Subtraction Using Abacus

We will learn subtraction using Abacus.

We know how to do subtraction.

For example;

I. Subtract 7 from 11

Here, we will subtract 11 – 7 = 4

I. Take away 13 from 34

Here, we will subtract 34 – 13 = 21

We generally subtract one number from the other number but, know we will learn to subtract one number from the other number using abacus.

1. Subtract 51 from 62 using Abacus.

This abacus is showing the number 62.

Number 62 on Abacus

This abacus is showing the number 51.

Number 51 on Abacus

For subtracting, take away one bead of the Ones spike of the first abacus to get ones digit of the difference. (Why?) What is left? It is one.

Again take away five beads of Tens spike of first abacus to get the tens digit at tens place of the difference. It is again one.

Therefore, in the difference we are left with one tens and one ones.

Subtraction Using Abacus

Thus, 62 - 51 = 11

2. Find the difference between 67 and 99 using Abacus.

This abacus is showing the number 99.

Number 99 on Abacus

This abacus is showing the number 67.

Number 67 on Abacus

For subtracting, take away seven beads of the Ones spike of the first abacus to get ones digit of the difference. (Why?) What is left? It is two.

Again take away six beads of Tens spike of first abacus to get the tens digit at tens place of the difference. It is three.

Therefore, in the difference we are left with two tens and three ones.

Subtraction on Abacus

Therefore, 99  - 67 = 32

3. Subtract 46 from 89 Using Abacus.

This abacus is showing the number 89.

Number 89 on Abacus

This abacus is showing the number 46.

Number 46 on Abacus

For subtracting, take away six beads of the Ones spike of the first abacus to get ones digit of the difference. (Why?) What is left? It is three.

Again take away four beads of Tens spike of first abacus to get the tens digit at tens place of the difference. It is four.

Therefore, in the difference we are left with four tens and three ones.

Subtraction of 2-Digit Numbers on Abacus

Therefore, 89 - 46  = 43

Worksheet on Subtraction Using Abacus:

1. Subtract the following using Spike Abacus:

(i) 78 - 56 = _____

(ii) 87 - 36 = _____

(iii) 76 - 0 = _____ 

(iv) 15 - 15 = _____

(v) 39 - 36 = _____

(vi) 52 - 42 = _____

(vii) 88 - 47 = _____

(viii) 49 - 9 = _____

(ix) 75 - 31 = _____

(x) 62 - 30 = _____


1. (i) 22

(ii) 51

(iii) 76

(iv) 0

(v) 3

(vi) 10

(vii) 41

(viii) 40

(ix) 44

(x) 32

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