2nd Grade Geometry Worksheet

In 2nd grade geometry worksheet we will solve different types of problems on point, line segment, line, ray, problems on plane shapes, sides and corners of a plane shapes, problems on solid shapes, edges, corners and faces of a solid shape, relation between plane shape and solids, rolling and sliding of solid shapes and multiple choice questions (MCQ) on geometry.

1. Look at the objects shown below and write the name of the plane shape they resemble.

Name the Plane Shape

2. Look at the objects shown below and write the solid shape they resemble.

Name the Solid Shape

3. Look at the pattern and draw the next shape.

Pattern and Draw the Next Shape

4. Join the points using a ruler and name the line segment.

Name the Line Segment

5. Write C for curved line and S for straight line for the following.

Curved Line and Straight Line

6. Name the lines shown below.

Name the Lines Shown Below

7. Name the ray.

Name the Ray

Let us recall once again.

Line Segment, Line and Ray

8. Write LS for line segment, L for line and R for ray. Also write the names as shown.

Line, Line Segment and Ray

9. Some line segments are shown here. Convert them to rays or lines as directed by extending in the correct direction or directions.

Line Segment Questions

LET US RECALL About Plane Shapes

We know that Circle, Triangle, Square and Rectangle are plane shapes.

Following figures are called plane shapes:

Plane Shapes


It has 3 sides and 3 corners.

Corners and Sides of Triangle


It has 4 sides and 4 corners.

Opposite sides are of equal length.

Corners and Sides of Rectangle


It has 4 sides and 4 corners.

All the sides are of equal length.

Corners and Sides of Square


It look likes an egg.

It has no sides and no corners.

It goes round and round.



It has no sides and no corners.

It goes round and round.

Circle Figure

Note: Plane shapes are also known as 2-D shapes.

10. Write C for corner and S for side in the blank circles.

Corners and Sides of Plane Shape

LET US RECALL About Solid Shapes

Shapes can be either plane or solid. A plane shape has only sides. A solid shape has ace, edge and vertex.

Here are some common solid shapes.

Solid Shapes

Cube, Cuboid, Cylinder, Cone and Sphere are solid shapes.

In addition to corners and edges, solid shapes also have surfaces.

Basic Solid Shapes

Solid shapes are also known as 3-D shapes.

Edges, Vertex and Faces of a Solid Shapes

Edge: The line where two faces meet is an edge.

The side of a solid is called its edge. The edges may be straight or curved.

Vertex: The point where two or more edges meet is called a vertex or corner of the solid.

The point where the edges meet is called a vertex.

Face: A plane surface of the solid object is called its face.

The surface of a solid is called its face. The face may be flat or curved. The shape of the flat face may be a circle, a triangle, a square, a rectangle, etc. depending on the figure.

An edge, a vertex and a face of a cube have been marked in the figure shown below.

Edges, Faces and Vertices of a Cube

Can you identify all its edges, vertices and faces?

How many of each does it have?

We can see that in a cube,

        number of edges = 12,

        number of vertices = 8,

        number of faces = 6

All edges of a cube are equal in length.


This is a cube. It has 6 faces, 12 edges and 8 vertices. All edges and faces of a cube are equal.

Edges, Faces and Vertices of a Cube


This is a cylinder. A cylinder has 3 faces, (2 plane and 1 curved) 2 edges and no vertex.

Edges and Faces of a Cylinder


This is a cuboid. Like a cube, a cuboid has 6 faces, 12 edges and 8 vertices. But in a cuboid, only opposite faces are equal.

Edges, Faces and Vertices of a Cuboid


This is a cone. A cone has 1 edge, 2 faces (1 plane and 1 curved) and 1 vertex.

Edges, Faces and Vertices of a Cone


This is a sphere. We come across many spherical objects in daily life like a ball, a balloon, wheel, etc. A sphere has no sides and no corners. It has only 1 curved face.

Face of a Sphere

Remember: Corner or vertex is a same thing.

                    The plural of vertex is vartices.

11. Look at the solids carefully and write the number of edges, vertices and faces they have, as shown.



Number of edges = 8

Number of vertices = 12

Number of faces = 6



Number of edges = ___

Number of vertices = ___

Number of faces = ___



Number of edges = ___

Number of vertices = ___

Number of faces = ___



Number of edges = ___

Number of vertices = ___

Number of faces = ___

12. Match the objects with the appropriate solids and their base shapes as shown.

Match the Solid Shape and Plane Shape

LET US RECALL About Rolling and Sliding:

Some solids roll while some slide on a slope.

Ball Rolls Down

A spherical ball rolls down a slope.

Box Slides Down

A cubical box slides down a slope.

Glass Rolls Down

A cylindrical glass rolls down a slope when kept on its curved side.

Glass Slides Down

A cylindrical glass slides down a slope when kept on its base.

13. Write R for the objects which will roll, S for the objects which will slide and RS for the objects which can both roll and slide.

Rolling and Sliding Solid Object

14. Match the objects given below with their respective shapes:

Match the Geometric Objects

15. Fill in the blanks.

(a) A __________ has no length.

(b) When two points are joined, a __________ is formed.

(c) A __________ can be extended in one direction only.

(d) A __________ can be extended in both the directions.

16. Write true or false.

(a) A triangle has 3 sides and 2 corners.

(b) A square has 4 corners.

(c) A rectangle has 4 equal sides.

(d) The number of sides in a rectangle and a square are the same.

17. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on 2nd Grade Geometry:

   Tick (the correct option.

(a) A triangle has _____ corners.

(i) 2;     (ii) 3;     (iii) 4

(b) Cylinder has _____ vertices.

(i) 1;     (ii) 2;     (iii) 0

(c) Cone has _____ edges.

(i) 1;     (ii) 2;     (iii) 3


Line Segment Question

   is an example of a

(i) line;     (ii) line segment;     (iii) ray

(e) Which solid shape does this figure represent?

Cylinder Figure

(i) Cone;     (ii) Sphere;     (iii) Cylinder

(f) How many sides does this plane shape has?

Square Figure

(i) 3;     (ii) 4;     (iii) 5

(g) How many edges does this solid shape has?


(i) 1;     (ii) 2;     (iii) 3

(h) Number of vertices in the figure



(i) 0;     (ii) 1;     (iii) 2

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