Worksheet on Sum, Difference, Product, Quotient

Practice the questions given in the worksheet on sum, difference, product, quotient. The questions are based on addendum, minuend and subtrahend, multiplicand and multiplier, dividend and divisor.

I. Find the sum.

(i) 345165 + 123627 + 290845

(ii) 357652 + 400854 + 765433

(iii) 243081 + 154374 + 369897

II. Add:

(i) 417295, 318291 and 549876

(ii) 314596, 284321 and 486138

(iii) 603402, 483549 and 282412

(iv) 249201, 349723 and 149836

(v) 795498, 243821 and 514297

(vi) 572978, 160038 and 217540

(vii) 823452, 453251 and 549759

(viii) 163872, 493907 and 309387

(ix) 579438, 267321 and 492180

(x) 249387, 349883 and 299438

III. Find the difference:

(i) 453297 - 234588

(ii) 453724 - 264855

(iii) 803945 – 298798

IV. Subtract:

(i) 541234 from 989823

(ii) 306789 from 700009

(iii) 715789 from 956720

(iv) 362429 from 523951

V. Find the product:

 (i) 908 × 123

 (ii) 240 × 389

(iii) 1256 × 294

(iv) 3426 × 127

VI. Multiply:

(i) 4892 × 250

(ii) 3745 × 352

(iii) 5678 × 408

(iv) 4639 × 245

(v) 5249 × 193

(vi) 6383 × 263

(vii) 2979 × 438

(viii) 1398 × 364

VII. Find the quotient and remainder (if any):

(i) 3632 ÷ 10

(ii) 5467 ÷ 100

(iii) 3849 ÷ 1000

(iv) 0 ÷ 26

(v) 1544 ÷ 1544

(vi) 29299 ÷ 1

(vii) 22340 ÷ 10

(viii) 7956 ÷ 100

VIII. Divide:

(i) 21450 ÷ 16

(ii) 37729 ÷ 29

(iii) 99849 ÷ 12

(iv) 84382 ÷ 32

(v) 96396 ÷ 48

(vi) 63484 ÷ 25

(vii) 43485 ÷ 76

(viii) 68524 ÷ 29

Answers for the worksheet on sum, difference, product, quotient are given below to check the exact answers of the above questions on the four operations.


I. (i) 759637

(ii) 1523939

(iii) 767352

II. (i) 1285462

(ii) 1085055

(iii) 1369363

(iv) 748760

(v) 1553616

(vi) 950556

(vii) 1826462

(viii) 967166

(ix) 1338939

(x) 898708

III. (i) 218709

(ii) 188869

(iii) 505147

IV. (i) 448589

(ii) 393220

(iii) 240931

(iv) 161522

V. (i) 111684

(ii) 93360

(iii) 369264

(iv) 435102

VI. (i) 1223000

(ii) 1318240

(iii) 2316624

(iv) 1136555

(v) 1013057

(vi) 1678729

(vii) 1304802

(viii) 508872

VII. (i) Q = 363, R = 2

(ii) Q = 54, R = 67

(iii) Q = 3, R = 849

(iv) Q = 0, R = 0

(v) Q = 1, R = 0

(vi) Q = 29299, R = 0

(vii) Q = 2234, R = 0

(viii) Q = 79, R = 56

VIII. (i) Q = 1340, R = 10

(ii) Q = 1301, R = 0

(iii) Q = 8320, R = 9

(iv) Q = 2636, R = 30

(v) Q = 2008, R = 12

(vi) Q = 2539, R = 9

(vii) Q = 572, R = 13

(viii) Q = 2362, R = 26

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