Here we will learn the rule of knuckle to understand the number of days in a month.
All the knuckles show the months with 31 days. The others (except February) have 30 days.
As we know, the months April, June, September and November have 30 days each. The months January, March, May, July, August, October and December have 31 days each and February has 28 days.
Now add these days.
Number of days each in April, June, September, November is 30.
So, total number of days in 4 months = 30 × 4 = 120
Number of days each in January, March, May, July, August, October and December is 31.
So, total number of days in 7 months = 31 × 7 = 217
Number of days in February 120 + 217 + 28 = 365 = 28
Your closed fist will say easily the number of days each month has.
There are 365 days in one year, which seems to be correct. But if you see the calendar for the year 2012, you will find that February has 29 days!
Why is this so?
A year is actually the time taken by the earth to go around the sun once. But the earth
takes 365414 days to do so. 14 + 14 + 14 + 14
Now, 14 + 14 + 14 + 14 = 44 = 1 is the same as 1 day.
This extra day is added to the year every fourth year. Then that year has 366 days. This year is called a leap year.
In a leap year, February has 29 days.
Solved Examples on Calculating Days in a Year:
1. How many days are there from 8th January to 20th March, if it is not a leap year? (include both dates).
Days in January = 31 - 7 = 24
Days in February = 28 days
Days in March = 20 days
Total number of days = 24 + 28 + 20 = 72 days
A leap year has 366 days because February has 29 days in a leap year.
2. Jessica's grandmother came for a visit. She arrived on April 23 and left on May 17 the same year. How long did she stay?
Solution: We find the number of days between April 23 and May 18.
No. of days she stayed in April 30 - 22 = 8 days
No. of days she stayed in May = 17 day
No. of days she stayed in two months 8 + 17 = 25 days
Thus, Jessica's grandmother stayed for 25 days.
We have subtracted 22 days instead of 23 days because we include the 23rd day in our calculations.
Worksheet on Number of Days in a Year:
1. Answer the following questions:
(i) How many days does February have in a leap year?
(ii) How many months are there in a year?
(iii) How many months have 31 days?
(iv) How many months have 30 days?
(v) How many days are there in a leap year?
1. (i) 29 days
(ii) 12 months
(iii) 7 months
(iv) 4 months
(v) 366 days
2. Calculate and write the number of days between the two days given (do not include either dates):
(i) Independence Day and Teacher's Day.
(ii) Teachers Day and Children's Day.
(iii) 24th March and 1" October.
(iv) 8th January and 12th February.
2. (i) 20 days
(ii) 69 days
(iii) 190 days
(iv) 34 days
3. The annual examination in a school started on April 3 and ended on April 28. How long did the examination continue?
3. 26 days
4. Jennifer returned her library book on September 4. If she borrowed it on August 17, how many days had she kept the book? (Do not include the date of return.)
4. 18 days
5. Michael joined his temporary job from 3rd March to 14th April. How many days did he work?
5. 43 days
6. David's father left for Manali on January 7 and returned home on February 20. For how many days did he remain out of home?
6. 45 days
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