Interior and Exterior of the Polygon

We will learn about the interior and exterior of the polygon.

Interior angles of the polygon:

Two consecutive sides meeting at a common point from an angle called the interior angle of the polygon.

A quadrilateral has four interior angles. In the given adjoining figure of a quadrilateral ∠BAD, ∠ADC, ∠DCB and ∠CBA are the four interior angles.

Interior Angles of a Quadrilateral

A pentagon has five interior angles. In the given adjoining figure of a pentagon ∠ABC, ∠BCD, ∠CDE, ∠DEA and ∠EAB are the five interior angles.

Interior Angles of a Pentagon

A hexagon has six interior angles. In the given adjoining figure of a hexagon ∠ABC, ∠BCD, ∠CDE, ∠DEF, ∠EFA and ∠FAB are the six interior angles.

Interior Angles of a Hexagon

Exterior angles of the polygon:

On extending the side of the polygon, the angle formed outside, between the extended side and its consecutive side is called the exterior angle of the polygon.

A triangle has three exterior angles. In the given adjoining figure of a triangle ∠BAD, ∠ACF and ∠CBE and are the three exterior angles.

Exterior Angles of a Triangle

A quadrilateral has four exterior angles. In the given adjoining figure of a quadrilateral ∠DAE, ∠ABF, ∠BCG and ∠CDH are the four exterior angles.

Exterior Angles of a Quadrilateral

A pentagon has five exterior angles. In the given adjoining figure of a pentagon ∠EAF, ∠ABG, ∠BCH, ∠CDI and ∠DEJ are the five exterior angles.

Exterior Angles of a Pentagon

Note: An exterior angle and the adjacent interior angle form a linear pair.


Polygon and its Classification

Terms Related to Polygons

Interior and Exterior of the Polygon

Convex and Concave Polygons

Regular and Irregular Polygon

Number of Triangles Contained in a Polygon

Angle Sum Property of a Polygon

Problems on Angle Sum Property of a Polygon

Sum of the Interior Angles of a Polygon

Sum of the Exterior Angles of a Polygon

7th Grade Math Problems 

8th Grade Math Practice 

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