In 1st grade numbers worksheet we will solve the problems on before, after and between numbers, arranging in order, small to big numbers, big to small numbers, numbers in ascending and descending order, comparison of numbers, formation of numbers.
1. One more than 16 is …………
2. Which number is bigger, 29 or 92?
3. Which number is smaller, 36 or 63?
4. What comes between 79 and 81?
5. 6 tens and 4 ones make.
6. 56 is ………… tens and ………… ones.
7. Place value of 8 in the number 81 is …………
8. How many digits will be there in 10 more than 7?
9. How many tens make 70?
10. What is the face value of 6 in 63?
11. Look at the key and color the caterpillar.
12. Complete the number grid.
(i) 11 ▢ ▢ 14 ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ 20
(ii) 76 ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ 81 ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢
13. Lets write the number which come before, after and in between of given numbers.
After |
Before |
In Between |
8 _____ 12 _____ 18 _____ 90 _____ |
_____ 9 _____ 24 _____ 84 _____ 98 |
27 _____ 29 45 _____ 47 55 _____ 57 79 _____ 81 |
14. Write the numerals for the following:
(i) Twenty-four (ii) Sixty (iii) Thirty-seven (iv) Eighty-one (v) Seventy-two (vi) Ninety-eight (vii) Eighteen (viii) Sixty-eight (ix) Fifty (x) Fourteen |
____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ |
15. Write the number names for the following:
(i) 52 (ii) 61 (iii) 78 (iv) 45 (v) 36 (vi) 58 (vii) 12 (viii) 65 (ix) 84 (x) 60 |
____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ |
Numbers and Number Names
16. Write the missing numbers and number names.
(i) three _______________
(ii) 56 _______________
(iii) sixty-one _______________
(iv) eleven _______________
(v) 19 _______________
(vi) sixty-seven _______________
(vii) 23 _______________
(viii) seventy-two _______________
(ix) twenty-seven _______________
(x) seventy-six _______________
(xi) thirty-four _______________
(xii) 80 _______________
(xiii) 39 _______________
(xiv) 81 _______________
(xv) 40 _______________
(xvi) eighty-eight _______________
(xvii) 45 _______________
(xviii) 90 _______________
(xix) forty-eight _______________
(xx) 99 _______________
(xxi) 52 _______________
(xxii) 100 _______________
17. What comes before?
(i) ▢ 23 24
(ii) ▢ 36 37
(iii) ▢ 68 69
(iv) ▢ 50 51
(v) ▢ 56 57
(vi) ▢ 98 99
18. What comes after?
(i) 29 30 ▢
(ii) 13 14 ▢
(iii) 98 99 ▢
(iv) 59 60 ▢
(v) 9 10 ▢
(vi) 26 27 ▢
19. What comes in between?
(i) 29 ▢ 31
(ii) 43 ▢ 45
(iii) 46 ▢ 48
(iv) 20 ▢ 22
(v) 34 ▢ 36
(vi) 30 ▢ 32
20. How many tens and ones are there in the following numbers? One has been done for you:
(i) 45 = 4 tens and 5 ones
(ii) 73 = ___________________
(iii) 56 = ___________________
(iv) 20 = ___________________
(v) 84 = ___________________
(vi) 99 = ___________________
21. Complete the following. One has been done for you:
(i) 2 tens and 3 ones = 23
(ii) 3 tens and 6 ones = _____
(iii) 8 tens and 3 ones = _____
(iv) 7 tens and 4 ones = _____
(v) 5 tens and 5 ones = _____
(vi) 7 tens and 9 ones = _____
22. Write the number.
(i) 3 tens and 5 ones = _____
(ii) 7 tens and 7 ones = _____
(iii) 4 tens and 6 ones = _____
(iv) 1 ten and 1 one = _____
(v) 6 tens and 0 one = _____
(vi) 8 tens and 1 one = _____
(vii) 2 tens and 9 ones = _____
(viii) 5 tens and 2 ones = _____
23. Write the tens and the ones.
(i) 65 = _____ tens and _____ ones
(ii) 42 = _____ tens and _____ ones
(iii) 71 = _____ tens and _____ ones
(iv) 33 = _____ tens and _____ ones
(v) 88 = _____ tens and _____ ones
(vi) 50 = _____ tens and _____ ones
(vii) 93 = _____ tens and _____ ones
(viii) 12 = _____ tens and _____ ones
24. Write the numbers shown in the abacus:
25. Draw beads in the abacus to show the given number.
26. Fill in the correct number in the boxes.
27. Count and write the number that comes after the given number.
28. Arrange the numbers in ascending order: 31 45 36 33 39
29. Arrange the numbers in descending order: 35 39 41 44 38
30. Com the following pairs of number and insert > or < sign.
(i) 67 ………… 32
(ii) 91 ………… 99
31. Write all possible numbers using the given digits in each set. The digits can be repeated.
(i) 4, 8
(ii) 8, 9
Answers for 1st Grade Numbers Worksheet are given below to check the exact answers of the questions.
1. 17
2. 92
3. 36
4. 80
5. 64
6. 5 tens and 6 ones.
7. 80
8. 2-digits
9. 7
10. 6
12. (i) 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
(ii) 77, 78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 84, 85
After |
Before |
In Between |
8 9 12 13 18 19 90 91 |
8 9 23 24 83 84 97 98 |
27 28 29 45 46 47 55 56 57 79 80 81 |
14. (i) 24
(ii) 60
(iii) 37
(iv) 81
(v) 72
(vi) 98
(vii) 18
(viii) 68
(ix) 50
(x) 14
15. (i) fifty two
(ii) sixty one
(iii) seventy eight
(iv) forty five
(v) thirty six
(vi) fifty eight
(vii) twelve
(viii) sixty five
(ix) eighty four
(x) sixty
16. (i) 3
(ii) fifty six
(iii) 61
(iv) 11
(v) nineteen
(vi) 67
(vii) twenty three
(viii) 72
(ix) 27
(x) 76
(xi) 34
(xii) eighty
(xiii) thirty nine
(xiv) eighty one
(xv) forty
(xvi) 88
(xvii) forty five
(xviii) ninety
(xix) 48
(xx) ninety nine
(xxi) fifty two
(xxii) hundred
(i) 22 23 24
(ii) 35 36 37
(iii) 67 68 69
(iv) 49 50 51
(v) 55 56 57
(vi) 97 98 99
(i) 29 30 31
(ii) 13 14 15
(iii) 98 99 100
(iv) 59 60 61
(v) 9 10 11
(vi) 26 27 28
(i) 29 30 31
(ii) 43 42 45
(iii) 46 47 48
(iv) 20 21 22
(v) 34 35 36
(vi) 30 31 32
20. (ii) 73 = 7 tens and 3 ones
(iii) 56 = 5 tens and 6 ones
(iv) 20 = 2 tens and 0 one
(v) 84 = 8 tens and 4 ones
(vi) 99 = 9 tens and 9 ones
21. (ii) 3 tens and 6 ones = 36
(iii) 8 tens and 3 ones = 83
(iv) 7 tens and 4 ones = 74
(v) 5 tens and 5 ones = 55
(vi) 7 tens and 9 ones = 79
22. (i) 3 tens and 5 ones = 35
(ii) 7 tens and 7 ones = 77
(iii) 4 tens and 6 ones = 46
(iv) 1 ten and 1 one = 11
(v) 6 tens and 0 one = 60
(vi) 8 tens and 1 one = 81
(vii) 2 tens and 9 ones = 29
(viii) 5 tens and 2 ones = 52
23. (i) 65 = 6 tens and 5 ones
(ii) 42 = 4 tens and 2 ones
(iii) 71 = 7 tens and 1 ones
(iv) 33 = 3 tens and 3 ones
(v) 88 = 8 tens and 8 ones
(vi) 50 = 5 tens and 0 ones
(vii) 93 = 9 tens and 3 ones
(viii) 12 = 1 tens and 2 ones
24. (i) 23
(ii) 57
(iii) 35
26. (i) 9 is greater than 5
(ii) 8 is smaller than 10
27. (i) The number after 35 is 36.
(ii) The number after 47 is 48.
28. 31 33 36 39 45
29. 44 41 39 38 35
30. (i) 67 > 32
(ii) 91 < 99
31. (i) 44, 48, 84, 88
(ii) 88, 89, 98, 99
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