Successor and Predecessor of
4-Digit Number
We will learn the successor and predecessor of four digit
The number that comes just after a given number is called
the successor of the given number.
For example 1028 comes just after 1027. So 1028 is the successor of 1027.
For example:
1. The successor of 1271 is 1272.
2. The successor of 7643 is 7644.
The number that comes just before a given number is called
the predecessor of the given number.
For example 2336 comes just before 2337. So the predecessor of 2337 is 2336.
For example:
1. The predecessor of 2876 is 2875.
2. The predecessor of 5414 is 5413.
To learn more about successor and predecessor of a whole number click here.
Important questions
and answers on successor and predecessor of four digit number:
1. What is the predecessor of the smallest 4-digit number?
We know, the smallest 4-digit number is 1000.
999 comes just before 1000.
So, the predecessor of the smallest 4-digit number is 999.
2. What is the successor of the greatest 4-digit number?
We know, the greatest 4-digit number is 9999
10000 comes just after 9999.
So, the successor of the greatest 4-digit number is 10000 (i.e.,
5-digit number).
3. What is the successor of 9998?
To find the successor of the given number i.e., 9998 we need
to add 1 to 9998 (1 + 9998)
So, 9999 comes just after 9998.
The successor of 9998 is 9999 which is the greatest 4-digit
4. What is the predecessor of 1001?
To find the predecessor of the given number i.e., 1001 we
need to subtract 1 from 1001 (1001 - 1)
So, 1000 comes just before 1001.
The predecessor of 1001 is 1000 which is the smallest
4-digit number.
Worksheet on Successor and Predecessor of 4-Digit Number:
I. Write the successors of the following numbers.
2033 2034
(i) 1473 _____
(ii) 2475 _____
(iii) 3624 _____
(iv) 4678 _____
(v) 2599 _____
(vi) 4839 _____
(vii) 2079 _____
(viii) 5599 _____
(ix) 5317 _____
(x) 7549 _____
(xi) 3509 _____
(xii) 7299 _____
(xiii) 5415 _____
(xiv) 9709 _____
II. Write the predecessors of the following numbers.
1000 1001
(i) _____ 5015
(ii) _____ 9000
(iii) _____ 3000
(iv) _____ 4601
(v) _____ 7860
(vi) _____ 1464
(vii) _____ 3578
(viii) _____ 2426
(ix) _____ 6526
(x) _____ 4340
(xi) _____ 2300
(xii) _____ 5800
(xiii) _____ 4510
(xiv) _____ 7870
I. (i) 1474
(ii) 2476
(iii) 3625
(iv) 4679
(v) 2600
(vi) 4840
(vii) 2080
(viii) 5600
(ix) 5318
(x) 7550
(xi) 3510
(xii) 7300
(xiii) 5416
(xiv) 9710
II. (i) 5014
(ii) 8999
(iii) 2999
(iv) 4600
(v) 7859
(vi) 1463
(vii) 3577
(viii) 2425
(ix) 6525
(x) 4339
(xi) 2299
(xii) 5799
(xiii) 4509
(xiv) 7869
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