Addition of Tens
We will learn addition of tens.
Observe the group of objects in each set. One group of
objects represent 10. We put groups of 10 to find the sum.
1. Complete
the following
2. Find the sum.
T O 2 0 + 7 0
T O 6 0 + 1 0
T O 4 0 + 3 0
T O 8 0 + 1 0
T O 5 0 + 4 0
T O 2 0 + 5 0
T O 7 0 + 1 0
T O 3 0 + 3 0
T O 3 0 + 6 0
T O 5 0 + 2 0
3. Find the sum.
20 + 30 = _____
30 + 50 = _____
40 + 40 = _____
60 + 10 = _____
70 + 20 = _____
50 + 40 = _____
30 + 50 = _____
10 + 80 = _____
10 + 20 + 30 = _____
10 + 20 + 40 = _____
30 + 20 + 40 = _____
50 + 30 + 10 = _____
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