Practice the questions given in the worksheet on multiplication of decimals. Here we need to multiply the decimals as we multiply ordinary numbers.
I. Find the product of the following:
(i) 3.45 × 6
(ii) 5.98 × 8
(iii) 9.63 × 7
(iv) 58.23 × 4
(v) 28.82 × 8
(vi) 907.98 × 5
(vii) 14.16 × 12
(viii) 28.03 × 15
(ix) 49.38 × 17
(x) 55.17 × 18
(xi) 67.27 × 12
(xii) 36.18 × 14
(xiii) 97.28 × 11
(xiv) 37.12 × 19
(xv) 84.07 × 13
(xvi) 54.32 × 13
(xvii) 24.28 × 16
(xviii) 96.07 × 15
(xix) 36.12 × 13
(xx) 76.18 × 12
II. Solve the following:
(i) One fan costs $ 95.35. What is the cost of 24 such fans?
(ii) Addison purchased 19 balls at the rate of $ 34.56 per ball. How much did he spend?
(iii) Anson bought 9.75 kg of sugar at the rate of $ 18 per kg. How much did he spend?
(iv) Andrea purchased 17 shirts of the rate of $ 235.35 per shirt. How much did she spend?
(v) Bryon was asked to express 18 kg 35 g as a decimal. He expressed it as 18.35 kg. Did he express it correctly? If not, what is the correct answer?
Answers for the worksheet on multiplication of decimals are given below.
I. (i) 20.7
(ii) 47.84
(iii) 67.41
(iv) 232.92
(v) 230.56
(vi) 4539.90
(vii) 169.92
(viii) 420.45
(ix) 839.46
(x) 993.06
(xi) 807.24
(xii) 506.52
(xiii) 1070.08
(xiv) 705.28
(xv) 442.91
(xvi) 706.16
(xvii) 388.48
(xviii) 1441.05
(xix) 469.56
(xx) 914.16
II. (i) $ 2288.40
(ii) $ 656.64
(iii) 175.5
(iv) $ 4000.95
(v) 18.035 kg
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