Picture Addition

We add to put things together.

When we count one forward from a number we get one more than that number. One more than number 3 is number 4. Counting forward means addition. The answer we get after adding numbers is called the sum.

1st Grade Addition Number Line

Addition: Counting Together

Look at the picture.

How many children are standing near the board?

Oh! Yes 3 children are standing near the board.

Addition Picture

How many more children have joined the previous group?


Picture Addition Counting Together

Counting together, what number do you get?


Picture Addition Counting Together Math

Thus, we can say 3 and 2 together make 5.

We write 3 + 2 = 5.

We read it as 'Three plus Two is equal to Five'.

+ stands for plus and = stands for equal to.

Plus means counting together.

We can add within 10, using different techniques.

We may add by using our own fingers.

Count together and write the sum.

Picture Addition

Drawing Pictures for Picture Addition:

(i) Amy has 2 cookies. She got 1 more cookie. How many cookies does she have altogether?

Add 2 and 1


Picture Addition Drawing

Picture Addition Using Small Objects:

Count the number of toys in Frame A and Frame B together and write the sum.

Picture Addition Using Small Objects

Number of toys in Frame A = 6

Number of toys in Frame B = 3

Counting together, we get 6 + 3 = 9

Picture Addition: Counting Together:

Count them together to find the answer.

Picture Addition

1. Find one more than the given number.

One More than 4 is 5

One more than 4 is _____

One More than 5 is 6

One more than 5 is _____

One More than 6 is 7

One more than 6 is _____

One More than 7 is 8

One more than 7 is _____

2. Count and write. How many in all? One has been done for you.

3 and 2 More Make 5

3           and           2           More Make           5

4 and 3 More Make 7

_____       and       _____       More Make           _____

6 and 3 More Make 9

_____       and       _____       More Make           _____

3. Add and write the number in the blanks. One has been done for you.









































Picture Addition Using Addition Symbol:

Sign for Addition:

Picture Addition


Picture Addition

more make

Picture Addition

We say 5



more is equal to


We use + sign to say plus. We use = sign in place of equal to






Picture Addition Using Addition Symbol

When we count the objects in two collections together, we say we are adding them.

We use the sign + to show that we are adding.

+ is the sign for adding. We call it plus.

You know that = means is equal to.

Addition Using Addition Symbol

We see that 3 and 2 are 5.

We say 3 plus 2 is equal to 5.

We write 3 + 2 = 5

4. Complete these. Use + and =.


Complete the Picture Addition


Complete the Picture Addition Math

How much is 4 and 1?

1st Grade Addition


1st Grade Addition


1st Grade Addition






5. Complete the following.

Add 1st Grade


Add 1st Grade

___ + ___ = ___

Addition First Grade


Addition First Grade

___ + ___ = ___

Addition First Grade Math


Addition First Grade Math

___ + ___ = ___

6. Draw and complete the addition.

Addition First Grade math


Addition First Grade math


Addition First Grade Math
Addition First Grade Math


Addition First Grade Math


Addition First Grade Math
Addition First Grade Math


Addition First Grade Math


Addition First Grade Math
Addition First Grade Math


Addition First Grade Math


Addition First Grade Math
Addition First Grade Math


Addition First Grade Math


Addition First Grade Math

7. Count, write and find the answer. One has been done for you.


Picture Addition


Picture Addition


Picture Addition


Picture Addition


Picture Addition


Picture Addition


Picture Addition

8. Add and write in the blanks.



















































Addition Facts:

I. Two numbers can be added in any order.

Addition Facts

5 + 2 is same as 2 + 5

Addition Fact

9. Write the addition facts.

(i) _____ + 4 = 7 + 2

(ii) 1 + 6 = 6 + _____

(iii) _____ + 4 = 2 + 4

(iv) 2 + 3 = 3 + _____

(v) _____ + 1 = 1 + 6

(vi) 5 + 4 = 4 + _____

(vii) _____ + 2 = 2 + 5

(viii) 3 + 6 = 6 + _____

II. Adding Three Numbers:

To add three numbers we first find the sum of two numbers and add to the third number.

Adding Three Numbers

Find the sum.


Adding Three Numbers


Adding Three Numbers


Adding Three Numbers


Adding Three Numbers

III. Adding Zero

(a) David has 7 balloons, John does not have balloon. How many balloons both have?

Adding Zero

(b) Marie has 5 pencils, she does not buy any more pencil from the shop.

How many pencils does she have?

Adding Zero

When 0 is added to a number, the number remains the same.

10. Add and write answer in the box. One has been done for you.

5 + 0 = 5

0 + 3 = _____

8 + 0 = _____

3 + 0 = _____

7 + 0 = _____

1 + 0 = _____

0 + 9 = _____

0 + 2 = _____

0 + 6 = _____

0 + 3 = _____

0 + 0 = _____

6 + 0 = _____

11. Word Problems on Picture Addition. One has been done for you.

(i) Joe had 4 doughnuts. His father gave him 3 more doughnuts. How many doughnuts Joe has in all?

Word Problems on Picture Addition


   +  3

  =   7

(ii) Pat went to the garden. She saw 2 flowers. She saw 3 more flowers in a row. How many flowers she saw in all?

Word Problems on Picture Addition


   +  ...

  =   ...

(iii) David has 5 toys and Mike has 4 toys. How many toys do they have altogether?

Word Problems on Picture Addition


   +  ...

  =   ...

(iv) Aaron has 3 pencils. He gets 2 from his brother. How many pencils does he have now?

Word Problems on Picture Addition


   +  ...

  =   ...

(v) Shelly has 2 keys. She finds 5 more. How many keys does she have now?

Word Problems on Picture Addition


   +  ...

  =   ...


11. (ii) 5

(iii) 9

(iv) 5

(v) 7

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First Grade Math Activities

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