We will discuss here about the working rule for the conversion of fractions to decimal numbers.
The rules for converting fractions with denominators 10, 100, 1000, etc. into decimal fraction:
(i) Count the number of zeroes coming after 1 in the denominator.
(ii) Count an equal number of places in the numerator starting from the unit digit then place the decimal point to the left of the digit reached.
Let us consider some of the following examples;
1. Convert 819/100 to decimal.
Given, 819/100
We see in 819/100 there are two zeroes in the denominator. Therefore, to convert 819/100 into decimal fraction count two places from the right in the numerator and place the decimal point to the left of the digit.
= 8.19
2. Convert 6007/1000 to decimal.
Given, 6007/1000
We see in 6007/1000 there are three zeroes in the denominator. Therefore, to convert 6007/1000 into decimal fraction count three places from the right in the numerator and place the decimal point to the left of the digit.
= 6.007
3. Convert 798/10000 to decimal.
Given, 798/10000
We see in 798/10000 there are four zeroes in the denominator. Therefore, to convert 798/10000 into decimal fraction count four places from the right in the numerator and place the decimal point to the left of the digit.
= 0.0798
4. Convert 1794/10 to decimal.
Given, 1794/10
We see in 1794/10 there are one zero in the denominator. Therefore, to convert 1794/10 into decimal fraction count one place from the right in the numerator and place the decimal point to the left of the digit.
= 179.4
5. Convert 8/100 to decimal.
Given, 8/100
= 0.08
6. Convert 3/10 to decimal.
Given, 3/10
= 0.3
7. Convert 5/1000 to decimal.
Given, 5/1000
= 0.005
8. Convert 9/10000 to decimal.
Given, 9/10000
= 0.0009
9. Convert 192/10 to decimal.
Given, 192/10
10. Convert 94/1000 to decimal.
Given, 94/1000
= 0.094
● Decimal.
Expanded form of Decimal Fractions.
Changing Unlike to Like Decimal Fractions.
Comparison of Decimal Fractions.
Conversion of a Decimal Fraction into a Fractional Number.
Conversion of Fractions to Decimals Numbers.
Addition of Decimal Fractions.
Problems on Addition of Decimal Fractions
Subtraction of Decimal Fractions.
Problems on Subtraction of Decimal Fractions
Multiplication of a Decimal Numbers.
Multiplication of a Decimal by a Decimal.
Properties of Multiplication of Decimal Numbers.
Problems on Multiplication of Decimal Fractions
Division of a Decimal by a Whole Number.
Division of Decimal Fractions by Multiples.
Division of a Decimal by a Decimal.
Division of a whole number by a Decimal.
Properties of Division of Decimal Numbers
Problems on Division of Decimal Fractions
Conversion of fraction to Decimal Fraction.
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