Addition of Numbers using Number Line

Addition of numbers using number line will help us to learn how a number line can be used for addition.

Addition of numbers can be well understood with the help of the number line. Keep in mind the following rules of movements on the number line.

(i) In order to add a positive number, we move the same number of steps to the right on the number line as the value of the number.

(ii) In order to add a negative number, we move the same number of steps to the left on the number line as the value of the number.

Addition of numbers using number line in different situation:

1. Addition of a positive number to a positive number,

For example: (+2) + (+3)

Addition of Numbers using Number Line

First of all, for +2, count 2 units to the right of zero (because right side is for the positive sign). Then for +3 move three units to the right of +2. Thus, we reach at +5.

Therefore, (+2) + (+3) = +5 or simply we can write, 5.


2. Addition of a positive number to a negative number,

For example: (+3) + (-4).

Addition of a Positive Number to a Negative Number using Number Line

For +3, move 3 units to the right of zero and then for -4, move 4 units to the left of 3.

Thus, we reach at -1.

Therefore (+3) + (-4) = -1.


3. Addition of a negative number to a positive number,

For example: (-4) + (+3)

Addition of a Negative Number to a Positive Number using Number Line

For -4, move 4 units to the left of zero and then for +3, move 3 units to the right of -4.

Thus, we reach at -1.

 Therefore (-4) + (+3) = -1.


4. Addition of a negative number to a negative number,

For example: (-2) + (-4)

Addition of a Negative Number to a Negative Number using Number Line

For -2, start from zero and move two units to the left and then again for -4, move 4 units to the left of -2. Thus, we reach at -6.

Therefore (-2) + (-4) = -6.

Addition of Whole Numbers on Number Line

We already known that addition means putting things together. 

Addition of whole numbers can be shown on a number line.

1. Let us see the addition of 3 and 4.

Addition on Number Line 3 and 4

The point at the tip of the leftmost arrow is 3. Start from 3. Since we add 4 to this number, we make 4 jumps to the right ie.. from 3 to 4, 4 to 5, 5 to 6 and 6 to 7 as shown above the tip of the rightmost arrow in the fourth jump is at 7.

Hence, sum of 3 and 4 is 7 i.c., 3 + 4 = 7.

2. Using the number line, write the whole number which is the sum of 5 and 4.

The point at the tip of the leftmost arrow is 5.

To find the sum of 5 and 4, start from 5 and proceed 4 units to the right to obtain the required result, i.e., 9, as shown in the following figure.

Addition on Number Line 5 and 4

Hence, 5 + 4 = 9

3. Let us add 16 and 4 on the number line.

To add 16 and 4 on the number line, we start from 16 and count 4 steps forward.

Addition Using the Number Line

16 + 4 = 20

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