Worksheet on Adding One Digit

Practice the questions given in the worksheet on adding one digit. The questions are based on single digit addition where 2 addends are needed to arrange in a vertical order and then add.

We know, addendum plus addendum = sum. Thus, the change in the order of addendum or numbers to be added does not change the sum.

Add the following numbers:

(i) 5 + 3 =             

(ii) 2 + 7 =                            

(iii) 6 + 4 =                           

(iv) 2 + 8 =

(v) 7 + 5 =           

(vi) 9 + 4 =   

(vii) 8 + 7 =                         

(viii) 9 + 7 =

(ix) 0 + 5 =          

(x) 6 + 1 =                           

(xi) 1 + 5 =          

(xii) 2 + 3 =

(xiii) 7 + 4 =                        

(xiv) 9 + 8 =

(xv) 7 + 3 =         

(xvi) 9 + 1 =                        

(xvii) 8 + 0 =                       

(xviii) 9 + 3 =

(xix) 2 + 5 =        

(xx) 6 + 1 =

(xxi) 4 + 2 =        

(xxii) 2 + 6 =

(xxiii) 1 + 4 =                      

(xxiv) 3 + 4 =

(xxv) 1 + 3 =       

(xxvi) 6 + 1 =                      

(xxvii) 3 + 0 =                     

(xxviii) 2 + 3 =

(xxix) 2 + 0 =      

(xxx) 4 + 1 =       

Answers for the worksheet on adding one digit numbers are given below to check the exact answers of the above questions single number.            


(i) 8                       

(ii) 9                      

(iii) 10   

(iv) 10

(v) 12    

(vi) 13                   

(vii) 15                  

(viii) 16

(ix) 5     

(x) 7                      

(xi) 6     

(xii) 5

(xiii) 11

(xiv) 17

(xv) 10

(xvi) 10                

(xvii) 8

(xviii) 12

(xix) 7   

(xx) 7

(xxi) 6   

(xxii) 8

(xxiii) 5

(xxiv) 7

(xxv) 4 

(xxvi) 7

(xxvii) 3               

(xxviii) 5

(xxix) 2

(xxx) 5 

After practicing these above addition students can change the order of the addends or numbers and recheck to verify that the sum does not change.

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