Worksheet on Finding the Mean of Raw Data

In worksheet on finding the mean of raw data we will solve various types of practice questions on measures of central tendency. Here you will get 12 different types of questions on finding the mean of raw data.

1. Find the mean of the first five natural numbers.

2. Find the mean of the first six odd natural numbers.

3. Find the mean of the following data.

(i) 17, 15, 19, 13, 21, 16, 18

(ii) 7, 0, 4, 13, 6

4. A student secured 48%, 25%, 41%, 53% and 60% marks in five subjects in an examination. Find the mean percentage of marks obtained by the student in the examination.

5. The weight of six persons in a family are 35 kg, 42 kg, 70 kg, 55 kg, 60 kg, and 65 kg. Find the mean weight of the members of the family.

6. The mean of the four a, 3, 4 and 5 is 3. Find the value of a.

7. If the mean of 3, 5, 6, 2 and a is b, and the mean of 3, 5, 6, 2, a and b is a then find the values of a and b.

8. The mean of 16 variates is 8. If each variate is increased by 2 then find the mean of the new variates.

9. The mean of 5 numbers is 18. If a number is omitted then the mean of the remaining 4 numbers becomes 16. Find the omitted number.

10. The mean age of 12 boys is 8 years. Later it was found that the age of one boy was taken as 13 years in place of 10 years in place of 10 years.  Find the actual mean of their ages.

11. The mean weight of 35 students in a class is 45 kg. If the weight of the class teacher is also included, the mean weight increases by 0.5 kg. Find the weight of the class teacher.

12. The mean area of 7 halls is 55 m2. If the mean area of 6 of them be 58 m2, find the area of the seventh hall.

Answers on Worksheet on Finding the Mean of Raw Data are given below to check the exact answers of the questions. 

Worksheet on Finding the Mean of Raw Data



1. 3

2. 6

3. (i) 17

(ii) 6

4. 45.4%

5.  54.5 kg

6. 0

7. a = 4, b = 4

8. 10

9. 26

10. 7.75 years

11. 63 kg

12. 37 m2

10th Grade Math

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