Multiplication of Units of Mass

We can multiply the units of mass kg and g by a number like ordinary numbers.

1. Multiply 115 kg by 6.

Multiply Kg

Hence, 115 kg × 6 = 690 kg

2. Multiply 32 kg 126 g by 7.

Multiply Kg and g

Multiply the grams by 7.

126 × 7 = 882 g. Write 882 under g column.

Multiply the kilograms

32 × 7 = 224 kg

Write 224 under kg column.

Hence, 32 kg 126 g × 7 = 224 kg 882 g.

When measurements are given as combination of two units, we can also first convert the bigger units to lower units and then multiply.

Alternative method:

First convert 32 kg 162 g into gram and then multiply by 7.

Multiplication of Mass

32 kg 126 g = 32000 g + 126 g

                     = 32126 g

32126 × 7 = 224882 g

Convert 224882 g into kg

224882 g = 224000 + 882 g

                  = 224 kg + 882 g

                  = 224 kg 882 g

Hence 32 kg 126 g × 7 = 224 kg 882 g

3. Multiply 19 kg 763 g by 5.


First convert 19 kg 763 g into gram and then multiply by 5.

Multiplication of Units of Mass

19 kg 763 g = 19000 g + 763 g

                      = 19763 g

19763 × 5 = 98815 g

Convert 98815 g into kg

98815 g = 98000 + 815 g

               = 98 kg + 815 g

               = 98 kg 815 g

Hence, 19 kg 763 g × 5 = 98 kg 815 g

Questions and Answers on Multiplication of Units of Mass:

1. The weight of one piece of each object is given. Find the weight of more.

Multiplication of Weight

(i) 5 bottles: __________

(ii) 20 pairs of shoes: __________

(iii) 10 books: __________

(iv) 45 bats: __________

(v) 17 chairs: __________

(vi) 16 pairs of skating boots: __________


1. (i) 9 kg

(ii) 30 kg

(iii) 31 kg 500 g

(iv) 40 kg 500 g

(v) 72 kg 250 g

(vi) 42 kg 80 g

2. Multiply the given:

(i) 7 kg 34 g by 10

(ii) 42 g 30 mg by 5

(iii) 48 kg 16 g by 6

(iv) 80 kg 450 g by 3

(v) 33 g 72 mg by 11

(vi) 9 kg 355 g by 6


2. (i) 70 kg 340 g

(ii) 210 g 150 mg

(iii) 288 kg 96 g

(iv) 241 kg 350 g

(v) 363 g 792 mg

(vi) 56 kg 130 g

5th Grade Numbers

5th Grade Math Problems

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