In conversion of unlike decimals to like decimals follow the steps of the method.
Step I: Find the decimal number having the maximum number of decimal places, say (n).
Step II: Now, convert each of the decimal numbers to ‘n’ places of decimals.
If we put a number of zeros to the extreme right of decimal, the value of the decimal remains the same.
0.8 = 0.80 = 0.800
0.8 = 8/10 and 0.80 = 8Thus to convert unlike decimals to like decimals, we follow the same method.
We can convert unlike decimals into like decimals by adding zeros to the right of decimal point by finding their equivalent decimal.
For Example:
1. Express as a set of like decimals.
(i) 6.7, 4.52, 135
(ii) 0.8, 2.35, 9.175
Examples on conversion of unlike decimals
to like decimals:
1. Convert the decimal numbers 5.42, 11.6 and 212.075 into like decimals.
We observe that in the given decimals 5.42, 11.6 and 212.075; the maximum number of decimal places is three.
The decimal 212.075 has the maximum number of decimal places, i.e., 3. So, we convert each of the other decimal numbers into the one having three places of decimal.
So, 5.42 is written as 5.420,
11.6 is written as 11.600
212.075 is already having three decimal places.
Therefore, 5.420, 11.600 and 212.075 are expressed as like decimals.
2. Covert the following unlike decimals 1.72, 26.361, 3.35 and 0.9 into like decimals.
We observe that in the given decimals 1.72, 26.361, 3.35 and 0.9 the maximum number of decimal places is three.
The decimal 26.361 has the maximum number of decimal places, i.e., 3. So, we convert each of the other decimal numbers into the one having three places of decimal.
So, 1.72 is written as 1.720,
26.361 is already having three decimal places,
3.35 is written as 3.350,
0.9 is written as 0.900
Therefore, all the decimal numbers 1.720, 26.361, 3.350 and 0.900 are converted to like decimals.
3. (i) Are the following decimals 9.5, 18.235 and 20.0254 are like or unlike decimals.
(ii) If, the decimals are unlike then convert it into like decimals.
(i) The following decimals 9.5, 18.235 and 20.0254 are unlike decimals.
(ii) We observe that in the given decimals 9.5, 18.235 and 20.0254; the maximum number of decimal places is four.
The decimal 20.0254 has the maximum number of decimal places, i.e., 4. So, we convert each of the other decimal numbers into the one having four places of decimal.
So, 9.5 is written as 9.5000,
18.235 is written as 18.2350
20.0254 is already having four decimal places.
Therefore, 9.5000, 18.2350 and 20.0254 are the conversion to like decimals.
1. Convert each of the following groups into like decimals:
(i) 9.5, 6.73
(ii) 0.36, 13.5
(iii) 39.01, 4.5
(iv) 24.5, 195, 69.16
(v) 0.8, 7.02, 0.656
(vi) 7.134, 0.87, 15.2
1. (i) 9.50, 6.73
(ii) 0.36, 13.50
(iii) 39.01, 4.50
(iv) 24.50, 195.00, 69.16
(v) 0.800, 7.020, 0.656
(vi) 7.134, 0.870, 15.200
● Related Concept
● Decimals
● Conversion of Unlike Decimals to Like Decimals
● Decimal and Fractional Expansion
● Converting Decimals to Fractions
● Converting Fractions to Decimals
● H.C.F. and L.C.M. of Decimals
● Repeating or Recurring Decimal
● BODMAS/PEMDAS Rules - Involving Decimals
● PEMDAS Rules - Involving Integers
● PEMDAS Rules - Involving Decimals
● BODMAS Rules - Involving Integers
● Conversion of Pure Recurring Decimal into Vulgar Fraction
● Conversion of Mixed Recurring Decimals into Vulgar Fractions
● Rounding Decimals to the Nearest Whole Number
● Rounding Decimals to the Nearest Tenths
● Rounding Decimals to the Nearest Hundredths
● Simplify Decimals Involving Addition and Subtraction Decimals
● Multiplying Decimal by a Decimal Number
● Multiplying Decimal by a Whole Number
● Dividing Decimal by a Whole Number
● Dividing Decimal by a Decimal Number
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