Word Problems on Division

Word problems on division for fourth grade students are solved here step by step.

Consider the following examples on word problems involving division:

1. $5,876 are distributed equally among 26 men. How much money will each person get?


Money received by 26 men = 5876 So, money received by one man = 5876 ÷ 26

= 226

Word Problem on Division

Each man will get $226. 

2. If 9975 kg of wheat is packed in 95 bags, how much wheat will each bag contain?


Since 95 bags contain wheat 9975 kg

Therefore, 1 bag contains wheat (9975 ÷ 95) kg

= 105 kg

Division Word Problem

Each bag contains wheat = 105 kg

In a problem sum involving division, we have to be careful about using the remainder.

3. 89 people have been invited to a banquet. The caterer is arranging tables. Each table can seat 12 people. How many tables are needed?


To answer this question, we need to divide 89 by 12
89 ÷ 12

Division Word Problems

Quotient - 7 

Remainder - 5

If the caterer arranges 7 tables, then 5 people will have no place to sit. 
So he needs to arrange 7 + 1 = 8 tables. 

4. How many hours are there in 1200 minutes? 


We know that there are 60 minutes in 1 hour.Divide the number of minutes by the number of minutes in 1 hour. We get, divide 1200 by 601200 ÷ 60 = 20

So there are 20 hours in 1200 minutes.

Answer: 20 hours. 

5. A bus can hold 108 passengers. If there are 12 rows of seats on the bus, how many seats are in each row? 


Total number of passengers = 108

There are 12 rows of seats on the bus.

To find how many seats are there in each row, divide the total number of passengers by the number of rows of seats on the bus.

We get, divide 108 by 12

108 ÷ 12 = 9

Therefore, there are 9 seats in each row.

Answer: 9 seats.

6. Tom had 63 apples. He divides all apples evenly among 9 friends. How many apples did Tom give to each of his friends?


Total number of apples = 63

There are 9 friends of seats on the bus.

To find how many apples Tom gave to each of his friends, divide the total number of apples by the number of friends. 

We get, divide 63 by 9

63 ÷ 9 = 7

Therefore, Tom gives 7 apples to each of his friends.

Answer: 7 Apples

7. Mark baked 195 cookies and divided them equally into 13 packs. How many cookies did Mark put in each packet?


Total number of cookies = 195

There are 13 packs.

To find how many cookies did Mark put in each packet, divide the total number of cookies by the number of packs.

We get, divide 195 by 13

195 ÷ 13 = 15

Therefore, Mark put 15 cookies in each pack.

Answer: 15 cookies.

9. Nancy needs 5 lemons to make a glass of orange juice. If Nancy has 250 oranges, how many glasses of orange juice can she make?


Total number of oranges = 250

She needs 5 lemons to make a glass of orange juice.

To find how many glasses of orange juice can Nancy make, divide the total number of oranges by the number of oranges needed for each glass of orange juice.

We get, divide 250 by 5

250 ÷ 5 = 50

Therefore, Nancy can make 50 glasses of orange juice.

Answer: 50 glasses of orange juice.

10. In your classes you counted 120 hands. How many students were at the class?


Total number of hands = 120

We have 2 hands.

To find how many students were at the class, divide the total number of hands by the number of hands we have.

We get, divide 120 by 2

220 ÷ 2 = 60

Therefore, there were 60 students at the class.

Answer: 60 students.

11. The total train fare for 20 persons is 7540 rupees. What is the fare for 1 person.


The total train fare = 7540 rupees

Number of persons = 20

Train fare for 1 person

                            = 7540 ÷ 20

                            = 377

Word Problem on Division

12. A milk container can store 8 litres of milk. How many containers are required to stare 6,408 litres of milk?


Capacity of one container = 8 lites of milk

Required number of containers = 6408 ÷ 8

Hence, 801 containers are required.

Word Problems on Division

13. A farmer produced 29800 kg of wheat. How many bags will be buy store the wheat if one bag can hold 70 kg?


Produced = 29890 kg

Number of bags needed = 29899 ÷ 70

Therefore, 427 bags are needed to hold 29890 kg of wheat.

Division Word Problem

These are the basic word problems on division.

Questions and Answers on Word Problems on Division:

1. 92 bags of cement can be loaded in a truck. How many such trucks will be needed to load 2208 bags?

Answer: 24 trucks

2. The total train fare for 11 persons was $3850. What was the fare for one person?

Answer: $350

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