How to Multiply by a 1-Digit Number
We will learn how to multiply any number by a one-digit number.
Multiplication of a 4-Digit Number by a 1-Digit Number:
1. Multiply 2154 and 4.
Step I: Arrange the numbers vertically.
II: First multiply the digit at the ones place by 4.
4 × 4 = 16 = 1 ten + 6 ones
Write 6 in the ones column and carry 1 ten to tens place.
Step III: Multiply the digit at the tens place by 4.
5 × 4 = 20 tens
20 + 1 (carried) = 21 tens = 2 hundreds + 1 ten
Write 1 in ten place and carry 2 hundreds to hundreds place.
Step IV: Multiply the digit at hundreds place by 4.
1 hundred × 4 = 4 hundreds
4 hundreds + 2 hundreds (carried) = 6 hundreds
Write 6 in hundreds place.
Step V: Multiply the digit at thousands place by 4.
2 thousands × 4 = 8 thousands
Write 8 in thousands place.
2. Multiply 7325 and 9.
Step I: Arrange the numbers vertically.
Step II: First multiply the digit at the ones place by 9.
5 × 9 = 45 = 4 ten + 5 ones
Write 5 in the ones column and carry 4 tens to tens place.
Step III: Multiply the digit at the tens place by 9.
2 × 9 = 18 tens
18 + 4 (carried) = 22 tens = 2 hundreds + 2 ten
Write 2 in ten place and carry 2 hundreds to hundreds place.
Step IV: Multiply the digit at hundreds place by 9.
3 × 9 = 27 hundreds
27 hundreds + 2 hundreds (carried) = 29 hundreds = 2 thousands + 9 hundreds
Write 9 in hundreds place and carry 2 thousands to thousands place.
Step V: Multiply the digit at thousands place by 9.
7 thousands × 9 = 63 thousands
63 thousands + 2 thousands (carried) = 65 thousands = 6 ten thousands + 5 thousands
Write 5 in thousands place and 6 ten thousands in ten thousands place.
3. Multiply 2,634 by 3.
Step I: Align the digits.
Th |
H |
T |
O | ||
2 |
6 |
3 |
4 | ||
× |
3 |
Step II: Multiply ones.
4 ones × 3 = 12 ones = 1 ten 2 ones.
Write 2 in ones place and carry 1 to the tens place.
Th |
H |
T |
O | ||
1 | |||||
2 |
6 |
3 |
4 | ||
× |
3 |
2 |
Step III: Multiply tens.
3 tens × 3 = 9 tans.
9 tens + 1 ten (carried) = 10 tens = 1 hundred 0 tens
Write 0 in tens place and carry 1 to the hundreds place.
Th |
H |
T |
O | ||
1 |
1 | ||||
2 |
6 |
3 |
4 | ||
× |
3 |
0 |
2 |
Step IV: Multiply hundreds.
6 hundreds × 3 = 18 hundreds.
18 hundreds + 1 thousand (carried) = 19 hundreds = 1 thousand 9 hundreds. Write 9 in hundreds carry 1 to thousands place.
9 |
0 |
2 |
Step V: Multiply thousands.
2 thousands × 3 = 6 thousands
6 thousands + 1 thousand (carried) = 7 thousands.
Write 7 in thousands place.
Th |
H |
T |
O | ||
1 |
1 |
1 | |||
2 |
6 |
3 |
4 | ||
× |
3 |
7 |
9 |
0 |
2 |
Therefore, the product of 2,634 and 3 = 7,902.
4. Multiply 6492 by 8.
Worksheet on Multiplication by 1-digit Number:
1. Multiplication of 4-Digit Numbers by 1-Digit Number by column method.
(i) 2031 × 3 = __________
(ii) 1347 × 2 = __________
(iii) 5120 × 4 = __________
(iv) 1227 × 7 = __________
(v) 2310 × 6 = __________
(vi) 3127 × 5 = __________
(vi) 4081 × 8 = __________
(vi) 5526 × 9 = __________
(ix) 8052 × 3 = __________
(i) 6093
(ii) 2694
(iii) 20480
(iv) 8589
(v) 13860
(vi) 15635
(vi) 32648
(vi) 49734
(ix) 24156
2. Multiply the given 4-Digit Numbers by 1-Digit Number horizontally. Start from right. One has been done for you.
(ii) 2121 × 3 = __________
(iii) 3004 × 2 = __________
(iv) 9865 × 1 = __________
(ii) 6363
(iii) 6008
(iv) 9865
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