In formation of numbers we will learn the numbers having different numbers of digits.
We know that:
(i) Greatest number of one digit = 9,
Smallest number of 2 digits = 10.
(If one is added to 9, we get 9 + 1 = 10).
(ii) Greatest number of 2 digits = 99,
Smallest number of 3 digits = 100.
(If one is added to 99, we get 99 + 1 = 100).
(iii) Greatest number of 3 digits = 999,
Smallest number of 4 digits = 1000.
(If one is added to 999, we get 999 + 1 = 1000).
(iv) Greatest number of 4 digits = 9999,
Smallest number of 5 digits = 10000.
(If one is added to 9999, we get 9999 + 1 = 10000).
(iv) Greatest number of 5 digits = 99999,
Smallest number of 6 digits = 100000.
(If one is added to 99999, we get 99999 + 1 = 100000).
Thus, if 1 is added to 9 (greatest 1-digit number), we get 10 (smallest 2-digit number).
If 1 is added to 99 (greatest 2-digit number), we get 100 (smallest 3-digit number).
If 1 is added to 999 (greatest 3-digit number), we get 1000 (smallest 4-digit number).
If 1 is added to 9999 (greatest 4-digit number), we get 10000 (smallest 5-digit number).
If we add 1 to 99999, we get 99999 + 1 = 100000, the smallest 6-digit numbers.
Number of Digits |
Smallest Number |
Greatest Number |
One |
0 |
9 |
Two |
10 = 9 + 1 |
99 |
Three |
100 = 99 + 1 |
999 |
Four |
1000 = 999 + 1 |
9999 |
We observe that
● The smallest 2-digit number is the
(Greatest 1-digit number + 1)
● The smallest 3-digit number is the
(Greatest 2-digit number + 1)
● The smallest 4-digit number is the
(Greatest 3-digit number + 1)
● Therefore,
The smallest 5-digit number is the
(Greatest 4-digit number + 1)
i.e., 999 + 1 = 10000 (Ten thousand)
We read 100000 as one lakh. The sixth place from the right is called lakhs place.
For Example:
500000 --> read as five lakh.
639043 --> read as six lakh thirty-nine thousand forty-three.
832519 --> read as eight lakh thirty-two thousand five hundred nineteen.
999999 --> read as nine lakh ninety-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine.
999999 is the greatest 6-digit number.
Look at the following table:
Now we will learn how to use an abacus in number formation
These facts can be expressed on a spike-abacus as follows:
One → 9, 9 + 1 = 10 = One ten
10 → 99, 99 + 1 = 100 = One hundred
100 → 999, 999 + 1 = 1000 = One thousand
1000 → 9999, 9999 + 1 = 10000 = Ten thousand
1-digit numbers:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
2-digit numbers:
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, …………., 29,
30, 31, ……., 39, 40, 41,……….., 49, 50, 51,………, 60, 61,………., 69, 70, 71, 72, ……….., 79, 80, 81, ………., 89, 90, 91, ………………......, 99
3-digit numbers:
100, 101, …….., 199, 200, 201, ……, 299, 300, ……., 399, 400, ………, 499,
500, ….., 599, 600, ……, 699, 700, …., 799, 800, 801, ……, 890, ……., 899,
900, 901, ………, 990, 991, ……………, 999.
4-digit numbers:
1000, 1001,……,1099,1100,1101,……,1199,1200,1201,…………,1299,
1300, ……, 1399, 1400, 1401, …….,1499, 1500, 1501,……., 1599, 1600,
1601, ….., 1699, 1700, 1701, ……, 1799, 1800, 1801,………, 1899, 1900,
1901, ......., 1999, 2000, 2001, ……., 2999, 3000, 3001, …….., 3999, 4000,
4001, ……, 4999, 5000, ……., 5999, 6000, ……, 6999, 7000, 7001, ………,
7999, 8000, 8001, ………., 8999, 9000, 9001, ….....,9999.
5-digit numbers:
10000, 10001, ……………………………………………………........., 19999,
20000, 20001, ………………………………………………………….., 29999,
30000, 30001, ………………………………………………………….., 39999,
40000, 40001, .................., 49999, 50000, ………………………….., 59999,
60000, 60001, ……………, 69999, 70000, ……………………… ....., 79999,
80000, 80001, ……………., 89999, 90000, ………………………........ 99999
Now 6-digit numbers begin with 99999 + 1 = 100000, i.e., hundred thousand.
1. Fill in the blanks:
(i) 1,00,000 more than 4,52,532 is ................
(ii) 10,000,000 more than 54,928,329 is ................
(iii) 10,00,000 less than 32,24,521 is ................
(iv) 100,000 less than 8,482,934 is ................
(v) 10,000 more than 99,999 is ................
(vi) 1,000 more than 56,784 is ................
(vii) 10,000 less than 39,948 is ................
Related Concept
● Numbers Showing on Spike Abacus.
● 1 Digit Number on Spike Abacus.
● 2 Digits Number on Spike Abacus.
● 3 Digits Number on Spike Abacus.
● 4 Digits Number on Spike Abacus.
● 5 Digits Number on Spike Abacus.
● Problems Related to Place Value.
● Example on Comparison of Numbers.
● Successor and Predecessor of a Whole Number.
● Formation of Numbers with the Given Digits.
● Formation of Greatest and Smallest Numbers.
● Examples on the Formation of Greatest and the Smallest Number.
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