Divide a Number into Three Parts in a Given Ratio
To divide a number into three parts in a given ratio
Let the number be p. It is to be divided into three parts in
the ratio a : b : c.
Let the parts be x, y and z. Then, x + y + z = p
.................... (i)
x = ak, y =bk, z = ck....................
Substituting in (i), ak + bk + ck = p
⟹ k(a + b + c) = p
k = pa+b+c
Therefore, x = ak = apa+b+c, y = bk = bpa+b+c, z = ck = cpa+b+c.
The three parts of p in the ratio a : b : c are
apa+b+c, bpa+b+c, cpa+b+c.
Solved Examples on Dividing a Number into Three Parts in a Given Ratio:
1. Divide 297 into three parts that are in the ratio 5 : 13
: 15
The three parts are 55+13+15 ∙ 297, 135+13+15 ∙ 297 and 155+13+15 ∙ 297
i.e., 533
∙ 297, 1333 ∙ 297 and 1533 ∙ 297 i.e., 45, 117 and 135.
2. Divide 432 into three parts that are in the ratio 1 : 2 :
The three parts are 11+2+3 ∙ 432, 21+2+3 ∙ 432 and 31+2+3 ∙ 432
i.e., 16 ∙ 432, 26 ∙ 432 and 36
∙ 432
i.e., 72, 144 and 216.
3. Divide 80 into three parts that are in the ratio 1 : 3 :
The three parts are 11+3+4 ∙ 80, 31+3+4 ∙ 80 and 41+3+4 ∙ 80
i.e., 18 ∙ 80, 38 ∙ 80 and 48
∙ 80
i.e., 10, 30 and 40.
4. If the perimeter of a triangle is 45 cm and its sides are in the ratio 2: 3: 4, find the sides of the triangle.
Perimeter of the triangle = 45 cm
Ratio of the sides of the triangle = 2 : 3 : 4
Sum of ratio terms = (2 + 3 + 4) = 9
The sides of the triangle 29 × 45 cm, 39 × 45 cm and 49 × 45 cm,
i.е., 10 cm, 15 cm and 20 cm.
Hence, the sides of the triangle are 10 cm, 15 cm and 20 cm.
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● Ratio and proportion
10th Grade Math
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