
Here we will discuss about the four seasons and the duration.

Generally, we have four seasons in a year.

They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.

The Four Seasons

Each season lasts for about 3 months.

Some months are too hot and some are too cold. The period of hot months is called the hot or summer season. The period of cold months is called the cold or winter season.

In between the summer season and winter season the sky often remains cloudy and it rains a lot. This cloudy and rainy season is known as the rainy season.

After the winter season, for about two months it is neither too cold nor too hot. There is good weather all around. This period of charming weather is called the spring season.

Thus, there are four main seasons.

S. No.





Name of the seasons 

Summer season

Rainy season

Winter season

Spring season


from April to June

from July to September

from October to January

from February to March

Kids let’s enjoy the story about seasons.

The story about seasons:

One day, the seasons had an argument. Each one of them said, “I am the best!

seasons, the story about seasons, spring, summer, autumn

      Spring said, “I am when flowers bloom and it is green and fresh everywhere. Birds fly and insects have fun with new flowers.”

        Summer said, “Yes, but I am when the sun shines brightly and it feels too hot to do anything. People eat ice-cream, enjoy cold drinks and eat yummy watermelon.

        Autumn said, “I am when trees shed their leaves and cover the earth in orange brilliance. The air feels cool.”

        Winter said, “I am when people wear woolen clothes, caps and gloves to keep their bodies warm. They get to drink hot chocolate. Birds fly south for the winter because it’s too cold.”

Since they couldn’t decide who was best, they agreed that they were all important because one could not do without the other.

As per the India calendar, a year is divided into six seasons.

They are:

Shishira; Vasanta; Grishma; Hemanta; Varsha; Sharada

Each of these seasons lasts for about 2 months.

Duration of each season in months is given in the following pictures:

Look at the following pictures to understand the chain of seasons and their duration:

Chain of Seasons

Shishira:     January - February

Vasanta:     March - April

Grishma:     May - June

Varsha:       July - August

Sharada:     September - October

Hemanta:    November - December

The seasons are not used for measuring time.

We need different type of dresses for each season.

Even the food items differ from season to season.

Note: Time and duration of season changes from place to place.

Kindergarten kids can have fun reading the stories about the seasons and also share the story with your friends. In kindergarten math learning activities kids can enjoy a fun time activities.

Children can collect the pictures of things used in summer and winter seasons. They can make two different seasons pictures colorfully and can hang on the wall.

Worksheet on The Story about Seasons:

1. Fill in the blanks:

(i) Hemanta comes after __________.

(ii) Grishma comes before  __________.

(iii) Sharad comes in between  __________ and  __________.

(iv) Vasanta starts in the month of  __________.

(v) In September and October, it is  __________ season.

(vi)  __________ comes in between Vasanta and Varsha.

(vii)  __________ comes just after Sharad.

(viii) Shishira ends in the month of  __________.

(ix) The hottest season is  __________.

(x)  __________ comes just before Sharad.


1. (i) Sharada

(ii) Varsha

(iii) Varsha; Hemanta

(iv) March

(v) Sharada

(vi) Grishma

(vii) Hemanta

(viii) February 

(ix) Grishma

(x) Varsha

2. Which season is most suitable for the following?

(i) To use a blanket or a quilt during night    __________.

(ii) To use umbrella                                    __________.

(iii) To eat ice-cream                                  __________.

(iv) To use cotton clothes                            __________.

(v) To use woollen clothes                           __________.


2. (i) winter season

(ii) rainy season

(iii) summer season

(iv) summer season

(v) winter season

3. Answer the following questions. You can use the help box:

Help Box: Vasanta, Shishira, Sharada, Very cold, Raincoat, Cold things

(i) How's the weather in winter?

(ii) What do you wear in varsha ritu to protect yourself?

(iii) What would you like to eat or drink the most in summers?

(iv) I come between winter and summer. New plants grow when I come, What season am I?

(v) Name the season that comes before Vasanta.

(vi) All around you there are leaves and leaves. The trees are shedding leaves all the time. Which ritu is it?


3. Answer the following questions. You can use the help box:

Help Box: Vasanta, Shishira, Sharada, Very cold, Raincoat, Cold things

(i) Very cold

(ii) raincoat

(iii) Cold things

(iv) Vasanta

(v) Shishira

(vi) Sharada

● Number Rhymes.

Matching the Objects.

Numbers and Counting up to 10.

Number the Pictures.

Numbers up to 10.

Numbers 1 to 10.

Count and Write Numbers.

Count the Numbers and Match.

Numbers and their Names.

Numbers and Counting up to 20.

Learn About Counting.

Counting Eleven to Twenty with Numbers and Words.

Counting Numbers from Twenty One to Thirty.

Counting Numbers from Thirty One to Forty.

Geometric Shapes.

Geometric Objects.


Tell The Time.

Worksheet on Time.


Addition on a Number Line.

Worksheet on Addition I.

Worksheet on Addition II.

Odd Man Out.


Ordinal Numbers.

Worksheet on Ordinal Numbers.

Addition Worksheets.

Subtraction Worksheets.

Counting Numbers Practice Test.

Worksheets on Counting Numbers.

Worksheet on Counting Numbers 6 to 10.

What is addition?

Worksheet on Kindergarten Addition.

Kindergarten Addition up to 5.

Worksheets on Kindergarten Addition up to 5.

Addition Facts.

What is zero?

Order of Numbers.

Worksheets on Addition.

Before and After Counting Worksheet up to 10.

Worksheets on Counting Before and After.

Before, After and Between Numbers Worksheet up to 10.

Worksheet on Before, After and Between Numbers.

Counting Before, After and Between Numbers up to 10.

The Story about Seasons.

Color by Number Worksheets.

Worksheet on Joining Numbers.

Missing Number Worksheets.

Worksheet on Before, After and Between Numbers up to 20.

Worksheet on Before, After and Between Numbers up to 50.

Kindergarten Math Activities

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