Word Problems on Addition
In 4th grade word problems on addition we will learn the addition of
numbers with more than four digits. These word problems are based on
The concept of addition is used is many daily life situations. We should read the problem and find out what is to be done. Then solve it.
The following are some examples of fourth grade math word problems on addition:
1. The price of a Maruti car is $185990 while the price of a Hero Honda motor-cycle is $34576. Find the total cost of the two.
Price of a Maruti car = $ 1 8 5 9 9 0
Price of a Hero Honda = $ + 3 4 5 7 6
Total price of the two =
$ 2 2 0 5 6 6
Therefore total price of Maruti car and Hero Honda = $220566
2. In a city, there were 63450 men, 59252 women and 33258 children. What was the total population of the city?
Number of men = 6 3 4 5 0
Number of women = 5 9 2 5 2
Number of children = + 3 3 2 5 8
Total population =
1 5 5 9 6 0
Therefore the total population of the city = 1 5 5 9 6 0.
3. What is the sum of 5437, 1328 and 1237?
The given numbers are arranged in columns
5 4 3 7
+ 1 3 2 8
+ 1 2 3 7
8 0 0 2
Therefore sum = 8002
4. A Shopkeeper sold 5160 bottles of orange juice and 3190 bottles of mango juice in a month. How many bottles were sold in all?
Bottles of orange juice sold = 5160
Bottles of mango juice sold = 3190
Total number of bottles sold = 5160 + 3190 = 8350
5. Five thousand, ninety-six visitors attended the tournament on Monday. The next day, four thousand, nine hundred one visitors attended. How many visitors attended the tournament in all? Find both actual and the estimated sum.
Solution: Number of visitors on Monday = 5096 Number of visitors next day = 4901
Total Number of visitors = 5096 + 4901 = 9997
Estimated sum 5096 → 5100
Nearest to tens 4901 → 4900
Therefore, 5100 + 4900 = 10000
6. A factory produced 9285 cakes on Monday and 3987 cakes on Tuesday. How many cakes were produced in two days?
Cakes produced on Monday = 9285
Cakes produced on Tuesday = 3987
Total cakes produced in two days = + 13272
Number statement = 9285 + 3987
= 13272
Therefore, 13272 cakes are produced in 2 days
7. Three ropes are 5,238 metres, 26,410 metres and 13,210 metres long respectively. Find the total length of these ropes.
Length of 1st rope = 5238 m
Length of 2nd rope = 26410 m
Length of 3rd rope = 13210 m
Total length of 3 ropes = + 44858 m
Number statement = 5238 m + 26410 m + 13210 m
= 44858 m
Therefore, the total length of 3 ropes = 44,858 m
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● Estimating
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● Find the
Missing Digits
● Multiplication
● Multiply
a Number by a 2-Digit Number
● Multiplication
of a Number by a 3-Digit Number
● Multiply a Number
● Estimating Products
● Word
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● Multiplication
and Division
● Terms Used in
● Division
of Two-Digit by a One-Digit Numbers
● Division
of Four-Digit by a One-Digit Numbers
● Division
by 10 and 100 and 1000
● Dividing Numbers
● Estimating
the Quotient
● Division
by Two-Digit Numbers
● Word
Problems on Division
4th Grade Math Activities
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