5th Grade Area and Perimeter Worksheet

In 5th Grade Area and Perimeter Worksheet you will get different types of questions on perimeter of a triangle, perimeter of a square, perimeter of a rectangle, shapes of different kinds with the same perimeter, word problems on perimeter of a rectangle, word problems on perimeter of a square, are of plane figure, area of a square, area of a rectangle, word problems on area of a rectangle, word problems on area of a square along with the solutions.

I. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures:

   Tick (the correct option.

1. The perimeter of a rectangle of length 7 and breadth 'b' is __________.

(i) ℓ × b

(ii) a × b × c

(iii) 2(ℓ + b)

(iv) none

2. The perimeter of a triangle with sides a, b, c is __________.

(i) a + b + c

(ii) a × b × c

(iii) 2abc

(iv) none

3. If each side of a regular octagon is 'a, then its perimeter is __________.

(i) 4a

(ii) 64

(iii) 74

(iv) 8a

4. The distance travelled by Richard, if he takes three rounds of a square park of side 70 m, is __________.

(i) 280 m

(ii) 320 m

(iii) 560 m

(iv) 840 m

5. 1 square centimetre is equal to __________.

(i) 100 sq mm

(ii) 10 sq mm

(ii) 1000 sq mm

(iv) none

6. If the ratio of areas of two squares is 225 : 256, then the ratio of their perimeter is __________.

(i) 225 : 256

(ii) 256 : 225

(ii) 15 : 16

(iv) 16 : 15

7. The sides of a rectangle are in the ratio of 5 : 4. If its perimeter is 144 cm, then its length is __________.

(i) 40 cm

(ii) 20 cm

(iii) 30 cm

(iv) 60 cm

8. The cost of fencing a square park of side 250 m at the rate of $ 20 per metre is __________.

(i) $ 1000

(ii) $ 2000

(iii) $ 20,000

(iv) $ 10,000

9. The area of a rectangular garden 50 m long is 300 sq m. Its width is __________.

(i) 3 m

(ii) 6 m

(iii) 8 m

(iv) 12 m


I. 1. (i) ℓ × b

2. (i) a + b + c

3. (iv) 8a

4. (iv) 840 m

5. (i) 100 sq mm

6. (ii) 15 : 16

7. (i) 40 cm

8. (iii) $ 20,000

9. (ii) 6 m

II. State True or False:

1. Area is measured in metres.

2. If both length and breadth of a rectangle are doubled, then its area becomes two times.

3. If a piece of string of length 32.4 cm is reformed as a square, side of the square is 8.1 cm.

4. If length of a rectangle is x and breadth is half of the length, then perimeter of the rectangle is given by 2x.


II. 1. False

2. False

3. True

4. False

III. Fill in the blanks:

1. Each side of a regular pentagon is 8 cm. Its perimeter is __________.

2. The perimeter of a square is 144 cm. Its area = __________ sq.cm.

3. The area of a rectangle of 20 m long is 240 m². Its perimeter is __________ m.

4. The measure of the region enclosed by a plane figure is called its __________.


III. 1. 40 cm

2. 1296 sq.cm.

3. 64 m.

4. area

IV: Short and Long Answer Type Questions:

1. What is the perimeter of a square whose area is 225 cm²?

2. What is the perimeter of a square having area 144 cm²?

3. The perimeter of a square is 16 cm. What is its area?

4. What happens to the area of a square, if its side is halved?

5. The perimeter of a rectangle is 24 cm. If its lengths is 8 cm, then find its breadth.

5th Grade Area and Perimeter Worksheet


IV: 1. 60 cm

2. 48 cm

3. 16 cm²

4. If its side is halved of a square, then the area becomes one fourth.

5. 4 cm

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