Plane Shapes

A plane shape is a figure made up of straight or curved lines. Two straight lines where they meet is called the corner. The straight lines which form a plane shape are called its sides. Some basic shapes are given below.

Plane Shapes

We already know about squares, rectangles, triangles, circles, ovals.

These are called flat shapes or plane shapes. 

These shapes can be drawn on a sheet of paper. These are called plane shapes or Two-Dimensional (2-D) Shapes.

Let us learn more about them.


Corners and Sides of Square

A square has 4 sides and 4 corners.

All sides are of equal length.


Corners and Sides of Rectangle

A rectangle has 4 sides and 4 corners.

The opposite sides are of equal length.


Corners and Sides of Triangle

A triangle has 3 sides and 3 corners.

The three sides of a triangle can be of same length or of different lengths.


No Corner and No Side of Circle

A circle has 1 curved side 0 corners.



An circle has 1 curved side 0 corners.

Drawing Shapes:

Plane figures can be drawn on a paper.

These shapes can be the face of a solid. Let us see, how?

Take a book, place it on a sheet of paper. Trace around it with a pencil.

Draw Rectangle

The shape you get is a rectangle.

A rectangle is the outline of a face of a cuboid.

Take a dice. Place it on a sheet of paper. Trace around its edges as shown in the picture.

Draw Square

The shape you get is a square.


Place a cube on a blank page of your notebook. Start moving the sharp end of a pencil along the base of the cube till you reach back to the starting point.

Square is the Face of a Cube

Remove the cube.

See what shape is formed. Oh! Yes it is a square.

Square Face of a Cube

Take a bangle. Place it on a sheet of paper. Trace around its edge as shown in the picture. The shape you get is a circle.

Draw Circle

Take a square sheet of paper. Fold it from one corner as shown in the picture. Draw along the sides with a pencil.

Similarly, now look at the solid shape.

Now look at this solid shape.

Name this shape?

Oh! Yes, it is a cylinder.


By moving a sharp pencil along the base of the cylinder, what shape do you get?

Circle is the face of a Cylinder
Circle Figure

Oh! Yes, it is a circle.

A circle has only one round edge.

A circle can be formed by tracing the base of a cone also.

Tracing the Base of a Cone
Draw Triangle

The shape you get is a triangle.

Questions and Answers on Plane Shapes:

1. Identify the following shapes and fill in the blanks.









2. Count and colour the shapes.

Count and Colour the Shapes


How many?

Colour it.





















3. Identify and tick (✔) the shapes of the following objects.


Birthday Cap Cone






Ice Cube

Cuboid/ Cylinder/Cube





Ice Cream





4. Complete the following sentences.

(i) A wheel is shaped like a __________ .

(ii) A pizza slice is like a __________ .

(iii) A shape with all four sides same is a __________ .

(iv) A red stop sign on the road is like a __________ .

(v) Pages of a book are like a __________ .

     Its opposite sides are __________ .

     It has corners __________ .


4. (i) circle

(ii) triangle

(iii) square

(iv) circle

(v) rectangle; same; four

5. Count and write the number of various shapes.

Plane Geometrical Shapes

6. Name different shapes in this picture (as done for one).

2-D Plane Shapes

7. Write the properties of each shape.

(i) Square



(ii) Rectangle



(iii) Triangle



(iv) Circle



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