In 1st grade, we have learnt how to add 1-digit and 2-digit numbers. Here, we will learn simple addition of 3-digit numbers without regrouping (without carrying).
We add 3-digit numbers in the same way as we add 2-digit numbers.
In an addition sum, the numbers that are added are called addends and the result of addition is called the sum.
2 |
5 |
7 |
→ |
Addend | |
+ |
2 |
4 |
2 |
→ |
Addend |
4 |
9 |
9 |
→ |
Sum |
1. Let us add 423 and 215.
To add the above numbers, we take the following steps:
Step I: Write the given numbers in column form as shown. Step II: Add the ones: 3 + 5 = 8 Write 8 under ones column. Step III: Add the tens: 2 + 1 = 3 Write 3 under tens column. Step IV: Add the hundreds: 4 + 2 = 6 Write 6 under hundreds column. |
Thus, the sum of 423 and 215 is 638.
Questions and Answers on Addition of 3-Digit Numbers Without Carrying:
1. Workout the following additions:
(i) |
H T O 3 1 2 + 4 8 3 ___________ |
(ii) |
H T O 2 1 5 + 6 2 0 ___________ |
(iii) |
H T O 7 2 3 + 1 5 6 ___________ |
1. (i) 795
(ii) 835
(iii) 879
2. Find the sum:
(i) |
H T O 4 0 9 + 3 8 0 ___________ |
(ii) |
H T O 6 1 8 + 2 6 0 ___________ |
(iii) |
H T O 8 0 4 + 1 9 3 ___________ |
(iv) |
H T O 5 1 0 + 2 8 7 ___________ |
(v) |
H T O 4 8 8 + 3 0 1 ___________ |
(vi) |
H T O 7 0 7 + 2 7 1 ___________ |
2. (i) 789
(ii) 878
(iii) 997
(iv) 797
(v) 789
(vi) 978
3. Arrange in columns and add:
(i) 321 + 521 = _____
(ii) 811 + 184 = _____
(iii) 315 + 423 = _____
(iv) 805 + 173 = _____
(v) 283 + 601 = _____
(vi) 525 + 374 = _____
3. (i) 842
(ii) 995
(iii) 738
(iv) 978
(v) 884
(vi) 899
4. Word Problems on Addition of 3-Digit Numbers Without Carrying:
(i) In a village, there are 513 men and 405 women. How many people are there in all?
(ii) A shopkeeper sold 341 bottles of cold drink and 450 bottles of orange drink. How many bottles did he sell in all?
(iii) There are 615 cows and 264 buffaloes in a farm. How many animals are there in the farm?
(iv) Robert solved 475 questions, Michael solved 312 questions. How many questions did they solve?
(v) One garland has 341 beads and another garland has 423 beads. Find the total number of beads in two garlands.
(vi) There are 305 mangoes in one basket and 510 mangoes in another basket. How many mangoes are there in the two baskets?
4. (i) 918
(ii) 791
(iii) 879
(iv) 787
(v) 764
(vi) 815
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