The properties of multiplication of fractional numbers are discussed here.
Property 1: If two fractional numbers are multiplied in either order, the product remains the same.
For Example:
(i) 23 × 75
= 2×73×5
= 1415
And now if you interchange the place of the fractional numbers the product does not change.
75 × 23
= 7×25×3
= 1415
We observe that the product in both the cases are same.
So, 23 × 75 = 75 × 23.
Note: From the above example we understand that, changing the order of fractional numbers does not change the product.
(ii) (423 × 513) × 15 = 423 (513 × 15)
Property 2: If a fractional number is multiplied by one, the product is the fractional number itself.
For Example:
(i) 79 × 1
= 79 × 11
= 7×19×1
= 79
So, we observe that a fraction multiplied by 1 is the fraction itself.
(ii) 58 × 1
= 58 × 11
= 5×1(8×1
= 58
(iii) 1519 × 1
= 1519 × 11
= 15×1(19×1
= 1519
Property 3: If a fractional number is multiplied by zero, the product is zero.
For Example:
(i) 311 × 0
= 3×011
= 0
(ii) 715 × 0
= 7×015
= 0
● Multiplication is Repeated Addition.
● Multiplication of Fractional Number by a Whole Number.
● Multiplication of a Fraction by Fraction.
● Properties of Multiplication of Fractional Numbers.
● Worksheet on Multiplication on Fraction.
● Division of a Fraction by a Whole Number.
● Division of a Fractional Number.
● Division of a Whole Number by a Fraction.
● Properties of Fractional Division.
● Worksheet on Division of Fractions.
● Simplification of Fractions.
● Worksheet on Simplification of Fractions.
● Worksheet on Word Problems on Fractions.
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