How to write the names of three digit numbers?
(i) The name of one-digit numbers are according to the names of the digits 1 (one), 2 (two), 3 (three), 4 (four), 5 (five), 6 (six), 7 (seven), 8 (eight), 9 (nine). These names are the original names of the digits.
(ii) The names of some two digit numbers like 10 (ten), 11 (eleven), etc., are independent, 12 (twelve) seems to be derived from two and 13 (thirteen), 14 (fourteen), 15 (fifteen), 16 (sixteen), 17 (seventeen), 18 (eighteen), and 19 (nineteen) are made by suffixing the word ‘teen’ to the name of the concerned digit. The names of 20 (twenty), 30 (thirty), 40 (forty), 50 (fifty), 60 (sixty), 70 (seventy), 80 (eighty) and 90 (ninety), etc., are made by suffixing ‘ty’ to the convenient forms of the names of the concerned digits.
The names of the rest of the numbers of two digits are based on the value of the digits of their places as 21 (twenty-one), 55 (fifty-five), 79 (seventy-nine), 83 (eighty-three), etc.
The names of three digit numbers are based on the place value of the concerned digits. Some names of the numbers are given below:
100 - One hundred
101 - One hundred one
109 - One hundred nine
110 - One hundred ten
112 - One hundred twelve
121 - One hundred twenty-one
130 - One hundred thirty
131 - One hundred thirty-one
149 - One hundred forty-nine
154 - One hundred fifty-four
160 - One hundred sixty
171 - One hundred seventy-one
177 - One hundred seventy-seven
183 - One hundred eighty-three
192 - One hundred ninety-two
199 - One hundred ninety-nine
200 - Two hundred
204 - Two hundred four
210 - Two hundred ten
219 - Two hundred nineteen
220 - Two hundred twenty
227 - Two hundred twenty-seven
230 - Two hundred thirty
239 - Two hundred thirty-nine
240 - Two hundred forty
250 - Two hundred fifty
251 - Two hundred fifty-one
264 - Two hundred sixty-four
273 - Two hundred seventy-three
288 - Two hundred eighty-eight
299 - Two hundred ninety-nine
Writing the names of three digit numbers from 300 to 999:
300 - Three hundred
319 - Three hundred nineteen
325 - Three hundred twenty-five
333 - Three hundred thirty-three
342 - Three hundred forty-two
355 - Three hundred fifty five
361 - Three hundred sixty-one
376 - Three hundred seventy-six
383 - Three hundred eighty-three
399 - Three hundred ninety-nine
417 - Four hundred seventeen
438 - Four hundred thirty-eight
453 - Four hundred fifty-three
502 - Five hundred two
595 - Five hundred ninety-five
657 - Six hundred fifty-seven
675 - Six hundred seventy-five
756 - Seven hundred fifty-six
777 - Six hundred seventy-seven
789 - Seven hundred eighty-nine
798 - Seven hundred ninety-eight
879 - Eight hundred seventy-nine
889 - Eight hundred eighty-nine
900 - Nine hundred
901 - Nine hundred one
912 - Nine hundred twelve
989 - Nine hundred eighty-nine
999 - Nine hundred ninety-nine
Let us quickly recall the smallest and the greatest 1-digit, 2-digit and 3-digit numbers
Number |
Smallest |
Greatest |
1-digit |
1 |
9 |
2-digit |
10 |
99 |
3-digit |
100 |
999 |
Number Names
What is the number name for 47?
It is 'forty-seven'.
Now, what is the number name for 147?
It is 'one hundred forty-seven'.
Similarly, 647 is read as 'six hundred forty-seven".
1. Write the number name.
(i) 123 (ii) 245 (iii) 332 (iv) 418 (v) 500 (vi) 585 (vii) 612 (viii) 709 (ix) 888 (x) 990 |
____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ |
1. (i) one hundred twenty three
(ii) two hundred forty five
(iii) three hundred thirty two
(iv) four hundred eighteen
(v) five hundred
(vi) five hundred eighty five
(vii) six hundred twelve
(viii) seven hundred nine
(ix) eight hundred eighty eight
(x) nine hundred ninety
2. Write the number.
(i) two hundred thirty nine (ii) three hundred ninety nine (iii) five hundred fifteen (iv) nine hundred one (v) eight hundred eighty one (vi) seven hundred forty three (vii) six hundred seventy eight (viii) four hundred thirty three (ix) one hundred twenty (x) seven hundred seventeen |
____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ |
2. (i) 231
(ii) 399
(iii) 515
(iv) 901
(v) 881
(vi) 743
(vii) 678
(viii) 433
(ix) 420
(x) 717
3. Complete the following as shown.
Number |
Hundreds Tens Ones |
Abacus |
(i) 147 |
1 4 7 | |
(ii) 282 |
___ ___ ___ | |
(iii) 534 |
___ ___ ___ | |
(iv) 856 |
___ ___ ___ | |
(v) 998 |
___ ___ ___ |
4. Draw beads on the abacus for the given number of blocks. Also, write the number and its number names.
4. Number: = 337
Number Name: three hundred thirty seven
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