimal form it is written as 0.01. It is read as zero point zero one.
2. Let us represents 20100 on a square sheet.
Now we divide a square into 100 equal parts and shade 20 parts out of it, then shaded parts represent twenty hundredths of the whole square and written as 20100
We also write 20100 as .20 or 0.20 and read it as point two zero or decimal two zero.
3. Let us represents 35100 on a square sheet.
35 parts of hundred equal parts are colored. We write this as 0.35 in decimal form, where 3 represents 3 tenths and 5 represents 5 hundredths. In the place value chart 3 is written in tenths column and 5 is written in the hundredths column.
Similarly, we write 27100, 37100, 95100 as 0.27, 0.37 and 0.95 respectively.
We can also write, 137100 = 1.37,
452100 = 4.52,
5709100 = 57.09 etc.
From the above discussion, we observe that a fraction in the form number100 is written as a decimal obtained by putting point to the left of two right-most digits. If the number is short of digits, we insert zeros to the left of the number.
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