Calculate Loss Percent

We will learn how to calculate loss percent in an article. Loss percentage is always calculated on cost price (C.P.).

Formula to find loss% = (loss/cost price) × 100%

Solved examples:

1. By selling a machine for $9000; a loss of $1000 is suffered. Find the loss percent.


Given, S.P. of a machine = $9000 and loss made = $1000

Therefore, C.P. = S.P. + loss

                     = $9000 + $1000

                     = $10000

And, loss% = (loss/cost price) × 100%

                = (1000/10000) × 100%

                = (1/10) × 100%

                = 10%

Therefore, loss percent by selling a machine is 10%   

More examples to calculate loss percent:                          

2. By selling an article for $10000 a man losses $2000. Find the loss%.


Given, selling price of an article = $10000 and loss made = $2000

Therefore, cost price = selling price + loss

                              = $10000 + $2000

                              = $12000

And, loss% = (loss/cost price) × 100%

                 = (2000/12000) × 100%

                 = (1/6) × 100%

                 = 16   2/3%

Therefore, loss percent by selling an article is 16   2/3%.        

3. Jim bought a second hand motorcycle for $1200 and spent $200 on its repair. He sold it for $1280. Find his loss percent.


Cost price includes overhead expenses also.

Therefore, cost price = $1200 + $200 = $1400

and selling price = $1280

Since, selling price < cost price, there is a loss.

Loss = cost price - selling price

       = $1400 - $1280

       = $120

Loss percent = loss/cost price × 100

                   = 120/1400 × 100

                   = 60/7

                   = 8   4/7 %

Therefore, loss percent by selling a second hand motorcycle is 8  4/7 %


When some additional expenses are made after purchase of an article, it is added to the cost price (C.P.), these additional expenses are called overhead.

Profit And Loss

To find Profit or Loss when Cost Price and Selling Price are Given

To find Selling Price when Cost Price and Profit or Loss are Given

To find Cost Price when Selling Price and Profit or Loss are Given

Examples on Profit and Loss

Calculate Profit Percent

Calculate Loss Percent

Calculate Profit or Loss Percent

Calculate Profit and Selling Price

Calculate Loss and Selling Price

Overhead Charges

Discount and Discount Percent

6th Grade Math Practice

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