In subtracting 1-digit number we will subtract or minus one-digit number from one-digit number or one-digit number from 2-digit number and find the difference between them.
We know that subtraction means to take away a set of objects from a collection.
We use – sign to take away
9 - 6 = 3
We say that difference between 9 and 6 is 3.
● Mary had 3 bananas.
She gave 1 banana to James.
Now she 2 bananas.
When we take away objects from a collection, we are subtracting.
We have : 1 taken away from 3 is 2.
We write : 3 - 1 = 2
We say : 3 minus 1 is 2.
- is the sign for taking away or subtraction. We read - as minus.
When we subtract 0 from a number, the number remains the same.
When we subtract the number from itself we get 0.
If from six things we take away 2 things, then four things are left. In arithmetic this is written in a short way as follows:
6 – 2 = 4
The symbol – is called the minus sign and shows that the number written after it is to be subtracted, or taken away, from the number written before it.
We may read 6 – 2 = 4 as ‘six minus two is equal to four’ or ‘six less two is four’.
We have learnt that we can subtract numbers by counting backward.
8 - 3 = ?
Counting backward from 8, take jumps backward. You reach 5.
How to subtract two one-digit numbers?
1. Here we will find 2 – 1.
Follow the steps along with the picture:
(i) 2 – 1 means start with 2 and take away 1.
(ii) From 2 strokes we take away 1 stroke and cancel the strokes.
(iii) So, 1 stroke is left.
(iv) Therefore, 2 – 1 = 1
We may read 2 – 1 = 1
as ‘two minus one is equal to one’
or ‘two less one is one’.
2. Here we will find 5 – 3.
Follow the steps of subtracting 1-digit number along with the picture:
(i) 5 – 3 means start with 5 and take away 3.
(ii) From 5 strokes we take away 3 strokes and cancel the strokes.
(iii) So, 2 strokes are left.
(iv) Therefore, 5 – 3 = 2
We may read 5 – 3 = 2 as ‘five minus three is equal to two’ or ‘five less three is two’.
3. Here we will find 7 – 2.
Follow the steps along with the picture:
(i) 7 – 2 means start with 7 and take away 2.
(ii) From 7 strokes we take away 2 strokes and cancel the strokes.
(iii) So, 5 strokes are left.
(iv) Therefore, 7 – 2 = 5
We may read 7 – 2 = 5 as ‘seven minus two is equal to five’ or ‘seven less two is five’.
4. Here we will find 9 – 5.
Follow the steps of subtracting 1-digit number along with the picture:
(i) 9 – 5 means start with 9 and take away 5.
(ii) From 9 strokes we take away 5 strokes and cancel the strokes.
(iii) So, 4 strokes are left.
(iv) Therefore, 9 – 5 = 4
We may read 9 – 5 = 4 as ‘nine minus five is equal to four’ or ‘nine less five is four’.
5. Here we will find 8 – 8.
Follow the steps of the subtraction of 1-digit number along with the picture:
(i) 8 – 8 means start with 8 and take away 8.
(ii) From 8 strokes we take away 8 strokes and cancel the strokes.
(iii) So, 0 strokes are left.
(iv) Therefore, 8 – 8 = 0
We may read 8 – 8 = 0 as ‘eight minus eight is equal to zero’ or ‘eight less eight is zero’.
Let us learn the properties of subtraction.
Subtraction of 0
What do you get when you subtract 0 from a number?
When 0 is subtracted from a number, the difference is the number itself.
Try This!
Fill in the boxes.
6 - 0 = _____
5 - 0 = _____
_____ - 0 = 7
9 - _____ = 9
Subtraction of 1
What do you get when you subtract 1 from a number?
When 1 is subtracted from a number, the difference is the previous number.
Try This!
1. Fill in the boxes.
5 - 1 = _____
8 - 1 = _____
_____ - 1 = 7
9 - _____ = 8
How many left?
2. (i) Ashley had 3 lollipops.
She ate 2 lollipops.
How many left?
(ii) There were 4 parrots.
1 parrot flew away.
How many left?
(iii) There were 5 balloons.
3 balloons were burst.
How many left?
(iv) There were 6 bananas.
We ate 3 bananas.
How many left?
Questions and Answers on Subtracting 1-Digit Number:
1. Cross out 6 objects and find the difference.
1. (i) 6
(ii) 9
2. (i) Take away 0 from 9. How many left? _____
(ii) Take away 6 from 6. How many left? _____
2. (i) 9
(ii) 0
3. Subtract and find the difference.
(i) 18 - 7 = _____
(ii) 14 - 3 = _____
(iii) 18 - 8 = _____
(iv) 16 - 4 = _____
(v) 19 - 9 = _____
(vi) 15 - 2 = _____
3. (i) 11
(ii) 11
(iii) 10
(iv) 12
(v) 10
(vi) 13
4. Find the difference.
(i) 27 - 5 = _____
(ii) 88 - 6 = _____
(iii) 67 - 2 = _____
(iv) 48 - 8 = _____
(v) 39 - 3 = _____
(vi) 55 - 5 = _____
(vii) 49 - 1 = _____
(viii) 19 - 5 = _____
4. (i) 22
(ii) 82
(iii) 65
(iv) 40
(v) 36
(vi) 50
(vii) 48
(viii) 14
5. Subtract the following:
(i) |
T O 8 - 2 ________ |
(ii) |
T O 1 3 - 1 ________ |
(iii) |
T O 4 4 - 2 ________ |
(iv) |
T O 1 8 - 3 ________ |
5. (i) 6
(ii) 12
(iii) 42
(iv) 15
6. Fill in the blanks:
6. (i) 5
(ii) 7
(iii) 4
(iv) 3
7. Find the difference.
(i) 8 - 0 = 8
(ii) 6 - 0 = _____
(iii) 9 - 0 = _____
(iv) 4 - 0 = _____
(v) 5 - 0 = _____
(vi) 7 - 0 = _____
7. (ii) 6
(iii) 9
(iv) 4
(v) 5
(vi) 7
8. Find the difference.
(i) 4 - 1 = 3
(ii) 8 - 1 = _____
(iii) 7 - 1 = _____
(iv) 3 - 1 = _____
(v) 5 - 1 = _____
(vi) 2 - 1 = _____
(vii) 6 - 1 = _____
(viii) 9 - 1 = _____
8. (ii) 7
(iii) 6
(iv) 2
(v) 4
(vi) 1
(vii) 5
(viii) 8
9. Subtract on Abacus. One has been done for you.
9. (ii) 45
(iii) 42
10. Fill in the boxes. One has been done for you.
11. Word Problems on Subtracting 1-Digit Number:
(i) What is left when 1 is subtracted from 5? 3 from 8? 5 from 9?
(ii) What must be added to 3 to make 5? to 2 to make 9? to 4 to make 8?
(iii) George has 7 cows; Jason has 5 cows. How many more cows has George than Jason?
(iv) By how much is 3 less than 6?
(v) Nine minus two is equal to seven'. Write that in a short way, using figures and signs only.
(vi) A jug can hold 8 litres of milk. There are now 5 litres in it. How many more litres are needed to fill the jug?
(vii) A boy worked 6 sums. If 2 of them were wrong how many did he get right?
(viii) Brandon is 9 years old and Alexander 4 years old. By how many years is Brandon older than Alexander?
(ix) I went to the bazaar with 7 rupees. After buying meat and vegetables I had 3 rupees left. How many rupees did I spend?
11. (i) 4; 5; 4
(ii) 2; 7; 4
(iii) 2
(iv) 3
(v) 9 - 2 = 7
(vi) 3 litres
(vii) 4
(viii) 5 years
(ix) ₹ 4
12. There are 45 students in a class. 7 students were absent on Friday. How many students were present in the class on Friday?
12. 38
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