Practice the multiple choice questions on ratio and proportion. The questions are related to the basic properties of ratio and proportion.
Tick (√) the correct answer:
1. A ratio equivalent to 3 : 7 is:
(i) 3 : 9; (ii) 6 : 10; (iii) 9 : 21; (iv) 18 : 49
2. The ratio 35 : 84 in simplest form is:
(i) 5 : 7; (ii) 7 : 12; (iii) 5 : 12; (iv) none of these
3. In a class there are 20 boys and 15 girls. The ratio of boys to girls is:
(i) 4 : 3; (ii) 3 : 4; (iii) 4 : 5; (iv) none of these
4. Two numbers
are in the ratio 7 : 9. If the sum of the numbers is 112, then the larger
number is:
(i) 49; (ii) 72; (iii) 63; (iv) 42
5. The ratio of 1.5 m to 10 cm is:
(i) 1 : 15; (ii) 15 : 10; (iii) 10 : 15; (iv) 15 : 1
6. The ratio of 1 hour to 300 seconds is:
(i) 1 : 12; (ii) 12 : 1; (iii) 1 : 5; (iv) 5 : 1
7. In 4 : 7 : : 16 : 28, 7 and 16 are called
(i) extreme terms; (ii) middle terms; (iii) b middle and c extreme term; (iv) none of these
8. The first, second and fourth terms of a proportion are 16, 24 and 54 respectively. Then the third term is:
(i) 36; (ii) 28; (iii) 48; (iv) 32
9. If 12, 21, 72, 126 are in proportion, then:
(i) 12 × 21 = 72 × 126; (ii) 12 × 72 = 21 × 126; (iii) 12 × 126 = 21 × 72; (iv) none of these
10. If x, y and z are in proportion, then:
(i) x : y : : z : x; (ii) x : y : : y : z; (iii) x : y : : z : y; (iv) x : z : : y : z
11. 7 : 12 is equivalent to:
(i) 28 : 40; (ii) 42 : 71; (iii) 72 : 42; (iv) 42 : 72
12. The length and breadth of a rectangle are in the ratio 3 : 1. If the breadth is 7 cm, then the length of the rectangle is:
(i) 14 cm; (ii) 16 cm; (iii) 18 cm; (iv) 21 cm
13. The value of m, if 3, 18, m, 42 are in proportion is:
(i) 6; (ii) 54; (iii) 7; (iv) none of these
14. Length and width of a field are in the ratio 5 : 3. If the width of the field is 42 m then its length is:
(i) 100 m; (ii) 80 m; (iii) 50 m; (iv) 70 m
Answers for the multiple choice questions on ratio and proportion are given below to check the exact option.
1. (iii) 2. (iii) 3. (i)
4. (iii) 5. (iv) 6. (ii) 7. (ii) |
8. (i) 9. (iii)
10. (ii) 11. (iv) 12. (iv) 13. (iii) 14. (iv) |
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